Search results for ""Select Books Inc""
Select Books Inc A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State
In A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, John W. Whitehead charts America's transition from a society governed by "we the people" to a police state governed by the strong arm of the law. In such an environment, the law becomes yet another tool to oppress the people. As a constitutional attorney of national prominence, and as president of The Rutherford Institute, an international civil liberties organization, Whitehead has been at the forefront of the fight for civil liberties in this country. The recurring theme at the heart of A Government of Wolves is that the American people are in grave danger of losing their basic freedoms. The simple fact is that the Constitution - and in particular the Bill of Rights - is being undermined on virtually every front. Indeed, everything America was founded upon is in some way being challenged. The openness and freedom that were once the hallmarks of our society are now in peril. We were once a society that valued individual liberty and privacy. But in recent years we have turned into a culture that has quietly accepted surveillance cameras, police and drug-sniffing dogs in our children's schools, national databases that track our finances and activities, sneak-and-peek searches of our homes without our knowledge or consent, and anti-terrorism laws that turn average Americans into suspects. In short, America has become a lockdown nation, and we are all in danger. A Government of Wolves not only explains these acute problems but is a call to action offering timely and practical initiatives for Americans to take charge of present course of history and stop the growing police state. But time is running out. We are at critical juncture and every citizen who values his or her personal freedom needs to pay close attention to the message in this book!
Select Books Inc Happy Genetics: From Epigenetics to Happiness
Is it possible to reverse the rate of stress, illness and sickness? Yes, simply by choosing Happiness as the driving force for change! In a simple and clear way the book will introduce us to the understanding of epigenetics and stem cell research, giving us new and practical keys to bringing more Wellness and Health into our lives.
Select Books Inc The Fundable Startup: How Disruptive Companies Attract Capital
If you are the founder of a high-tech startup company, you know it's a daunting task, and the odds of success are slim. All founders dream of achieving a rewarding outcome like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, but few reach such a pinnacle. In The Fundable Startup: How Disruptive Companies Attract Capital, Fred M. Haney, an experienced venture capitalist, angel investor, and company founder, explains startup strategies that will help you:Understand the thinking of investorsBuild a "virtual team"Create initial value in a product or prototypeRecruit management that will help you raise capitalThe Fundable Startup contains eight personal interviews with executives and entrepreneurs that will change the way founders think about managing a startup company.
Select Books Inc Original Politics: Making America Sacred Again
To recreate a whole and sacred America, it is important to piece together the forgotten fragments of history that are currently keeping the country divided. Just as a traditional Native American potter begins a new pot with shards of old pots—honoring the ancestors, bringing the energies of the past into the present—Original Politics re-constellates the nation as a whole out of the seemingly disparate shards from our origins. The most significant forgotten piece is the profound effect Native America had on the founding values of this nation. Original Politics convincingly demonstrates how the best aspects of the founding vision of America were inspired, or directly appropriated, from living, Native American cultures: concepts such as natural rights, liberty, and egalitarian justice. Further, Parry traces the influence of Native America not only on the founding fathers, but on the ‘founding mothers’ of the 19th century women’s movement; as well as the 19th century abolitionist and modern ecological movements. Native America has inspired what Parry sees as the sacred purpose of the nation: bringing all the world’s peoples together on one soil in a harmonious cultural mosaic of unity in diversity. While there have been periodic setbacks (devolution) in our nation’s history, including today, these only serve as catalysts reigniting our sacred purpose. America is creating a new melting pot, and like the original vision, it will be a creation from the many into the one—only this time it must not leave anyone out. This includes the natural world. Original Politics is ultimately about respecting all forms of life and all forms of political expression as different aspects of one whole. It is a reclamation project that brings people, land, and nation together as one. The overall effect of the book is profoundly healing.
Select Books Inc Free Range Learning in the Digital Age: The Emerging Revolution in College, Career, and Education
Select Books Inc Washington Power Play: A Political Thriller
In typical Topol style, Washington Power Play spins a tale of international intrigue, deception, and corruption at the highest levels of power. Kelly Cameron, a young FBI agent, has just thwarted a terrorist attack on the Walter Reed hospital in Washington, and is now put in charge of a task force to find a mole in the U.S. Government. She soon finds evidence of a plot initiated by the Chinese government supporting General Cartwright to be elected as the U.S. President. Kelly's efforts to thwart this plan are hindered by Xiang Shen, a Chinese diplomat who was once her lover, and Andrew Martin, a powerful Washington lawyer, who has strong ties to the Chinese. Kelly faces danger with repeated attacks on her life and her daughter's kidnapping. At stake in the Washington Power Play is the global balance of power.
Select Books Inc Sustainability Sutra
Select Books Inc Take Me with You
During the spring of my fourteenth year, I ran away from home. On a cold night in early February, I disappeared into a Kansas snowstorm. My family lived outside Kansas City. For much of our time together, Dad preached at Edwardsville Christian Church. We lived in the parsonage, a two-bedroom box just south of the railroad tracks separating the white and black parts of town. As the Civil Rights movement heated up, Mom crossed the tracks whenever she could. For that, and for other indiscernible reasons, Dad beat her. My story begins during America's Civil Rights movement, a time when my family fell apart and my future became a struggle between parents and ways of life. Much of my struggle took place within my father's house. In running away, I found a new life. But I wasn't alone. My journey also marked a rebirth for mom and for Jefferson Jackson, the black Baptist preacher who became my father and who raised me. Together, we lived in hiding and in poverty. From that beginning, I've risen to the highest levels of international charity, serving as senior vice president of World Vision U.S. and vice president of PATH before joining Global Impact as CEO. Take Me with You delivers a first-person narrative of a boy who found his future by running away. My childhood and escape from abuse has influenced my present work and driven a personal inspiration to leave a lasting mark on humanity. Today, as the CEO and President of Global Impact, I've made a career of trying to stop cycles of abuse, racism, and inequality. I'm the sum of my story, this memoir rooted in love, faith, and moral courage. Take Me with You is one boy's story about choosing love, forgiveness, and the charity within--and about choosing to be positive. Take Me with You is a call to action to help those in need, especially children. As the statistics reveal, there is an alarming need both in the United States and throughout the world: * In 2013, 14.7 million children under the age of 18 were in poverty in the America * More than one in three African American children live in food-insecure households * Today, nearly 18,000 children under age 5 will die of mostly preventable causes, such as diarrhea, malaria, and pneumonia. This translates to more than 6.5 million per year * Globally, nearly half of under five deaths are attributable to undernutrition * Globally, 51 million under-five-year-olds were wasted (malnourished) and 17 million were severely wasted in 2013 * 4 in 10 children fail to meet minimum learning standards worldwide * Each year, between 2000 through the present, there have been at least 10 million children under age 18 who had lost either one or both parents to AIDS * In 2013, 4 in 5 deaths due to malaria were in children under five I hope that my story will inspire you and encourage you to do whatever you can to change a life for the better. All children--whether in the United States or in third-world countries--deserve to have a fighting chance in life. You have the choice to live your life in a way that will change another person's life for the better, and maybe transform your own along the way. Go ahead, make your mark.
