Search results for ""author basil""
Pindar Press Studies in Chinese and Islamic Art, Volume I: Chinese Art
Basil Gray's publications on Chinese and Islamic art have done much to introduce these subjects to a European public. This first volume deals with Chinese painting and luxury art. An introductory section on Chinese art attempts to chart the aesthetic and philosophical ideas that lie at the roots of Chinese culture, and which have succeeded in dictating the development of this highly individual civilization. A second section, on Chinese painting, examines the early development of Chinese scroll painting and its subsequent influence on Japanese and European artists. The influence of Chinese painting on the earliest Western visitors to the court at Peking and on subsequent European collectors, is of particular interest. The third section deals with lacquer and metalwork, and includes a number of studies which attempt to answer problems of attribution and influence. The volume concludes with two reports on the museums of modern China and Japan.
Monthly Review Press,U.S. Unity and Struggle
SPCK To be a Pilgrim A Spiritual Notebook
Explores a spirituality open to people of various ages and in different walks of life. This book includes a collection of the Cardinal's thoughts, on the Christian life, the destination of which is eternal happiness with God.
Lars Müller Publishers Protest Eine Zukunftspraxis
Bloodaxe Books Ltd Briggflatts
Basil Bunting was one of the most important British poets of the 20th century. Acknowledged since the 1930s as a major figure in Modernist poetry, first by Pound and Zukofsky and later by younger writers, the Northumbrian master poet had to wait over 30 years before his genius was finally recognised in Britain – in 1966, with the publication of Briggflatts, which Cyril Connolly called ‘the finest long poem to have been published in England since T.S. Eliot’s Four Quartets’. Bunting called Briggflatts his ‘autobiography’. It is a complex work, drawing on many elements of his life, experience and knowledge, and features the saint Cuthbert and the warrior king Eric Bloodaxe as two opposing aspects of the Northumbrian – and his – character. Its structural models include the sonata form (and Scarlatti’s music in particular) and the latticework of the Lindisfarne Gospels, while thematically it recalls Wordsworth’s Prelude. Bunting wrote that ‘Poetry, like music, is to be heard.’ His own readings of his own work are essential listening for a full appreciation of his highly musical poetry. This new edition includes a CD with an audio recording Bunting made of Briggflatts in 1967 and a DVD of Peter Bell’s 1982 film portrait of Bunting. As well as his own notes to the poem (and a posthumously published additional Note), the new edition includes his seminal essay on sound and meaning in poetry, ‘The Poet’s Point of View’ (1966), and other background material. All his poetry is available in Complete Poems (Bloodaxe Books, 2000). ‘Briggflatts is one of the few great poems of this century. It seems to me greater each time I read it’ – Thom Gunn. ‘His poems are the most important which have appeared in any form of the English language since T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land’ – Hugh MacDiarmid.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Monetary Policy and Crude Oil: Prices, Production and Consumption
The global crude oil market is critically important in many respects. It is the fuel that drives the global economy and, as such, is the focus of climate policies. Moreover, crude oil is the basis of a tradable financial asset. It is therefore connected to several outstanding macroeconomic developments of recent years, including financial market fluctuations, the financial crisis and the exceptional conduct of monetary policy. This book investigates the impacts of monetary policy and the financial system on the global crude oil market. Furthermore, it outlines how monetary policy may also be used to guarantee stability and to contribute to ecological sustainability. This unique and innovative book will appeal to students and economists interested in macroeconomics, the environment, energy and monetary policy. It will also be essential reading for policy makers and those interested in economic policy that will benefit both society and the environment.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Marketing and Selling Professional Services in Architecture and Construction
This practical book on selling and marketing will help architects, engineers, project managers, facilities managers, surveyors, and contractors ‘sell’ themselves to prospective clients. As clients become more sophisticated at both local and international level, and as competition in the construction industry increases, both contractors and consultants have to take a more professional approach to selling themselves. This is especially true for PFI bids where vast resources are committed to winning multi-million pound contracts. Through a simple-to-follow process, illustrated with plenty of diagrams and checklists, Marketing & Selling Professional Services in Architecture & Construction sets out the seven key aspects of selling and marketing professional services. It is full of applicable ideas and examples and is well structured to enable readers to dip into the section relevant to their current needs.
