Search results for ""POL""
El pol
Un llibre encantador pensat perquè el teu nadó aprengui a reconèixer els sons de la natura i gaudeixi acariciant les textures.
El cargol Pol
El que més vol el cargol Pol és ser com tothom.Però no ho és, i no ho serà mai. Però per què això l?hauria de fer sentir malament?Aquest intrèpid cargolet decideix passar a l?acció.Gaudeix d?aquesta tendra història sobre els entrebancs i com superar-los, sobre els desitjos, la força de voluntat i la solidaritat.Aprendràs que, en comptes de ser un obstacle, la diferència pot arribar a ser la clau per obrir nous horitzons.
Pol el caracol
Lo que más desea el caracolito Pol es ser como todo el mundo. Pero no lo es y nunca lo será.Pero por qué iba a sentirse mal por eso? Este resuelto caracolito decide actuar.Disfruta de esta historia amable sobre discapacidades, superación, anhelos, fuerza de voluntad y solidaridad.Descubre cómo, lejos de ser un obstáculo, la diferencia puede ser la clave para abrir nuevos horizontes.
Piper Verlag GmbH Pol Hjalmar Johansens Hundejahre
Yale University Press Pol Bury: Time in Motion
Pol Bury (1922-2005) was a painter, sculptor, jewelry designer, writer, and graphic artist, but is perhaps best known to the general public for his fountains and sculpture in public spaces throughout the world. Acclaimed as one of the first proponents of “moving” works, driven by a motor, he became one of the protagonists of kinetic art and was without doubt one of Belgium’s most important postwar artists. Accompanying a major exhibition in Belgium, this publication presents an opportunity to rediscover Bury’s multifaceted oeuvre. Distributed for MercatorfondsExhibition Schedule:BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels (02/23/17–06/04/17)
Editorial Barcanova Mavorreixo va dir en Pol
En Pol s'ha vist obligat a canviar d'escola i, des del primer dia, s'adona que en aquell centre passen coses una mica estranyes i que no s'hi podrà acostumar de cap de les maneres. Per començar, l'escola és molt avorrida, tothom està molt seriós i l'únic que fan és treballar. A més, el seu tutor té cura d'un estrany arbre en miniatura amb el qual fa bruixeria!
Aigua màgica al pol Nord
El pol Nord és ple de colors i sorpreses. Vols descobrir-ne tots els secrets? Humiteja amb una mica d'aigua les parts blanques de cada dibuix. Pots fer-ho amb un pinzell (no inclòs) o directament amb el dit. Faràs màgia! Un cop sec, els dibuixos desapareixeran i podràs començar de nou. Deixa el llibre obert perquè s'assequi més de pressa i prepara't per a hores i hores de diversió. Llançament simultani amb 'Aigua màgica al mar'.No et perdis els altres èxits de la collecció: 'Aigua màgica a la selva' i 'Aigua màgica a la granja'.
Temple University Press,U.S. Global Emergence Of Gay & Lesbian Pol
Since the Stonewall rebellion in 1969, gay and lesbian movements have grown from small outposts in a few major cities to a worldwide mobilization. This book brings together stories of the emergence and growth of movements in more than a dozen nations on five continents, with a comparative look that offers insights for both activists and those who study social movements. Lesbian and gay groups have existed for more than a century, often struggling against enormous odds. In the middle of the twentieth century, movement organizations were suppressed or swept away by fascism, Stalinism, and McCarthyism. Refounded by a few pioneers in the postwar period, movements have risen again as more and more people have stood up for their right to love and live with persons of their choice. This book addresses both the mature movements of the European Union, North America, and Australia and the newer movements emerging in Latin America, Eastern Europe, and parts of Asia and Africa, examining the social and political conditions that shape movement opportunities and trajectories. It is rich in the details of gay and lesbian cultural and political life in different countries.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Intl Biblio Pol Sc 1965 Vol 14
First published in 1966. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Intl Biblio Pol Sc 1962 Vol 11
Taylor & Francis Ltd Intl Biblio Pol Sc 1955 Vol 4
First published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Intl Biblio Pol Sc 1959 Vol 8
First published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Intl Biblio Pol Sc 1956 Vol 5
First published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Yale University Press Cambodia: From Pol Pot to Hun Sen and Beyond
A fascinating look at the recent history of the beautiful but troubled Southeast Asian nation of Cambodia“A richly detailed study that goes a long way toward explaining the contradictions, corruption and complexity of Cambodia.”—Ron Gluckman, Wall Street Journal To many in the West, the name Cambodia still conjures up indelible images of destruction and death, the legacy of the brutal Khmer Rouge regime and the terror it inflicted in its attempt to create a communist utopia in the 1970s. Sebastian Strangio, a journalist based in the capital city of Phnom Penh, now offers an eye-opening appraisal of modern-day Cambodia in the years following its emergence from bitter conflict and bloody upheaval. In the early 1990s, Cambodia became the focus of the UN’s first great post–Cold War nation-building project, with billions in international aid rolling in to support the fledgling democracy. But since the UN-supervised elections in 1993, the nation has slipped steadily backward into neo-authoritarian rule under Prime Minister Hun Sen. Behind a mirage of democracy, ordinary people have few rights and corruption infuses virtually every facet of everyday life. In this lively and compelling study, the first of its kind, Strangio explores the present state of Cambodian society under Hun Sen’s leadership, painting a vivid portrait of a nation struggling to reconcile the promise of peace and democracy with a violent and tumultuous past.