Select Books Inc What is Reality?: The New Map of Cosmos, Consciousness, and Existence
Ervin Laszlo's tour de force, What is Reality?, is the product of a half-century of deep contemplation and cutting-edge scholarship. Addressing many of the paradoxes that have confounded modern science over the years, it offers nothing less than a new paradigm of reality, one in which the cosmos is a seamless whole, informed by a single, coherent consciousness manifest in us all. Bringing together science, philosophy, and metaphysics, Laszlo takes aim at accepted wisdom, such as the dichotomies of mind and body, spirit and matter, being and nonbeing, to show how we are all part of an infinite cycle of existence unfolding in spacetime and beyond. Augmented by insightful commentary from a dozen scholars and thinkers, along with a foreword by Deepak Chopra and an introduction by Stanislav Grof, What is Reality? offers a fresh and liberating understanding of the meaning and purpose of existence.
Select Books Inc Escape Anxiety: 8 Steps to Freedom Through Meditative Therapies
It's estimated that forty million Americans suffer from anxiety disorders—but that's just the tip of the iceberg. Millions more suffer in silence. Suzanne Jessee was one of them. Hospitalized at age thirty with severe depression, anxiety, and panic disorder, she was determined to overcome the mental paralysis and addictive behaviors that ruled her life. Not only did she personally triumph over these debilitating disorders, but she set out to study, train, and work in the world's leading treatment centers and has helped thousands of others to recover from severe anxiety. Through her research and stories of her experience, Escape Anxiety: 8 Steps to Freedom through Meditative Therapies Jessee gives the causes and patterns of these complicated and often misunderstood mental health problems and offers a program of natural treatments to regain health and happiness. Accompanied by a PBS special, Escape Anxiety is an exclusive look at the revolutionary treatment program Jessee successfully pioneered at the Betty Ford Center and other top addiction treatment centers. Her 8-Step Escape Anxiety program is designed to provide holistic, natural techniques to manage extreme stress and depression in order to escape their destructive consequences. At the heart of her program is Jessee's innovative method of Neurogenesis Meditative Therapy™ (NMT). Combining proven therapeutic techniques such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with ancient mindfulness practices, her methods empower anxiety sufferers by liberating them from unhealthy "thought myths" and helping them create sustainable, life-changing habits. Backed by recent scientific proof that meditation has a transformative effect on the physical brain, Suzanne demystifies the practice of meditation and demonstrates its power as a viable alternative to synthetic medications for treating anxiety. Each of the following steps of Jessee's program to break the patterns of anxiety is accompanied by exercises the reader can do at home, including a specially designed script for meditation: Step 1: Conquering Codependent Control IssuesStep 2: Dismantling PerfectionismStep 3: Releasing Resentment and Forgiving OthersStep 4: Surrendering Shame and Resentment: Forgiving YourselfStep 5: Defusing Catastrophic ThinkingStep 6: Mastering Self-RegulationStep 7: Making Conscious Choices About Your EmotionsStep 8: Rewriting Your Internal Dialogue After years of personal experience helping patients at the Betty Ford Center and other clinical settings, and recognition for her success from the top experts in the field, Suzanne Jessee now offers an affordable and accessible in-home treatment program to heal those who suffer from the devastating effects of anxiety disorders.
Select Books Inc People Tools for Business Volume 2
Great Relationships Are Your Key To Business Success. Whether you're just starting your career or have been in the business world for years, this book provides all the tools you'll need to create long lasting success in your life. Why wait to build the life you've always dreamed of? Running your life is very much like running a business, and People Tools for Business is filled with practical ideas to help you run your life more effectively and efficiently.YOU CAN MAKE A CAREER OUT OF BEING HAPPY In this sequel to his New York Times Bestseller People Tools (January 2014), Alan C. Fox shares the most important lessons from his successful and distinguished life. The reader can use the tools described in this book to achieve success both in the boardroom and at home. WHAT ARE PEOPLE TOOLS? "People Tools" are practical life skills that are easy to understand. They are free to use and yet they will significantly improve your ability to work well with other people. From developing self-confidence, to making healthier life decisions to being a better manager, each tool provides a straightforward approach to help you get more effective results.Filled with insightful examples and entertaining anecdotes, People Tools is fun to read but will have long-lasting impact. The stories will charm you; the advice will change your life. TAKE CONTROL: YOU ARE THE SOLE PROPRIETOR OF YOUR OWN LIFE. The time-tested tools outlined in this book are useful shortcuts that you can use to solve everyday problems. You will find the advice applicable not only to business but to all aspects of your personal life as well. GET ADVICE FROM THE BEST IN THE BUSINESSAlan C. Fox has used the People Tools outlined in this book to build a rich and fulfilling life. He has built a commercial real estate company worth more than $1.5 billion, launched a nationally renowned poetry journal, and established a foundation that provides millions in funding to non-profit organizations that work with young people. He has also raised a large and loving family and created a trusted circle of close friends and colleagues.Let Alan Be Your Personal MentorLife and work are full of challenges, but with the practical strategies outlined in this book, Alan will show you how to live the life of your dreams.