Liverpool University Press The French Image of China before and after Voltaire: 1963
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Book of Saints: A Comprehensive Biographical Dictionary
Now fully revised and updated The Book of Saints is a comprehensive biographical dictionary of saints canonised by the Roman Catholic Church. It contains the names of over 10,000 saints, including all modern ones, with significant information about their lives and achievements. Each section begins with an illustration of a particular saint, and the volume includes a list of national martyrs, a bibliography, and a helpful glossary. Produced by the Benedictine monks of St. Augustine's Abbey, Chilworth (formerly Ramsgate) this classic resource is now in its 8th edition, and is fully revised to include all the saints canonised in the last ten years, including Pope St John Paul II and Blessed Paul VI.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Footprints of the Northern Saints
Presents the late Cardinal’s personal reflections on themes such as prayer, solitude, and living the Christian life today. A beautiful book with full colour photographs.
Sophia Institute Press Holy Silence: A Practical Guide to Recollection in God
New Directions Complete Poems
Herder Verlag GmbH Solidarnosc
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Development Macroeconomics: Alternative Strategies for Growth
This insightful book offers a comprehensive analysis of how macroeconomics can steer development and reduce poverty. It untangles how developing countries can apply effective economic policies in spite of the challenges they face. With an aim to design a macroeconomic strategy which would provide a stable and long-term growth plan, Basil Oberholzer explores the multiple constraints which prevent developing countries from reducing poverty. The author reveals how countries' scope of action is strongly limited by international economic dynamics, including current account imbalances, capital flight, foreign debt accumulation, and exchange rate fluctuations. His detailed examination of how international payments take place within the current monetary structure also illuminates fundamental flaws that are harmful for developing countries. Applying a newly developed monetary macroeconomic model, Oberholzer suggests a reform of countries' international payments as a solution to these key problems. This book will prove to be a valuable resource for students and scholars of development economics and macroeconomics. Its analysis of how appropriate macroeconomic strategies can be established, pragmatic policy recommendations, and explanation of critical macroeconomic constraints will also be beneficial for policy-makers in progressive governments.
James Currey The Search for Africa: A History in the Making
The collection gathers together the questions and answers that have come out of the author's lifelong fascination with Africa. These essays and articles, written between 1953 and 1993, explore the development of an African historiography and, in that context, the author's own development. People who have been involved all their lives with Africa willbe reminded of how many times Basil Davidson has given them new insights. People who approach the study of Africa for the first time will find this collection opens out their perceptions. North America: Times/Random House
CABI Publishing Genetic Diversity of Cacao and its Utilization
The cacao (Theobroma cacao) plant is an important Neo-Tropical species whose natural habitat is the Amazon basin. Over the last 30 years there has been a considerable geographical expansion in the availability of cacao genetic resources. As a result the plant has a rich genetic diversity that exists at two levels: that of the primitive populations in the area of original distribution of the species, and that of the derived cultivated populations. This book provides a comprehensive review of our current knowledge of the diversity of the species. It starts by examining the diversity and inheritance of the characteristics of primitive populations in the Amazonian and Caribbean regions. It then looks at the evolution of diversity within cultivated populations first in South America and around the Caribbean, and then beyond the Americas. The book describes the inter-relationships between populations based on morphological and molecular markers. It also examines the conservation of genetic resources and how these genetic resources can be utilized to produce new cultivars.
University of Nebraska Press Ojibway Heritage
"A colorful, beautiful book which teaches us about ourselves as much as about one of North America's native peoples."—Vancouver SunRarely accessible to the general public, Ojibway mythology is as rich in meaning, as broad, as deep, and as innately appealing as the mythologies of Greece, Rome, and other Western civilizations. In Ojibway Heritage Basil Johnston introduces his people's ceremonies, rituals, songs, dances, prayers, arid legends. Conveying the sense of wonder and mystery at the heart of the Ojibway experience, Johnston describes the creation of the universe, followed by that of plants and animals and human beings, and the paths taken by the latter. These stories are to be read, enjoyed, and freely interpreted. Their authorship is perhaps most properly attributed to the tribal storytellers who have carried on the oral tradition that Johnston records and preserves in this book.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Sailor's Little Book: Sayings of the Sea
This nautical medley combines wit and wisdom for present-day sailors, acquired over the author’s lifetime. Serious advice blends with humorous anecdotes in essential bunk-side (or bedside) reading, both for sailors and for landlubbers.