König, Buchverlag Dem Pol Entgegen Mit dem Ballon ins ewige Eis
Vintage Publishing Darling Pol: Letters of Mary Wesley and Eric Siepmann 1944-1967
Before her death in 2002, Mary Wesley told her biographer Patrick Marnham: 'after I met Eric I never looked at anyone else again. We lived our ups and downs but life was never boring'. Eric Siepmann was her second husband and their correspondence charted their life together (and apart) with unusual candour and spirit. These remarkable letters, which were inspired by Mary's great love story with Eric, were also the means by which the novelist found her voice. Entrusted to Marnham in two size -5 shoe boxes, this is one of the great surviving post-war correspondences.
Silkworm Books / Trasvin Publications LP The People's Republic of Kampuchea, 1979-1989: The Revolution after Pol Pot
When the Khmer Rouge troops entered Phnom Penh on 17th April 1975, it seemed that the Cambodian revolution had been secured. During the following four years, Cambodian society was dramatically transformed at great cost in terms of human misery and death. Despite its outward display of total power, the regime of Democratic Kampuchea was deeply fragmented along factional lines within the Communist Party of Kampuchea which eventually ripped it apart. On the morning of 25th December 1978, a huge military force of the People's Army of Vietnam spearheaded a counter attack by the Kampuchean Front for National Salvation, led by a former KR commander, Heng Samrin. They found a country in ruins, the economy shattered and the people shocked and dispirited. This book examines the Cambodian revolution before and after Pol Pot and attempts to explain the reasons for its ultimate failure. In particular, it traces the efforts of the post-DK regime, that of the People's Republic of Kampuchea, to rebuild both the state and the revolution. Many factors intervened to defeat their efforts to restore revolution. Nevertheless, the PRK did rebuild the state and the economy, and it helped return people's lives to the conditions of pre-revolutionary days.
Yale University Press How Pol Pot Came to Power: Colonialism, Nationalism, and Communism in Cambodia, 1930–1975
How did Pol Pot, a tyrant comparable to Hitler and Stalin in his brutality and contempt for human life, rise to power? This authoritative book explores what happened in Cambodia from 1930 to 1975, tracing the origins and trajectory of the Cambodian Communist movement and setting the ascension of Pol Pot’s genocidal regime in the context of the conflict between colonialism and nationalism. A new preface bring this edition up to date.Praise for the first edition:“Given the highly secretive nature of Pol Pot’s activities, the precise circumstances and manoeuvres that propelled him to the top of the heap will perhaps never be known. But Kiernan has come impressively close to it. . . . And he has presented it in a wide perspective, drawing interesting comparisons with communist movements in Indonesia, Thailand, Burma and India. . . . Incisive.”—T. J. S. George, Asiaweek, “Editor’s Pick of the Month” “A rich, gruesome and compelling tale. . . fascinating, well-researched and measured . . . a model of judgement and scholarship.”—Fred Halliday, New Statesman“[Kiernan’s] capacity for dogged research on three continents, and his mastery of every ideological nuance. . . [are] awe-inspiring.”—Dervla Murphy, Irish Times
University of California Press Voices from S-21: Terror and History in Pol Pot's Secret Prison
The horrific torture and execution of hundreds of thousands of Cambodians by Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge during the 1970s is one of the century's major human disasters. David Chandler, a world-renowned historian of Cambodia, examines the Khmer Rouge phenomenon by focusing on one of its key institutions, the secret prison outside Phnom Penh known by the code name 'S-21'. The facility was an interrogation center where more than 14,000 'enemies' were questioned, tortured, and made to confess to counterrevolutionary crimes. Fewer than a dozen prisoners left S-21 alive. During the Democratic Kampuchea (DK) era, the existence of S-21 was known only to those inside it and a few high-ranking Khmer Rouge officials. When invading Vietnamese troops discovered the prison in 1979, murdered bodies lay strewn about and