Select Books Inc Sustainability Generation
Life on Earth is increasingly at risk. What to do about rescuing our planet, and ourselves, is a growing concern for people of all ages and all walks of life. Mark C. Coleman's groundbreaking book, The Sustainability Generation: The Politics of Change & Why Personal Accountability is Essential NOW! takes a cold, hard look at the facts about where we stand and how to move forward. The Sustainability Generation is beyond simply another green book in that it focuses on the poisonous influence of our acquisitive culture and its root cause -entitlement. Our culture of entitlement encourages the belief that instant gratification is our right; this in turn erodes our sense of duty toward anything outside of these immediate desires. Our consumption habits are out of control and they are sabotaging our destiny. In response to this, Mr. Coleman argues that nurturing our sense of personal responsibility, and squashing our hunger for more stuff is the single most important step toward saving our world for future generations. The Baby Boomer generation is retiring and the so-called Generation Y will soon receive the largest transfer of wealth in history. It is vital to emphasize the need for replacing our entitlement culture with sustainable growth through redefining our core values. The Sustainability Generation provides a clear roadmap of how individuals can empower and enlighten themselves and their peers. A new Sustainability Generation that is committed to environmental and social change will offer the promise of the greatest legacy possible-a future!
Select Books Inc Evolution's Purpose: An Integral Interpretation of the Scientific Story of Our Origins
Does the science of evolution really prove that life, humanity, and the universe as a whole are meaningless accidents? On the contrary, as science has shown how everything in the universe is subject to evolution, including matter, life, and human culture, these very facts reveal that the process of evolution is unmistakably progressive. And, as Steve McIntosh demonstrates, when we come to see how evolution progresses, this reveals evolution's purpose-to grow toward ever-widening realizations of beauty, truth, and goodness. McIntosh argues that the purpose of evolution is not intelligently designed or otherwise externally controlled; rather, its purpose is being creatively and originally discerned through the choices of the evolutionary creatures themselves. Without relying on spiritual authorities, the author shows how the scientific story of our origins is actually a profound and sacred teaching compatible with many forms of contemporary spirituality. Evolution's Purpose: An Integral Interpretation of the Scientific Story of Our Origins presents a fresh and compelling view of evolutionary science and philosophy, and shows how a deeper understanding of evolution itself can lead directly to a more evolved world.
Select Books Inc Michael Jackson: The Man Behind the Mask: An Insider's Story of the King of Pop
'Michael Jackson: The Man behind the Mask' is the INSIDE STORY of the truth behind the rumors, ugliness and mystery surrounding Michael Jackson.Is Jackson just a confused person who got too much fame too soon or is he a cold and calculating villain who will stop at nothing to have his bizarre appetites satisfied? Now you can read about it for the first time from the man who knows everything!The author, Bob Jones, is not a journalist conducting interviews but somebody who has known and been with Jackson for 34 years as his chief of Public Relations; by his side since Michael was 11 years old. Bob Jones is the one person with this unique inside view of Michael Jackson's world. To a certain degree, Bob Jones CREATED Michael Jackson. He created his image. For example, Bob Jones created Michael Jackson's famous nickname The King of Pop.This book is explosive and will make any other book about Michael Jackson instantly forgotten. You won't find this inside information anywhere else.
Select Books Inc My Journey: A Life in Quest of the Purpose of Life
In My Journey, Ervin Laszlo recounts the story of his life, describing its fundamental transformations from musician to academic to global activist. But this story is more than an entertaining read—it also conveys a message. It shows that the quest that has marked Laszlo’s life is profound and meaningful, and important also for the reader. It is the quest to find the purpose that underlies our life. Laszlo marshals scientific evidence that life is not a meaningless accident, but the expression of a universal drive in nature: the drive toward the evolution of complex and coherent systems, and of the consciousness that is associated with the systems. What you do in your life impacts on you and impacts on everyone in this interdependent and interacting quantum universe. Here the reader can follow how Laszlo came across the evidence for life’s purpose and how his life has been changed again and again by the pursuit of this discovery. He now communicates his life-story, the story of his quest for life’s purpose, as he is convinced that it can lend meaning and significance also to the life of the reader.
Select Books Inc Dawn of an Era of Wellbeing: New Paths to a Better World
Humankind is facing monumental challenges—the sustainability of our natural resources, climate change, wealth inequalities, breakdowns in social structures, the impact of artificial intelligence, and of course the threat of pandemics. What we need to understand is that with each of these challenges is an opportunity to create a better future for our Earth. But first we need to open our eyes and understand how the old “normal”—the conventions and assumptions about how our systems work—are no longer sustainable. Change is going to occur, and a “new normal” is not simply necessary; it is imminent. The authors of Dawn of An Era of Well-Being offer a unique worldview called the “quantum paradigm” that is emerging in society. Their concepts and principles are drawn from theories of Western science and Eastern wisdom traditions of human spirituality. These compass points for navigating the uncharted waters we are entering will be of interest to all who want to find a path to a better world. In this critical work authors Ervin Laszlo and Frederick Tsao are joined by several contributors including Deepak Chopra, Jean Houston, Neale Donald Walsch, and other well-known thought leaders.
Select Books Inc The Girl from Guantanamo
The Girl from Guantanamo is a captivating work of the historical fiction genre that electrifies readers with the harrowing tale of Pilar Ruiz, who as an eighteen- year- old in 1958 Cuba, improbably secured the course of the Castro Revolution. In 1958 the author was a Lieutenant(jg) in the U.S. Navy stationed aboard an iconic Destroyer Escort the USS Raymond. The Raymond made several visits to the base at Guantanamo Bay (GTMO) and an overnight foray into the harbor of Santiago de Cuba at a pivotal juncture of the Revolution. His unique perspective adds verisimilitude to his tale. Pilar was born and spent her early years on a sugar farm, both Santiago and GTMO. Her father Miguel and her uncle Jorge had built separate houses. Each raised a daughter, born within the same week. The cousins Pilar and Alicia were more like twin sisters as Pilar’s mother Maria, mothered both girls because Alicia’s mother died when the girls were one- year old. For the two families it could be said that sugar was their life.” When Pilar was nine, Miguel, to give his family a better life, moved them to Miami when he became a sparring partner to international boxing legend Kid Gavilan. Miguel tried, but failed, to persuade Jorge to join them. Life in glamorous Miami was sweet for a growing girl whose father had a good job: not so back on the sugar farm in Cuba where Alicia would succumb to small pox. The 1950s progressed. A growing unrest with the Batista regime in Cuba was mirrored in Miami. Miguel had instilled in his daughter a love of running and martial arts. Now he was also exposing her to the politics of the rebel cause. When his views caused him to be detained as an illegal alien, Maria and Pilar, at his instruction, fled to Cuba. Imbued with her father’s deep love of her homeland, Pilar the scrappy girl from Guantanamo meets her destiny with courage. At the request of the rebels she infiltrates the CIA. Using sex as a weapon, Pilar becomes a revolutionary heroine when she uncovers a plot to wipe out the leaders of the Revolution.
