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Fluye el Sena
Originalmente publicadas por separado, estas tres nouvelles ponen de nuevo en escena al infalible comisario Adamsberg, inmerso esta vez en los bajos fondos y en el inquietante y oscuro mundo de los clochards de la capital francesa.
La tercera virgen
El fantasma de una monja del siglo XVIII que degollaba a sus víctimas, cadáveres de vírgenes profanados, pociones mágicas que aseguran la vida eterna, un rival del pasado más remoto que habla en verso... Con todo esto se encontrará el comisario Adamsberg en esta inquietante y negrísima novela.
Siruela Tiempos de hielo
Blanvalet Taschenbuchverl Bei Einbruch der Nacht
Simon & Schuster Seeking Whom He May Devour
J'ai lu L'armee furieuse
J'ai lu L'homme aux cercles bleus
J'ai lu Un lieu incertain
Debolsillo Huye rapido, vete lejos
Tiempos de hielo
Un extraño club de admiradores de Robespierre, viejos rencores familiares, pistas falsas, reminiscencias de antiguos mitos nórdicos;, y la imbatible sagacidad del comisario Adamsberg y su brigada son los ingredientes de esta magnífica intriga.
Editions 84 Un peu plus loin sur la droite
Limes Verlag Jenseits des Grabes
Blanvalet Taschenbuchverl Der vierzehnte Stein
Blanvalet Taschenbuchverl Die dritte Jungfrau
J'ai lu Sans feu ni lieu
J'ai lu Sous les vents de Neptune
J'ai lu Pars vite et reviens tard
J'ai lu Quand sort la recluse
Debolsillo Tiempos de hielo
El Ejército Furioso
El comisario Adamsberg tendrá que enfrentarse a una terrorífica leyenda medieval normanda, la del Ejército Furioso: una horda de caballeros muertos vivientes que recorren los bosques tomándose la justicia por su mano...
Astiberri Ediciones El vendedor de estropajos
Baudoin retrata el París de Fred Vargas
J'ai lu Debout les morts
Simon & Schuster Have Mercy on Us All
Limes Verlag Klimawandel ein Appell
Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag Das Zeichen des Widders Mit Zeichnungen von Baudoin
J'ai lu Temps glaciaires
Astiberri Ediciones Los cuatro ríos
Encuadernacion: RústicaLos cuatro ríos es la historia del encuentro entre dos universos: la novela y el cómic. Pero, sobre todo, es la historia del encuentro entre dos autores. Por un lado, Fred Vargas, una creadora de éxito internacional que escribe novela negra, y por otro, Edmond Baudoin, un veterano autor referente en la renovación de la nueva BD francesa. Fred Vargas ha escrito un guión y Baudoin lo ha puesto en imágenes, con un trazo ligero que capta como nadie el alma de los personajes. Y la historia? Simplificando podría decirse que es una novela policíaca. Con todos sus ingredientes: crimen, investigación, sospechoso inquietante. Y también un comisario:el célebre Adamsberg, procedente de las novelas de Vargas. Pero sobre todo es una historia de seres humanos, poblada de personajes aferrados a su singularidad. Singularidad que puede tomar la forma de una escultura de Bernini reconstruida con chapas y latas de cerveza Los cuatro ríos, realizado a cuatro manos, en un diálogo p
Libros de la Umbría y la Solana, S.L. Pequeño tratado de todas las verdades sobre la existencia
Aufbau-Verlag GmbH Die Schwarzen Wasser Der Seine
Blanvalet Taschenbuchverl Der verbotene Ort
Blanvalet Taschenbuchverl Die schöne Diva von SaintJacques
Blanvalet Taschenbuchverl Der Zorn der Einsiedlerin Kriminalroman
Aufbau Verlage GmbH Die Tote im Pelzmantel Mit einem Nachwort von Klaus Schikowski Kommissar Adamsberg ermittelt
Siruela Un lugar incierto
Encuadernación: RústicaEl comisario Adambersg se halla en Londres invitado por Scotland Yard para asistir a un congreso. Un hecho macabro alertará a su colega inglés: frenta al antiguo cementerio de Highgate han aparecido diecisiete zapatos con sus respectivos pies dentro, cercenados. Mientras comienza la investigación, la delegación francesa regresa a su país y allí descubre también un horrible crimen en un chalet en las afueras de París: un anciano periodista especializado en tmas judiciales ha sido, a primvera vista, triturado. El comisarios, con la ayuda de Danglard, relacionará los dos casos, que le harán seguir una pista de cazadores de vampiros que le conducirá hasta un pequeño pueblo de Serbia...