John Wiley & Sons Seapower in the Postmodern World
Biteback Publishing Odd People: Hunting Spies in the First World War
First World War espionage was a fascinating and dangerous affair, spawning widespread paranoia in its clandestine wake. The hysteria of the age, stoked by those within the British establishment who sought to manipulate popular panic, meant there was no shortage of suspects. Exaggerated claims were rife: some 80,000 Germans were supposedly hidden all over Britain, just waiting for an impending (and imagined) invasion. No one could be trusted - Against this backdrop, as head of Scotland Yard's Criminal Investigation Department, it was Basil Thomson's responsibility to hunt, arrest and interrogate the potential German spies identifi ed by the nascent British intelligence services. Thomson's story is an extraordinary compendium of sleuthing and secrets from a real-life Sherlock Holmes, following the trails of the many specimens he tracked, including the famous dancer, courtesan and spy, Mata Hari. Yet his activities gained him enemies, as did his criticism of British intelligence, his ambition to control MI5 and his efforts to root out left-wing revolutionaries - which would ultimately prove to be the undoing of his career. Odd People is the insightful and wittily observed account of Thomson's incomparably exciting job, offering us a rare glimpse into the dizzying world of spies and the mind of the detective charged with foiling their elaborate plots. The Dialogue Espionage Classics series began in 2010 with the purpose of bringing back classic out-of-print spy stories that should never be forgotten. From the Great War to the Cold War, from the French Resistance to the Cambridge Five, from Special Operations to Bletchley Park, this fascinating spy history series includes some of the best military, espionage and adventure stories ever told.
Pindar Press Studies in Chinese and Islamic Art, Volume II: Chinese Ceramics and Islamic Art
This second volume of Basil Gray's studies covers his work on Chinese ceramics and on Islamic art. Appropriately, Chinese ceramics proved the most potent medium in introducing Islamic artists to the motifs of Chinese painting, in view of their wide popularity in the Middle East. The articles on Islamic art were written over a period of forty years. Early studies on Persian manuscript painting of the Mongol period are followed by papers on Turkish and Indian manuscript illumination, and general studies on Chinese influence in Persian painting, and on textiles and glass.
Prometheus Books The Forgotten Genius of Oliver Heaviside: A Maverick of Electrical Science
FINALIST! 2019 IEEE William and Joyce Middleton Electrical Engineering History Award This biography of Oliver Heaviside profiles the life of an underappreciated genius and describes his many contributions to electrical science, which proved to be essential to the future of mass communications. Oliver Heaviside (1850 -1925) may not be a household name but he was one of the great pioneers of electrical science: his work led to huge advances in communications and became the bedrock of the subject of electrical engineering as it is taught and practiced today. His ideas and original accomplishments are now so much a part of everyday electrical science that they are simply taken for granted; almost nobody wonders how they came about and Heaviside's name has been lost from view. This book tells the complete story of this extraordinary though often unappreciated scientist. The author interweaves details of Heaviside's life and personality with clear explanations of his many important contributions to the field of electrical engineering. He describes a man with an irreverent sense of fun who cared nothing for social or mathematical conventions and lived a fiercely independent life. His achievements include creating the mathematical tools that were to prove essential to the proper understanding and use of electricity, finding a way to rid telephone lines of the distortion that had stifled progress, and showing that electrical power doesn't flow in a wire but in the space alongside it. At first his ideas were thought to be weird, even outrageous, and he had to battle long and hard to get them accepted. Yet by the end of his life he was awarded the first Faraday Medal. This engrossing story will restore long-overdue recognition to a scientist whose achievements in many ways were as crucial to our modern age as those of Edison's and Tesla's.
Fernhurst Books Limited Cockpit Companion
A handy, splash-proof, on-the-water aide memoire of everything the skipper and crew need to know – or find out quickly – when cruising: from lights, shapes and sound signals to knots, ropes and engine troubleshooting. With diagrams and illustrations throughout, this quick reference guide will help to keep you safe when out at sea.
Baker Publishing Group George Muller – Man of Faith and Miracles
The remarkable and challenging story of a man who dared to believe that God both could and would supply all of his needswhether personal or for the thousands of orphans in his care!Though confirmed in the church at the age of 14, George Muller was raised without a real concept of God. By the time he was 16, he was in jail as a vagabond and thief.In his early twenties he came in contact with a group of people who met regularly for prayer and Bible study. Through their witness he was brought to a turning point in his life and was born into the family of God. Daily Bible reading and prayer immediately became an important part of his Christian life and a cornerstone of his future orphanage ministry.The personal story of one of the greatest prayer-warriors of the past century.