Select Books Inc Next!: A Matchmaker's Guide to Finding Mr. Right, Ditching Mr. Wrong, and Everything In Between
Since launching her professional matchmaking business in 1986, Barbara Summers has engineered the match for hundreds of married couples. In Next! A Matchmaker’s Guide to Finding Mr. Right, Ditching Mr. Wrong, and Everything In Between, Barbara extends her expertise to all women who want to find—and keep—the right guy. In her high-spiritedguide to finding love, Barabara claims there are many “someones” for everyone. In a world of rich possibilities no woman should ever buy into the mentality that she’s unworthy of love, or feel she must settle for less than she wants, or stay in a relationship when the love is gone. Readers are invited to begin their search by creating a “Dream Match List” of Must-Haves, Nice-to-Haves, and Deal Breakers. Whileexploring the do’s and don’ts of dating, Barbara shares stories of her experiences with clients and her own (many) marriages. We learn the red flags of potential disasters and ways to recover from heart-wrenching breakups. And if we suddenly feel ready to make the leap into marriage, she recommends turning to the Marriage Practicality Checklist to help us decide if we’ve really found a good match. From what to expect on a first date to when to call it quits, Barbara delivers thoughtful instruction with humor and generosity. Most of all, she never wants a woman to be “stuck.” This won’t happen if we follow her advice: be fearless and know when to say “Next!”
Select Books Inc Employed for Life!: An Insider's Secrets for Guaranteed Employment in Our Permanently Changed Workplace
In the instability and turbulence that characterize the modern workplace, most Americans are increasingly fearful about the security of their jobs as the corporate ax swings in ever wider arcs. How does one compete in the race to lower operating costs while maintaining a productive edge over the competition?P. Anthony Burnham answers, by realizing the value of YOU.In Employed for Life, Anthony Burnham uses his 35 years of experience on both sides of the corporate desk to examine the 'new rules' of the business landscape, and explain how to navigate it by using your own value as a resource to current or prospective employers. By realizing the Value of YOU, and marketing your personal product, Burnham shows how 'self-empowerment' is the new watchword for maintaining and improving your employability over your lifetime. Begin reading to assess your own personal value, to become Employed for Life.
Select Books Inc The Fame Game: A Superstar's Guide to Getting Rich and Famous
Hollywood is where even the wildest dreams can come true no matter who you are, where you come from, or even what you know. In Hollywood, everyone is a potential star and newsstands overflow with gossip about the latest celebrity mishaps, conflicts, and achievements so that millions can live vicariously through the lives of their favorite movie stars. Starting today, you no longer have to live through the gossip news of your favorite celebrities because you can turn your own life into the same star-driven celebrity marketing machine through The Fame Game. Seen through the eyes of an experienced Hollywood talent manager, The Fame Game will guide readers past the carefully crafted public relations images splashed across the pages of their favorite gossip magazines to reveal how today's hottest celebrities live, thrive, and flourish in the glamorous world of show business where the cameras are always on, the fans' gossip ricochets through all the popular social media networks, and the money flows in multi-million dollar deals based on nothing more than notoriety instead of talent. If you want to learn how Hollywood really works and how you can use the techniques of show business to market yourself into the next Hollywood sensation or just to promote yourself within your own line of work, you need to learn the secrets told in The Fame Game. This book will rip away the mystery behind the glitzy world of celebrities and expose the deliberate strategic planning designed to maximize the social and cultural impact of celebrities such as Elizabeth Taylor, Michael Jackson, Angelina Jolie, Charlie Sheen, the Kardashians, the Hiltons, the Olsen twins, Britney Spears, Jennifer Lopez, Justin Bieber, the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, along with The Situation and Snooki from Jersey Shore. The authors of The Fame Game know how many of these stars turned their fame into fortune because the authors are the masterminds behind some of today's biggest celebrity brands and business empires in the history of show business. The Fame Game will reveal the carefully constructed scaffolding behind celebrity branding and show how the public lives and images of today's top celebrities are a deliberate strategy and intricate dance between celebrities, the media, the general public, and the big business interests directing the ultimate movie called Life in the Spotlight. While the huge fan base of celebrities will enjoy reading The Fame Game for its fascinating stories about their favorite and most hated celebrities, entrepreneurs, marketing professionals, and business students will enjoy The Fame Game as a unique textbook, survival guide into the new world of digital media and social networks. Most importantly, kids with their own big dreams of conquering Hollywood will find The Fame Game a book of empowerment that provides concrete steps they can take to turn their own dreams of fame and fortune into reality.
Select Books Inc Global Survival: The Challenge and its Implications for Thinking and Acting
Global Survival: The Challenge and its Implications for Thinking and Acting is a book that is not necessarily ahead of its time. But, if we're lucky, it has come just in time.The threats we face as a species and a civilization are staggering, daunting, and all too real. The threat of war, or worse; environmental degradation; social, political, and economic woes; all of these are issues with worldwide implications both for us and future generations. Yet the solutions offered, when offered, are dangerously short-sighted and narrowly focused, often intensifying other, equally serious problems-or even creating new ones. To address this condition, a group of distinguished thought leaders came together and, in a 2003 edition of the journal World Futures, demonstrated how a broad array of human thought and activities interact to create and intensify the problems we face. This approach, here called Survival Research, could be the methodology that enables us to overcome obstacles to meaningful progress.