Siruela Cuando sale la reclusa
Blanvalet Taschenbuchverl Der untröstliche Witwer von Montparnasse
Blanvalet Taschenbuchverl Es geht noch ein Zug von der Gare du Nord
Blanvalet Taschenbuchverl Die Nacht des Zorns Kriminalroman
J'ai Lu Sur la dalle
Editions 84 Coule la Seine Nouveau Policier
Vintage Publishing The Ghost Riders of Ordebec: A Commissaire Adamsberg novel
‘People will die,’ says the panic-stricken woman outside police headquarters. She refuses to speak to anyone besides Commissaire Adamsberg. Her daughter has seen a vision: ghostly horsemen who target the most nefarious characters in Normandy. Since the middle ages there have been stories of murderers, rapists, those with serious crimes on their conscience, meeting a grisly end following a visitation by the riders. Soon after the young woman’s vision a notoriously vicious and cruel man disappears. Although the case is far outside his jurisdiction, Adamsberg agrees to investigate the strange happenings in a village terrorised by wild rumours and ancient feuds.
Vintage Publishing Wash This Blood Clean From My Hand
Between 1943 and 2003 nine people have been stabbed to death with a most unusual weapon: a trident. In each case, arrests were made, suspects confessed their crimes and were sentenced to life in prison. One slightly worrying detail: each presumed murderer lost consciousness during the night of the crime and has no recollection of it. Commissaire Adamsberg is convinced all the murders are the work of one person, the terrifying Judge Fulgence. Years before, Adamsberg's own brother had been the principal suspect in a similar case and avoided prison only thanks to Adamsberg's help.History repeats itself when Adamsberg, who is temporarily based in Quebec for a training mission, is accused of having savagely murdered a young woman he had met. In order to prove his innocence, Adamsberg must go on the run from the Canadian police and find Judge Fulgence.Winner of the 2007 Duncan Lawrie International Dagger for The Three Evangelists.
Vintage Publishing A Climate of Fear
*Featured in The Times top ten crime novels of the decade*THE NEW INSPECTOR ADAMSBERG NOVELShortlisted for the CWA International Dagger 2017A woman is found dead in her bath. The murder has been disguised as a suicide and a strange symbol is discovered at the scene.Then the symbol is observed near a second victim, who ten years earlier had also taken part in a doomed expedition to Iceland.How are these deaths, and rumours of an Icelandic demon, linked to a secretive local society? And what does the mysterious sign mean? Commissaire Adamsberg is about to find out.
Vintage Publishing This Poison Will Remain
** Sunday Times Crime Book of the Month **The exhilarating new Inspector Adamsberg novel from France's multi-million-copy bestselling crime fiction star**A NEW STATESMAN BOOK OF THE YEAR 2020**'Adamsberg is one of my favourite detectives... I so enjoyed This Poison Will Remain' ANN CLEEVESAfter three elderly men are bitten by spiders, everyone assumes that their deaths are tragic accidents. But at police headquarters in Paris, Inspector Adamsberg begins to suspect that the case is far more complex than first appears.It isn't long before Adamsberg is investigating a series of rumours and allegations that take him to the south of France. Decades ago, at La Miséricorde orphanage, shocking events took place involving the same species of spider: the recluse.For Adamsberg, these haunting crimes hold the key to proving that the three men were targeted by an ingenious serial killer. His team, however, is not convinced. He must put his reputation on the line to trace the murderer before the death toll rises..._______________________PRAISE FOR THIS POISON WILL REMAIN:'Absorbing... Full of twists and spiced with Vargas's characteristic wit and style' PETER ROBINSON'Vargas is an addictive writer whose surreal touches create a curiously solid world' INDEPENDENT'Vargas's books are...cunning, corkscrew murder mysteries' A.J. FINN
Vintage Publishing This Night's Foul Work
On the outskirts of Paris, two men have been found with their throats cut. In Normandy, two stags have been killed and their hearts cut out. Meanwhile a seventy-five-year-old nurse who has murdered several of her patients has escaped from prison. Is there a connection between the three cases?In this mystery, Commissaire Adamsberg is pitted against nemeses past and present: Ariane Lagarde, France's foremost pathologist and Adamsberg's enemy since they argued over a case twenty-three years earlier, and Louis Veyrenc, a new recruit with a grudge, who has been assigned the job of protecting the Commissaire's ex-girlfriend. As the different strands of Vargas's compelling story begin to intertwine, events move towards a gripping climax...Shortlisted for the Duncan Lawrie International Dagger.
Vintage Publishing The Three Evangelists
The opera singer Sophia Siméonidis wakes up one morning to discover that a tree has appeared overnight in the garden of her Paris house. Intrigued and unnerved, she turns to her neighbours: Vandoosler, an ex-cop, and three impecunious historians, Mathias, Marc and Lucien - the three evangelists. They agree to dig around the tree and see if something has been buried there. They find nothing but soil. A few weeks later, Sophia disappears and her body is found burned to ashes in a car. Who killed the opera singer? Her husband, her ex-lover, her best friend, her niece? They all seem to have a motive. Vandoosler and the three evangelists set out to find the truth.