instruments of torture were still in place. An extensive archive containing photographs of victims, cadre notebooks, and "DK" publications was also found. Chandler utilizes evidence from the S-21 archive as well as materials that have surfaced elsewhere in Phnom Penh. He also interviews survivors of S-21 and former workers from the prison. Documenting the violence and terror that took place within S-21 is only part of Chandler's story. Equally important is his attempt to understand what happened there in terms that might be useful to survivors, historians, and the rest of us. Chandler discusses the 'culture of obedience' and its attendant dehumanization, citing parallels between the Khmer Rouge executions and the Moscow Show Trails of the 1930s, Nazi genocide, Indonesian massacres in 1965-66, the Argentine military's use of torture in the 1970s, and the recent mass killings in Bosnia and Rwanda. In each of these instances, Chandler shows how turning victims into 'others' in a manner that was systematically devaluing and racialist made it easier to mistreat and kill them. More than a chronicle of Khmer Rouge barbarism, "Voices from S-21" is also a judicious examination of the psychological dimensions of state-sponsored terrorism that conditions human beings to commit acts of unspeakable brutality.
Yale University Press The Pol Pot Regime: Race, Power, and Genocide in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, 1975-79
This edition of Ben Kiernan’s definitive account of the Cambodian revolution and genocide includes a new preface that takes the story up to 2008 and the UN-sponsored Khmer Rouge tribunal. “Deeply detailed, meticulously reported. . . . Important [and] valuable.” —Nation "In this authoritative work, Ben Kiernan . . . explores the reasons why Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge revolution became a Cambodian nightmare." —Richard Gough, Times Higher Education Supplement “Perhaps the most complete [account of Pol Pot’s terror] and the closest to Cambodian sources.” —Economist “One of the most important contributions to the subject so far.” —R. B. Smith, Asian Affairs "Kiernan, the leading authority on modern Cambodia, meticulously examines Pol Pot's killing machine and clears up many misconceptions found in earlier studies. . . . An important book for students of genocide as well as scholars of Southeast Asia." —Library Journal "[A] detailed and chilling history." —Asiaweek "The most detailed history to date of the genocidal Khmer Rouge regime. . . . This book . . . will certainly be the benchmark against which all future research on the Khmer Rouge must be measured. Very highly recommended." —Choice
Classiques Garnier Correspondance. Tome II: Saint-Pol-Sur-Ternoise, Pont-Audemer, Nonant-Le-Pin, Fontenay-Aux-Roses (1849-1892)
La infancia de los dictadores Pol Pot Amin Dada Stalin Gadafi Hitler Franco Mao Mussolini Sadam Husein y Bokassa
Joseph, Francisco, Muamar, Idi, Saloth. Quién sospecharía que detrás de estos nombres anodinos se ocultan algunos de los dictadores más perversos que ha conocido el siglo xx? La mancha roja que dejaron en los libros de historia nos hizo olvidar que Stal
Peeters Publishers Pol Heyns En Het Volkslied Met Een Heruitgave Van Zijn Verzameling Volksliederen 1941 En Een CD Met de Originele Veldopnamen 19371939
The Folk Song Collection of Pol Heyns
Cmo alimentar a un dictador Sadam Husen Idi Amin Enver Hoxha Fidel Castro y Pol Pot a travs de los ojos de sus cocineros Spanish Edition
Qué menú degustaba Pol Pot mientras dos millones de camboyanos morían de hambre? Idi Amin realmente comió carne humana? Y por qué Fidel Castro estaba obsesionado con una vaca lechera?Este es un viaje a través de cuatro continentes. Desde las ruinas de Irak hasta las sabanas de Kenia, Witold Szablowski rastrea en este libro a los chefs personales de cinco dictadores conocidos por oprimir y masacrar a sus propios ciudadanos: Sadam Huseín, de Iraq; Idi Amin, de Uganda; Enver Hoxha, de Albania; Fidel Castro, de Cuba y Pol Pot, de Camboya. Estos cocineros cuentan historias sobre sopa agridulce, pilaf de carne de cabra, botellas de ron y juegos de Gin rummy.El presente volumen es un plato deliciosamente legible y muy serio.Cómo alimentar a un dictadorproporciona una visión, cortada con el filo de un cuchillo de cocina, de la vida bajo la tiranía.