Select Books Inc 15 Minutes to Fitness: Dr. Ben's SMaRT Plan for Diet and Total Health
Do you ever feel like a hamster, spinning on a wheel in an endless loop and getting nowhere when it comes to your health and fitness? Are you working out regularly and cutting calories but seeing no real improvements? Does it feel like you will never lose those last 10 or 20 pounds? Or do you feel as if you simply don't have the time required to lose the fat and get into shape? Imagine if you could have the blueprint for the most efficient form of exercise to keep your body healthy and fit and an eating plan to satisfy hunger, taste, and health. Well, now you can. The best part? It will only require 15 minutes of exercise, twice a week, paired with a controlled-carb diet, and on the average, you will lose 10 pounds of fat within five weeks. It's hard to believe, but it works--and 15 Minutes to Fitness:Dr. Ben's SMaRT plan for total Fitness will not only show you how to do it but also explain why it works. If this sounds like just another "new exercise secret," please be assured that it is most certainly not. The foundation of this program is based on years of study, observation, and practice, and it has delivered real, measurable results in the overwhelming majority of those who have tried it. Dr. Vincent "Ben" Bocchicchio has spent the last 40 years in the fitness and health field, and as he approaches 70, people are still shocked to hear that he only spends 14 minutes twice a week on working out. But it's true. With only 7 percent body fat, he is often asked what the secret is and if there's a "magic bullet." The answer would be that the magic bullet is knowledge. And now with this book you will understand why genetically our bodies require simple and limited exercise exposure and how you can follow this optimal pattern yourself. The fact is that as humans we are hard-wired to exercise our bodies in very specific ways to reap the highest level of health benefits. I will provide the simple scientific argument for why my combination of high intensity exercise and controlled carbohydrate eating is the most effective means for burning fat, so that you can better understand exactly why this works. Exercise and diet are the two most powerful tools available for attaining high levels of health and function, and 15 Minutes to Fitness will show you just how little it actually takes to achieve a maximum response.
Select Books Inc Culture Clash 2 Volume 2: Managing the Global High-Performance Team
Few are prepared for managing across cultures, and the costs of cultural blind spots can spin out of control-from lawsuits to lost opportunities. Forged in the fire of clashing cultures and living on four continents, Dr. Zweifel developed a fool-proof methodology for managing successfully across borders. And post-9/11, the Arab Spring and the BRICS emerging markets, e-commerce and social networks have made this updated and expanded edition of Culture Clash indispensible.
Select Books Inc Don't Let Technology Crack Your Nest Egg: Rethinking Personal Finance for the Digital Age
When Ken Kamen launched his financial services career, technology had just begun to transform how we earn, spend, save, and invest money—along with every other aspect of our lives. Today, nearly four decades later, we have access to boundless possibilities with only a few keystrokes. Technology empowers us by making countless tasks easier and speedier to accomplish, but it also compounds our human tendencies to act impulsively and emotionally, both of which are enemies of long-term financial security. Computers and search engines have lulled us into complacency, making it easy to find just-in-time answers to all our questions. The unexpected consequence has been a decline in the desire, and even the skills, to plan ahead. In Don’t Let Technology Crack Your Nest Egg, Kamen presents startling facts that reveal how our reliance on technology poses growing economic dangers. For example, our addiction to our screens leads us to squander our most precious resource: time. Aspirational consumption has become such a budget-breaker that 60% of millennials say their #1 money-saving plan is to stop following social media. The incremental growth of cashless transactions makes us increasingly lax about tracking our spending. And although computers provide us access to a cornucopia of information, many people carelessly put their trust in “knowledge” from unreliable sources. In the real world, we guard our wallets and lock our doors to protect ourselves from unknown threats. But in the virtual world, we are cavalier about allowing motivated parties to invade our privacy and track our behavior, manipulate our buying decisions, and sway our opinions. We trust that simplistic, computer-generated solutions are comprehensive enough to provide carefully considered recommendations for our own particular needs. We allow our cyberself to wander the internet, compromising our identity and acting as an unsupervised agent on our behalf in our interactions and transactions with strangers. Kamen explores the wide-ranging consequences these new forces can have on our financial futures. This book will be cautionary and eye-opening both to older readers with a nest egg to protect and to younger readers just building one—to anyone, in fact, wanting financial insight into navigating a world that is rapidly being transformed by technology.
Select Books Inc KNOLL: The Last JFK Conspiracist
Their list keeps getting shorter. Pray you aren’t on it.” A young protégé of Edward Snowden flees the NSA after she learns that her project (KNOLL) is designed to detect and destroy any person with new facts about the conspiracy to assassinate JFK. The project’s latest target: a small-town attorney, son of a mysteriously murdered cop, who has just discovered his family’s involvement with deceased Mafia Kingpin Carlos Marcello, and the events that day in Dallas. All paths lead to a small Louisiana town that still hides its secrets, and converge on the doorstep of Marcello’s still-active savant of assassins. He is unstoppable. His creed: Omerta Is Forever.
Select Books Inc Surf City: The Jan and Dean Story
The Jan and Dean Story is a personal story of the iconic musician and entrepreneur Dean Torrence. As a memoir The Jan and Dean Story has elements of humor, tragedy and redemption. It tells their story from the early high school friendship struck up between Jan Berry and Dean Torrence and their ascent to the dizzying heights of stardom riding the crest of the surf” craze. The Jan and Dean Story is as much about the culture of the 1960s as it is about music. Dean has lived an incredible life and continues to promote a lifestyle and surf culture that is now universally admired and followed throughout the world.The story also recounts Jan’s tragic car accident and his ability to recover enough to continue to perform will be inspiring to many readers even those not familiar with surf music. For pop culture addicts and music buffs alike this book is indispensable. As early teen icons, Jan and Dean left an indelible mark on the music of the 60’s and the American psyche.Dean Torrence is still touring and creating music and often appears with the Beach Boys and other groups from the heyday of surf music.
Select Books Inc Clarity: Ten Proven Strategies to Transform Your Life
When was the last time you sat down and actually paid attention to your feelings? When emotions are repressed, they build up and can eventually explode. In Clarity: Ten Proven Strategies to Transform Your Life Diane Altomare will show you that emotions aren’t an enemy to be fought againstthey are messages leading you to a happier, healthier you.
Select Books Inc What is Consciousness?: Three Sages Look Behind the Veil
What is consciousness? Conventional thinking tells us it is the images, sensations, thoughts, and feelings produced by the brain. When the neurons in the brain stop firing, consciousness ceases to be. But does it?