John Wiley & Sons Seapower in the Postmodern World
Este libro es una fuente de paz y tranquilidad. A la vez que nos introduce en los usos y costumbres monásticos, nos propone el amable desafío de hacer nuestras estas prácticas para combatir el agobiante y apresurado ritmo de vida de vida que impera en nuestra sociedad. Es la oración de la Liturgia de las horas, el espíritu contemplativo, el trabajo en armonía con la creación, la lectura de los textos sagrados y el proceso de la Lectio Divina, lo que resurge en esta arrebatadora obra.
Editorial Juventud S.A. Ingles Para Espanoles: Curso Superior
Rowman & Littlefield Pedagogy, Symbolic Control, and Identity
This book, the fifth in the series developing BernsteinOs code theory, presents a lucid account of the most recent developments of this code theory and, importantly, shows the close relation between this development and the empirical research to which the theory has given rise. Pedagogy, Symbolic Control and Identity addresses the central issue of BernsteinOs research project: are there any general principles underlying the transformation of knowledge into pedagogic communication? In BernsteinOs view, we have studied only pedagogic messages and their institutional and ideological base. We have not studied the nature of the relay which makes messages possible. The discussion of this research forms part II of this book, where Bernstein makes explicit the methodology of the research and, in particular, the crucial significance of languages of description. This new edition of Bernstein's classic book is updated with three new chapters: on discourse, on official knowledge and identities, and a wide ranging interview with Joseph Solomon. The new edition, published as Volume Five in his Class, Codes, and Control Series, builds on the continuing tradition of Bernstein's highly influential work on class, education, language, and society.
Africa World Press African Civilisation Revisited: From Antiquity to Modern Times
Faber & Faber The Poems of Basil Bunting
Basil Bunting's work was published haphazardly throughout most of his life, and in many cases he did not oversee publication. This is the first critical edition of the complete poems, and offers an accurate text with variants from all printed sources. Don Share annotates Bunting's often complex and allusive verse, with much illuminating quotation from his prose writings, interviews and correspondence. He also examines Bunting's use of sources (including Persian literature and classical mythology), and explores the Northumbrian roots of Bunting's poetic vocabulary and use of dialect.
University of Exeter Press Communication Across Cultures: The Linguistics of Texts in Translation (Expanded and Revised Edition)
A unique synthesis of contrastive linguistics and discourse analysis, providing a core text for upper undergraduates and postgraduates taking courses in language, applied linguistics, translation and cultural studies. The book will also be of interest to language teachers and other applied linguists, as well as translators and interpreters. This revised and expanded edition includes important updates reflecting the growth over the past two decades in the theoretical study of translation and contrastive linguistics, and the wide-ranging practical applications of such studies. It offers authoritative updates on the major issues of translation and contrastive linguistics, using new practical examples and case studies that present the latest exploratory research of interest to both students and practitioners. While English and Arabic remain the language pair used for illustrative purposes, the analytic tools and theoretical overviews presented are of global applicability. The main objectives pursued remain the training of future linguists and, more broadly, an increased awareness of the subtleties of discourse on the part of language users.
RIBA Publishing Creating Winning Bids
'Creating Winning Bids' sets out the key stages in the production of a winning bid. Based on tried and tested methods, and using a simple step-by-step process, it will improve your chances of success in what can otherwise seem a daunting and complex process. Distilling the author’s experience of over 25 years of bidding in the public and private sectors, it is packed with practical tips about what your client really wants to see. Beginning with a concise look at how to find new opportunities for work, it examines the various types of bid that can be made and includes invaluable explanations of the jargon used in the bidding process – from OJEU to PQQs. The guide goes on to explore: • all that you need to establish before the tender or pre-qualification process starts • how to improve the chances of success through understanding your competitors and the client • how to plan the process for bid preparation • the important “bid or no bid” decision process • the seven ‘must-have’ elements of a winning bid document • how to ensure you catch the client’s eye – including information in a relevant and creative manner. Illustrated throughout with useful diagrams and checklists, and covering a range of procurement routes, this guide will help anyone from the sole practitioner to the large firm with a dedicated bidding team to create practical and perfectly-tailored winning bids.
HarperCollins The Fabulous Zed Watson!