Icon Books How to Feed a Dictator: Saddam Hussein, Idi Amin, Enver Hoxha, Fidel Castro, and Pol Pot Through the Eyes of Their Cooks
Mixing bold journalism with bolder allegories, Mr Szablowski teaches us with witty persistence that we must desire freedom rather than simply expect itTimothy Snyder, New York Times bestselling author of ON TYRANNYA devastatingly original look at the world's worst dictators, through the eyes of their personal chefs, by award-winning Polish author Witold Szablowski.What is it like to cook for the most dangerous men in the world?In this darkly funny and fascinating book, Witold Szablowski travels across four continents in search of the personal chefs of five dictators. From the savannahs of Kenya to the faded glamour of Havana, and the bombed-out streets of Baghdad, Szablowski finds the men and women who cooked fish soup for Saddam Hussein, roasted goat for Idi Amin and chopped papaya salad for Pol Pot. He reveals the strangeness of a job where a single culinary mistake could be fatal, but a well-seasoned dish could change your life. And in doing so, he lifts the veil on what life is like at the very heart of power.
Penguin Putnam Inc How To Feed A Dictator: Saddam Hussein, Idi Amin, Enver Hoxha, Fidel Castro, and Pol Pot Through the Eyes of Their Cooks
Ediciones Polígrafa S.A. Amereida: The Invention of a Sea
Ediciones Polígrafa S.A. Quaderns 271 - About Buildings And Food
Ediciones Polígrafa S.A. Picasso
labutxaca Poesia completa
Si hi ha hagut un poeta popular, estimat i àmpliament llegit en la literatura catalana del segle xx, aquest és, sens dubte, Miquel Martí i Pol. La seva obra, marcada pel compromís civil i per la malaltia, ha transcendit com passa poques vegades l'àmbit dels llibres i els estudis, per esdevenir un patrimoni literari viscut dels seus innombrables lectors. Aquesta Poesia completa aplega per primera vegada en un sol volum i en format de butxaca els trenta-cinc llibres canònics de Martí i Pol ordenats cronològicament, i posa encara més a l'abast el conjunt de l'obra d'un dels autors fonamentals de la poesia catalana.
labutxaca Estimada Marta
Estimada Marta és el llibre de poemes més conegut de Miquel Martí i Pol, i un dels llibres de poesia de més èxit de la poesia catalana contemporània, inscrit en la llarga i fecunda tradició de la poesia d'amor d'Occident. Aquesta edició inclou el pròleg original del poeta.
BackPage Press Limited Pep's City: The Making of a Superteam
Over three seasons, Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola has built a team that dominates games like no other, scores goals and collects points and trophies at record-breaking pace. Lu Martin and Pol Ballus have been embedded with the club, reporting this inside account of how a phenomenal team was constructed
BackPage Press Limited Pep's City: The Making of a Superteam
** NEW COVER & INTRODUCTION BASED ON EXCLUSIVE PEP GUARDIOLA INTERVIEW ON THE 2022-23 TREBLE ** Over his first three seasons in England, Pep Guardiola built something the Premier League had never seen before: a team that dominated games like no other, scoring goals and collecting points and trophies at record-breaking pace. Throughout that journey, the Spanish journalists Lu Martín and Pol Ballús were embedded with the club, reporting this inside account of how a phenomenal team was constructed: from the recruitment of Guardiola himself, to the backroom staff that provide the platform for his team and the superstar players that set a new standard in British football
Alisis Barcelona compte enrere
Dos desconeguts coincideixen al terrat de l'Hotel Arts. Hi han pujat per suïcidar-se empesos per l'atzar, un judici advers i l'assassinat d'una dona bella. La conversa és banal i sòrdida: qui es llançarà primer? Per quina banda? L'Arnau sospesa pros i contres. En Roger és un cínic de tornada de tot. La tensió entre tots dos augmenta quan són descoberts i assetjats per la policia i es converteixen en presa del circ mediàtic. Emmanillats a les altures per un passat tèrbol, cadascú fa examen de consciència i no gosa formular a l'altre la pregunta clau que dóna sentit al que estan vivint i que, potser, pot canviar el curs dels esdeveniments.Amb una estructura de ferro i una intriga que es manté fins a l'últim paràgraf, Barcelona compte enrere és el thriller barceloní de Pol Marsà.