Select Books Inc Stony Kill: A Novel
0011881076AliceBauer82126214.0Normal0falsefalsefalseEN-USJAX-NONE After the sudden death of her mother, Joss Ryckman finds herself running away from everything—the life she did not choose of managing the family bakery in Brooklyn, the troubled relationship with her sometimes violent father, and her conflicts with Wyatt, a lover who always wants more. But when she flees to the country farm of her childhood in upstate New York, will she finally find the truth of dark events in her family's past? Or will all that she has held at bay for twenty years come crashing down? As Joss comes to terms with her loss, she is forced to confront memories of a childhood steeped in both joy and sorrow. As the past seeps in through the rich farmland and the landscape of the treacherous, churning Stony Kill, Piecing together the broken past and her family's dysfunction, the dark secrets of a family submerged in a history of violence and regret begin to take shape, and the reality of two brutal killings can no longer be denied. Joss must make her own choices and, ultimately, let go.Rich with beautiful language and immersed in powerful descriptions of Joss's feelings, Stony Kill tells a powerful story of the heartbreak and suffering from violent acts of a dysfunctional family, and ultimately her hope and choice of a better life.
Select Books Inc Positivity: How To Be Happier, Healthier, Smarter, and More Prosperous
Harry Edelson is the son of an illiterate Russian immigrant whose husband left the family when Harry was an infant. He begins his book this way: “I grew up in the poorest neighborhoodin Brooklyn, which was the poorest neighborhood in New York City, and I was the poorest of the poor.” But Mr. Edelson has no intention of wasting his life or our time by lamenting his childhood or anything else. He tells us, “I consider myself to be very lucky. I have been happy all my life even though I started out as poor as a child could be.” . . . If you want to be happy, it is all in your mind. So take control of your senses, determine to be happy, and develop a frame of mind that will make you and all those around you happy.” In Positivity: How to Be Happier, Healthier, Smarter, and More Prosperous Mr. Edelson reveals his secrets and tips for success from the vantage point of a person who has enjoyed having excellent health, a wide range of knowledge from a fine academic background enhanced by self-education, and fulfilling careers on Wall Street in technology, investment banking, and later as owner of a highly successful business in capital investments. Focusing on his strong belief in continuing education to increase skills that entertain us and help our careers, he extolls the benefits of being a speed-reader and increasing memory by learning the techniques of mnemonics, and he demonstrates interesting mathematical tricks that work for him. He also has plenty of good, practical financial advice for individuals of all means; and of course he is expansive on the value of positive attitudes. Mr. Edelson believes without a doubt that you can train your own mind for a lifetime of great happiness
Select Books Inc Girl Walks Out of a Bar: A Memoir
Lisa Smith was a bright, young lawyer at a prestigious firm in NYC in the early nineties when alcoholism started to take over her life. What was once a way of escaping her insecurity and negativity became a means of coping with the anxiety and stress of an impossible workload. Girl Walks Out of a Bar is Smith's darkly comic and wrenchingly honest story of her formative years, the decade of alcohol and drug abuse, divorce, and her road to recovery. Smith describes how her spiraling circumstances conspired with her predisposition to depression and self-medication, nurturing an environment ripe for addiction to flourish. Girl Walks Out of a Bar is a candid portrait of alcoholism through the lens of gritty New York realism. Beneath the façade of success lies the reality of addiction.
Select Books Inc The Secret Magic of Music: Conversations with Musical Masters
Great music has the power to transform. Understanding and appreciating classical music can enlighten, uplift, and educate not only the intellect but the soul. In The Secret Magic of Music, classical music devotee and psychiatrist Ida Lichter uncovers a more accessible side of music. By providing the performers’ insights, Lichter provides a special look into how great music can bring happiness and spiritual meaning to its listeners.The Secret Magic of Music is a collection of thought pieces based on interviews with the foremost conductors and performers of chamber music. It is organized by performing artist and is intended to provide each musician’s perception of classical music’s value and social function. As the journey from the score to the listener takes place, Lichter reveals how each performer’s passion, dedication, and outstanding talent affects their lives, their performances, and their listeners. Lichter explores why classical music is often considered unpalatable to the casual listener, how it can have the power to heal, its function in therapy, among other loaded questions. Not only does The Secret Magic of Music enrich the experience of music lovers, it introduces new listeners to classical music’s pleasures, mysteries, and transformational potential. Music has the ability to cross cultural borders and span personal difference, to unite people on common ground they might otherwise never find. The importance of passing on the appreciation of our musical heritage to the next generation is real. To lose it would be inexcusable.
Select Books Inc Buying America Back: A Real Deal Blueprint for Restoring American Prosperity
The trade gap between the United States and China is a perennial news staple. Our commonplace goods are manufactured in such far-flung places as Honduras, Mexico, and Korea. Why has the distinction Made in America become such a rarity? The cynics always talk about the hard economic realities of our times. They suggest that American manufacturing has reached the end of its road; this is the price we pay for globalization. Alan Uke sees it differently. Buying America Back outlines his plan to turn back the tide with a grass-roots movement to promote American industry by helping American consumers have a better understanding of where their goods (and services) come from. Buying America Back emphasizes the importance of grooming a culture of self-informed consumers in the U.S.A., while reinforcing this with initiatives from the federal government. Surprising and enlightening, Buying America Back encourages us to take action to serve our part as responsible consumers and conscientious citizens. American prosperity is not a thing of the past, and this book shows us the way back! San Diego entrepreneur Uke presents a straightforward thesis in this engaging policy proposal: consumer thirst for cheap imports has strangled U.S. manufacturing employment and stifled our economy. The manufacturing sector, which lost 5.2 million jobs from 2000 to 2010, accounts for only 10% of the economy compared with its dominant role in 1965. Uke explodes the myth of a shift to high-tech output and notes that Germany and other countries with higher labor costs than ours compete successfully with Asia. He argues convincingly that the offshore exodus of production facilities entails the loss of high-paying spinoff jobs, the departure of R&D facilities and other centers of innovation, and the erosion of service-sector jobs. The proper response, Uke plausibly argues, is not across-the-board protectionism or isolationism, but empowering the consumer by toughening disclosure of country-of-origin product data. Accurate disclosure would enable consumers to reward local producers or those with high local-product content. Uke perceptively points out that this approach is increasingly popular with food, and prevalent in many other countries. Determined consumer leadership on this issue, he maintains, could goad Congress into action and prompt corporations to revive domestic production. Uke's refreshingly invective-free writing and hands-on manufacturing experience compel our consideration; his proposal is simple and his goals are lofty. Attention should be paid. Agent: Bill Gladstone. (Apr.) --PUBLISHERS WEEKLY
Select Books Inc RIPE: Harvesting the Value of Your Business
Right now, there are millions of entrepreneurs out there risking everything for the privilege of owning their own businesses. They pledge their homes and personal assets to get working capital. They work horrendous hours and deal with near-constant stress in order to nurture and grow their cherished projects. Why? Because they are dreaming of the day when all of these sacrifices pay off and they can finally reap the benefits by cashing in and selling off to a larger organization.RIPE: Harvesting the Value of Your Business is a book designed to help make that dream come true. RIPE helps entrepreneurs recognize the knock of opportunity when the time is right and it enables them to maximize that opportunity for a potential grand slam.RIPE is loaded with information demystifying the entire process. A smart entrepreneur understands that you only get one shot in this process, so you need to walk in armed with every piece of information available. RIPE provides the core concepts on which a sound business strategy must be based.