Novello & Co Ltd Sing Nowell
Prometheus Books Faraday, Maxwell, and the Electromagnetic Field: How Two Men Revolutionized Physics
The story of two brilliant nineteenth-century scientists who discovered the electromagnetic field, laying the groundwork for the amazing technological and theoretical breakthroughs of the twentieth century Two of the boldest and most creative scientists of all time were Michael Faraday (1791-1867) and James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879). This is the story of how these two men - separated in age by forty years - discovered the existence of the electromagnetic field and devised a radically new theory which overturned the strictly mechanical view of the world that had prevailed since Newton's time. The authors, veteran science writers with special expertise in physics and engineering, have created a lively narrative that interweaves rich biographical detail from each man's life with clear explanations of their scientific accomplishments. Faraday was an autodidact, who overcame class prejudice and a lack of mathematical training to become renowned for his acute powers of experimental observation, technological skills, and prodigious scientific imagination. James Clerk Maxwell was highly regarded as one of the most brilliant mathematical physicists of the age. He made an enormous number of advances in his own right. But when he translated Faraday's ideas into mathematical language, thus creating field theory, this unified framework of electricity, magnetism and light became the basis for much of later, 20th-century physics. Faraday's and Maxwell's collaborative efforts gave rise to many of the technological innovations we take for granted today - from electric power generation to television, and much more. Told with panache, warmth, and clarity, this captivating story of their greatest work - in which each played an equal part - and their inspiring lives will bring new appreciation to these giants of science.
Editorial Juventud S.A. Ingles Para Espanoles: Curso Elemental
Editorial Juventud S.A. Ingles Para Espanoles: Curso Medio
Edition Königstuhl Schweiz sonderbare Schweiz
Bod Third Party Titles Der methodische Zweifel in Descartes Erster Meditation
Pearson Education Limited Hot Spot Caribbean Writers Series Heinemann Caribbean Writers Series
Saqi Books English-Arabic/Arabic-English Translation: A Practical Guide
Unlike other available translation manuals, English-Arabic/Arabic-English Translation: A Practical Guide transcends crude dichotomies of 'literal' vs 'free' translation, 'specialized' vs 'general', 'communicative' vs 'semantic.' It concentrates instead on developing a sensitivity to text-types and a deeper understanding of the demands that a given type makes on the translator. In addition, those who follow this guide will acquire the analytical tools needed to make meaningful comments about translation and translations. The guide is divided into three sections: translating legal texts; translating detached exposition; and translating argumentation. Thus the development of the student's translation skills and strategies starts with objective, non-evaluative texts and progressively moves on to extremely involved and highly evaluative texts. The sections are divided into units. Each unit contains an overview which contextualizes the particular text-form under discussion, a carefully chosen selection of texts and detailed notes and glossaries helps guide the student to the most appropriate translation. A glossary of text-linguistic and translation terms is provided together with a select bibliography. This guide will prove invaluable for both students and teachers of translation. Professional translators will also find this guide a useful tool.
Austin Macauley Publishers Myths, History, and Art: Twelve Essays on Art as Deception
Cosmo Publications The Death of Socrates
University of Exeter Press Communication Across Cultures: The Linguistics of Texts in Translation (Expanded and Revised Edition)
A unique synthesis of contrastive linguistics and discourse analysis, providing a core text for upper undergraduates and postgraduates taking courses in language, applied linguistics, translation and cultural studies. The book will also be of interest to language teachers and other applied linguists, as well as translators and interpreters. This revised and expanded edition includes important updates reflecting the growth over the past two decades in the theoretical study of translation and contrastive linguistics, and the wide-ranging practical applications of such studies. It offers authoritative updates on the major issues of translation and contrastive linguistics, using new practical examples and case studies that present the latest exploratory research of interest to both students and practitioners. While English and Arabic remain the language pair used for illustrative purposes, the analytic tools and theoretical overviews presented are of global applicability. The main objectives pursued remain the training of future linguists and, more broadly, an increased awareness of the subtleties of discourse on the part of language users.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Man Who Changed Everything: The Life of James Clerk Maxwell
This is the first biography in twenty years of James Clerk Maxwell, one of the greatest scientists of our time and yet a man relatively unknown to the wider public. Approaching science with a freshness unbound by convention or previous expectations, he produced some of the most original scientific thinking of the nineteenth century — and his discoveries went on to shape the twentieth century.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Europe at the Crossroads
Smith|Doorstop Books Old