Lars Muller Publishers Inside CERN: European Organization For Nuclear Research
For most people locations that hold a particular importance for the development of our society and for the advancement of science and technology often remain hidden from view. They are separate and protected, such as CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, close to the city of Geneva. CERN is best known for its giant particle accelerator. Here researchers from around the world take part in a diverse array of fundamental physical research, in the pursuit of knowledge that will perhaps one day revolutionize our understanding of the universe and life on our planet. The Swiss photographer Andri Pol mixed with this multicultural community of researchers and followed their work over an extended period of time. In doing so he created a unique portrait of this fascinating underworld.A" The cutting-edge research is given a human face and even if we don't fully understand the processes at work, the pictures allow us to perceive how in this world of the tiniest particles the biggest connections are searched for. With an explanatory text and scientific-philosophical essay.
Faber & Faber Napalm in the Heart
''Innovative and original.'' Colm Tóibín''Unforgettable.'' Alejandro Zambra''A punk novel with prose as mysterious as it is beautiful.'' Nicole Flattery ''Pol Guasch must be one of the best young writers working today.'' Catherine LaceyThe arrival of a blistering debut voice in international literature, and a radical work of literary fictionpoetic, provocative, artful and singular.In a deserted village, an unnamed young man waits for an opportunity to escape. Society has been militarised, the dead lie unburied and thugs patrol the land. As he waits, he marks the days that pass and writes to his lover Boris, with whom he shares an animal desire. In a series of impassioned dispatches, Napalm in the Heart unearths what it means to survive when language and nature fail, to refuse to give up when everything is lost.
Princeton University Press Global Production: Firms, Contracts, and Trade Structure
Global Production is the first book to provide a fully comprehensive overview of the complicated issues facing multinational companies and their global sourcing strategies. Few international trade transactions today are based on the exchange of finished goods; rather, the majority of transactions are dominated by sales of individual components and intermediary services. Many firms organize global production around offshoring parts, components, and services to producers in distant countries, and contracts are drawn up specific to the parties and distinct legal systems involved. Pol Antràs examines the contractual frictions that arise in the international system of production and how these frictions influence the world economy.Antràs discusses the inevitable complications that develop in contract negotiation and execution. He provides a unified framework that sheds light on the factors helping global firms determine production locations and other organizational choices. Antràs also implements a series of systematic empirical tests, based on recent data from the U.S. Customs and Census Offices, which demonstrate the relevance of contractual factors in global production decisions.Using an integrated approach, Global Production is an excellent resource for researchers, graduate students, and advanced undergraduates interested in the inner workings of international economics and trade.
Princeton University Press Global Production: Firms, Contracts, and Trade Structure
Global Production is the first book to provide a fully comprehensive overview of the complicated issues facing multinational companies and their global sourcing strategies. Few international trade transactions today are based on the exchange of finished goods; rather, the majority of transactions are dominated by sales of individual components and intermediary services. Many firms organize global production around offshoring parts, components, and services to producers in distant countries, and contracts are drawn up specific to the parties and distinct legal systems involved. Pol Antras examines the contractual frictions that arise in the international system of production and how these frictions influence the world economy. Antras discusses the inevitable complications that develop in contract negotiation and execution. He provides a unified framework that sheds light on the factors helping global firms determine production locations and other organizational choices. Antras also implements a series of systematic empirical tests, based on recent data from the U.S. Customs and Census Offices, which demonstrate the relevance of contractual factors in global production decisions. Using an integrated approach, Global Production is an excellent resource for researchers, graduate students, and advanced undergraduates interested in the inner workings of international economics and trade.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Germans and Jews Since The Holocaust
From the very moment of the liberation of camps at Auschwitz, Belsen and Buchenwald, Germans have been held accountable for the crimes committed in the Holocaust. The Nazi regime unleashed the most systematic attempt in history to wipe out an entire people, murdering men, women and children for the simple 'crime' of being Jewish. After the war ended in 1945, the Jewish State of Israel was created and Jewish communities were re-established in a now divided Germany. Germans have engaged actively with their Nazi legacy and the Jewish communities have remained and grown stronger, but neo-Nazism has also persisted. Young Germans have learned the horrific deeds of the past at school, and throughout the world, people of all nations have tried to learn the lesson 'never again', while Germany has become 'Israel's best friend in Europe'. Pól Ó Dochartaigh analyses the ways in which Germans and Jews alike have attempted to come to terms with the Holocaust and its terrible legacy. He also looks at efforts to remember – and to forget – the Holocaust, movement towards recompense and reparation, and the survival of anti-Semitism.