Select Books Inc Forgiving the Unforgivable
In November, 2008, Pakistani Muslim terrorists attacked Mumbai. The 5 Star Oberoi Hotel was one of their targets. The Oberoi was also where M.C. Cannon, leader of the Synchronicity Foundation for Modern Spirituality in Virginia, and 24 of his associates were staying. Four in the group were wounded and two were killed. When rescued by SWAT teams and interviewed by the press, Synchronicity survivors expressed immediate compassion and understanding towards the terrorists. During interviews and press conferences following the attack, they repeated words of forgiveness, not accusation. This ignited an international tsunami of stunned curiosity and thousands of e-mail messages and phone calls flooded in. I am inspired by your response. How did you get to be the way you are? And, How can I learn to do that? This book is a response to those inquiries.This book uses the Mumbai siege as a context for a revolutionary explanation of what true forgiveness really is and how to live the Holistic Lifestyle in a state of awareness where true forgiveness becomes instinctive.
Select Books Inc Enough To Go Around: Searching for Hope in Afghanistan, Pakistan & Darfur
Imagine 30 years of warfare. Imagine a powerful earthquake destroying your livelihood and home. Imagine your village destroyed and your family murdered in genocide. Writer/photographer Chip Duncan takes readers on a journey through three of the world's most challenging places. What he finds- hope- might surprise you.Few countries are of more interest and importance today than Afghanistan, Pakistan and Sudan. Yet, most of us will never visit these challenging places. Duncan takes viewers into the heart of conflict and shares the human face and stories of those who live there. He also helps to defy stereotypes while undermining the fear that has often driven our perceptions and our policies.Enough to Go Around puts a face on thoughtful and vibrant men, women and children who've been marginalized by years of conflict and poverty. This is the first book of still photography from veteran documentary filmmaker and writer, Chip Duncan, who takes us on a journey through over 70 breathtaking, inspiring, troubling and thought-provoking color images that truly bridge the gap between us and them.
Select Books Inc Frontline Profit Machine: The Khoury Blueprint for Exploding Profits at the Point of Sale
As a business owner, you have no control over your competitors, the economy or the litany of outside influences that affect the health of your business. What you do have control over is the performance of your team, the environment you create, and the people you invite to join your team.For many businesses, improving the service and sales ability of the frontline -those who deal directly with customers--provides the largest opportunity for profit gains. This is because for many businesses, a 5% to 10% improvement in top line revenue can result in 100% improvement in bottom-line profit. Frontline Profit Machine provides an in-depth summary of how businesses can increase profits by improving service and sales at the frontline. This is not simply a matter of up-selling customers; it requires a cultural transformation encompassing training, a sense of ownership and empowerment among frontline employees, measurement, and appropriate financial incentives--all parts of the Khoury Performance Equation blueprint.Frontline Profit Machine is a revolutionary business book that outlines how your organization can achieve these goals!
Select Books Inc People Tools: 54 Strategies for Building Relationships, Creating Joy, and Embracing Prosperity
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER! Getting along well with others is the real secret to success and happiness. In tens of thousands of classrooms we teach reading, writing, and arithmetic and yet we leave solutions to the universal problems of human relationships to be discovered, if at all, by trial and error. The trial is painful and the error is costly. People Tools: 54 Strategies for Building Relationships, Creating Joy, and Embracing Prosperity , provides time-proven techniques that you can use to build a better, happier, more successful life. It is the perfect resource for busy people looking for fast and effective solutions to the challenges we face every day. PRACTICAL WISDOM ON EVERY PAGE People Tools are practical and easy to understand. From developing self-confidence, to improving communication skills, to finding constructive ways to resolve conflict, each People Tool addresses a specific issue and provides a simple, straightforward strategy that you can adopt to bring about a positive result. Some of the useful People Tools in the book include: The Belt Buckle. When words are different than action (The Belt Buckle), trust the Belt Buckle, not the words. Buy a Ticket. To make something good happen in your life you have to participate. Catching a Feather. An alternative to the endless chase, this Tool reveals how to attract people you want to be closer to. Patterns Persist. Prior actions are predictive of future behaviors. Catch Them Being Good. Rewards are more effective than punishments. TIME-TESTED TOOLS TO ENHANCE YOUR WELLBEING Although you may recognize the more intuitive techniques in People Tools , this sourcebook provides explanations and helpful examples from a vast collection of different tools designed to help you further expand your own existing repertoire of skills. Open the book to any page and you will find a useful solution. Each tool is illustrated with insightful stories and amusing anecdotes that are relevant and relatable. The stories will reel you in but the advice will change your life.
Select Books Inc DisabilityLand
DisabilityLand is the place where people with disabilities live, work, play, fret, hope and succeed. Or not. And where everyone else may or may not know-or care-who they are.This collection of observations, anecdotes and questions are drawn from Dr. Alan Brightman's singular experiences in the field of disabilities for more than 3 decades. Together, Brightman's writings provide the kind of insight into the disabled experience that only someone intimately familiar with the territory and endlessly curious about its inhabitants could provide.There is no prescribed order in the pages of DisabilityLand just as there are few predictable happenings in the real life of those who wander its terrain. Its pages consist of brief stories-some as short as 2 sentences, others as long as 3 pages-in which one life experiences another. DisabilityLand is not about the subject of disability; it's not a study. It is instead about the unvarnished everyday-ness of disability; it's a series of rich, human, ordinary, and surprising encounters.
Select Books Inc Lies Startups Tell Themselves to Avoid Marketing: A No Bullsh*t Guide for Ph.D.s, Lab Rats, Suits, and Entrepreneurs
So you think you know marketing.Think again. Lies Start-ups Tell Themselves to Avoid Marketing uses the tough love approach to steer you clear of the pitfalls and self-deceptions that have been the undoing of many when confronted with the harsh realities of today's marketplace. Sandra Holtzman and Jean Kondek employ their combined 40+ years' worth of marketing savvy to cut through all the usual malarkey-and, let's face it, bullsh&#*-to give you a streamlined approach to successfully launching a product, service, or company. Better than a handbook, Lies Start-ups Tell Themselves provides 10 fast-track, step-by-step chapters for planning and implementing a successful marketing program that you can get started on TODAY.The writing is clear and concise, breaking down concepts into bite-sized, easy to grasp nuggets for today's busy audience. Moreover, each chapter is stand-alone and immediately actionable.It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand the value of a well thought out marketing program. But carving your niche in the marketplace can be a daunting task. Lies Start-ups Tell Themselves to Avoid Marketing guides you through the pitfalls and challenges to a successful start-up or product launch.
Select Books Inc The Larry and Barry Guide to Entrepreneurial Wisdom
If you have a valuable idea and want make the leap from there to billionaire, let the Larry and Barry guide you through this difficult process -- from business-building to profit-making. These two characters will keep you entertained while offering priceless advice on: Clarifying your idea and determining valueTurning a vision into a businessFinancingStarting your businessStaffing - needs versus wantsNetworking Attracting partners Maintaining cash flowPLUS:Special Bonus section on Venture Funding!Learn what to do and--just as important--what not to do from seasoned professionals that understand how to transform your abstract idea into a money-making enterprise. Having been there and done that, Larry and Barry offer the entrepreneurial nuts-and-bolts required in today's competitive environment to create a prosperous business venture.
Select Books Inc MEMEnomics: The Next Generation Economic System
From the Foreword by Don Edward Beck, PhD: Books about subjects like economics are rarely written from the perspective of human or cultural evolution. Seldom, if ever, does a reader come across a narrative with pioneering methods that reframe a specialized discipline through a wide-cultural whole systems approach. This is precisely what Said E. Dawlabani does in this revolutionary book, Memenomics: The Next-Generation Economic System. This is a book that reframes the issues of competing economic and political ideologies and places them into an evolutionary new paradigm. This is a book about change done right. It is no secret that today we are dealing with a great political divide that threatens many of our democratic institutions. Right and left ideologies have becomes polarized camps that seem to be worlds apart.
Select Books Inc Leading Firms: How Great Professional Service Firms Succeed & How Your Firm Can Too
Leading a professional service firm is difficult enough in good times, and it is all the more risky in difficult ones. In Leading Firms: How Great Professional Service Firms Succeed & How Your Firm Can Too David Kuhlman, a highly respected management consultant to many of the world's top firms, gives an informed view on how those in professional services can achieve the same success as best-in-class firms. Most businesses claim that people are their most important asset, but Kuhlman explains that professional service firms are unique because their entire value chain consists of people who must differentiate themselves from competitors who often offer the same product in similar ways with near-identical messaging. From the author's examination of why it's more difficult to implement change than in a traditional business, to his analysis of the challenges of rising above the competition, he offers a comprehensive guide to the special dynamics of the professional services firm. Kuhlman covers in striking detail the aspects of the daily dealing with clients and markets as well as the planning and implementation of long-term strategy that leading a firm requires. This book is divided into three parts. The first lays out foundations of success for any firm; this includes developing an effective strategy and also delivering consistent revenue, maintaining quality and maintaining profitability. The second section puts a strong focus on the capabilities that great firms possess as opposed to firms that are just merely good. This includes managing talent, delivering growth, and establishing brand synergy. The last part is about the practices and values necessary to develop a high-performing culture of professionals, one that continually nourishes the growth of superior talent while successfully managing client relationships and expectations. Leading Firms is perfect for anyone who wants to explore their firm's potential and to better understand how the most successful firms in their industry arrived at their positions of leadership.
Select Books Inc The Gen Y Handbook: Applying Relationship Leadership to Engage Millennials
With four generations simultaneously co-habitating today's workplace, miscommunication and dissatisfaction are prevalent. Generation Y is the newest generation to enter our workforce and they pose a whole new set of particularly thorny issues, especially for those who manage them. So how can you, as a leader, help them reach their full potential? In The Gen Y Handbook: Applying Relationship Leadership to Engage Millennials Diane Spiegel takes a close look into the workings of the Gen Y mind: how they operate, their strengths, their weaknesses, and how to effectively engage the wide range of abilities at their disposal.
Select Books Inc Bad Lies: A Story of Libel, Slander, and Professional Golf
Eddie Bennison is at the top of his game, one of the most successful and popular golfers out there, until Tee Time, a national golf magazine, publishes a story that destroys his reputation. Now Eddie, championed by cunning lawyer Charlie Mayfield, must defend himself in court. But proving libel is extremely difficult, and the truth has a way of coming out, especially when the trial becomes a national spectacle. Eddie and Charlie are in for the fight of their lives: proving that what was written in that article was nothing but bad lies.
Select Books Inc What Happens Now
Select Books Inc What Happened to Moderation?: A Common-Sense Approach to Improving Our Health and Treating Common Illnesses in an Age of Extremes
We live in a world of extremes in our politics and media. This lack of moderation is often displayed in our choice of health routines. “Experts” advocate dietary regimens in a mind-boggling array of vegetarian, gluten-free, dairy-free, and more unusual options, and we are bombarded by ads for medicines and dietary supplements. As a result, millions consume unregulated, untested products hoping for a magical cure. We also follow the latest trends in exercising. Extreme workouts are the rage, and fitness is no longer about getting healthy; it’s more about being superhuman. As a veteran family medicine physician and the Medical Director at the Canyon Ranch Wellness Resorts in Tucson, Arizona, Dr. Stephen Brewer has a wealth of experience, and his aim is to challenge our thinking about what is best for our health. Whatever Happened to Moderation? makes the case that a healthy lifestyle does not need to be an arduous endeavor, and common-sense solutions to health problems are often the best approach. This is a welcome guide for good living that’s suitable for men and women of all ages.