Liverpool University Press Press, Politics and National Identities in Catalonia: The Transformation of La Vanguardia, 1881-1931
For more than three generations, the members of the Godo family controlled Barcelonas top-selling newspaper La Vanguardia, navigating it through the countrys turbulent 20th century. Whether under the corrupt politics of the Bourbon Restoration, the radical transformations of the Second Republic or the tragedy of the Spanish Civil War, La Vanguardia remained Barcelonas indisputable journalistic benchmark. Central to this success was the Godo familys extraordinary capacity to meet the changing tastes of a plural audience whilst adjusting to a changing political scenario. In parallel, the ownership of the newspaper allowed family members to expand their interests to other fields, such as politics, business and colonial rule in Cuba and Morocco. The long-standing reputation of the Godo dynasty, however, is in sharp contrast with the lack of studies about their members and the newspaper they founded. This silence is due, in part, to the influence that La Vanguardia still exerts on public life today. Drawing on hitherto unused archival material, this book is the first account about the most renowned publishers and the most important newspaper in Catalonias history. In so doing, it also sheds new light on how the media shaped (and conditioned) Europes birth of mass politics. In fact, while contemporaries often observed that newspapers had a powerful influence over public affairs, historians have not systematically examined the role of press owners as political actors. Likewise, media specialists have seldom considered how the rise of the new mass press affected democratisation and the collapse of liberal institutions. In contrast, Pol Dalmau focuses on the case of a renowned family in Barcelona to uncover the medias critical role in Europes uneven road to modernity. Published in association with the Canada Blanch Centre for Contemporary Spanish Studies
Liverpool University Press Press, Politics and National Identities in Catalonia: The Transformation of La Vanguardia, 1881-1931
For more than three generations, the members of the Godo family controlled Barcelonas top-selling newspaper La Vanguardia, navigating it through the countrys turbulent 20th century. Whether under the corrupt politics of the Bourbon Restoration, the radical transformations of the Second Republic or the tragedy of the Spanish Civil War, La Vanguardia remained Barcelonas indisputable journalistic benchmark. Central to this success was the Godo familys extraordinary capacity to meet the changing tastes of a plural audience whilst adjusting to a changing political scenario. In parallel, the ownership of the newspaper allowed family members to expand their interests to other fields, such as politics, business and colonial rule in Cuba and Morocco. The long-standing reputation of the Godo dynasty, however, is in sharp contrast with the lack of studies about their members and the newspaper they founded. This silence is due, in part, to the influence that La Vanguardia still exerts on public life today. Drawing on hitherto unused archival material, this book is the first account about the most renowned publishers and the most important newspaper in Catalonias history. In so doing, it also sheds new light on how the media shaped (and conditioned) Europes birth of mass politics. In fact, while contemporaries often observed that newspapers had a powerful influence over public affairs, historians have not systematically examined the role of press owners as political actors. Likewise, media specialists have seldom considered how the rise of the new mass press affected democratisation and the collapse of liberal institutions. In contrast, Pol Dalmau focuses on the case of a renowned family in Barcelona to uncover the medias critical role in Europes uneven road to modernity. Published in association with the Canada Blanch Centre for Contemporary Spanish Studies
Caligrama El canto de Ícaro
Lassassina de Venècia Premi Ramon Muntaner 2021
Venècia, 1914. La Carla Herzog, a punt de complir catorze anys, descobreix que té el poder de preveure desgràcies poc abans que es produeixin. El seu pare, un home molt ric i poderós i amb una mentalitat molt estricta, l?acusa de bruixeria i la tanca en un reformatori. Una nit, la Carla aconsegueix escapar juntament amb dos companys. Tots tres viatjaran a diversos llocs d?Europa a la recerca d?un llibre misteriós que conté l?explicació dels seus poders, alhora que la policia de Venècia busca la Carla acusant-la falsament d?assassinat. Mentrestant, esclata la Primera Guerra Mundial?
Bella Books Open Water
Voltaire Foundation Les Pensees de Parcal: Geologie et Stratigraphie