Search results for ""Monthly Review Press""
Monthly Review Press Women and Resistance in S Africa
Monthly Review Press Rabotygi
Monthly Review Press Press and Cold War
Monthly Review Press State and Ideology in Mideast
Monthly Review Press New Polarizations and Old Contradictions: The Crisis of Centrism: Socialist Register 2022
Monthly Review Press Telling the Truth: Socialist Register 2006
Monthly Review Press The Education of a Reluctant Radical: Reconstruction, Book 5
Monthly Review Press Cuba in Focus
Monthly Review Press Decade of War
Monthly Review Press Land Before Honor
Monthly Review Press Instability and Change
Monthly Review Press Less Than Perfect Union
Monthly Review Press The Next Liberation Struggle: Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy in South Africa
Monthly Review Press Education of a Reluctant Radical
Monthly Review Press Brazil - Carnival of the Oppressed: Lula and the Brazilian Workers' Party
Monthly Review Press Why Not Capitalism: Soc Reg' 95
Monthly Review Press On the Line
Monthly Review Press South Asia
Monthly Review Press Son of Man
Monthly Review Press Guatemala: False Hope
Monthly Review Press The Political Writings of Bhagat Singh
Monthly Review Press The Political Writings of Bhagat Singh
Monthly Review Press Capital and Politics: Socialist Register 2023
Monthly Review Press Working Classes, Global Realities: Socialist Register 2001
Monthly Review Press In the Mountains of Morazon
Monthly Review Press Difficult Road
Monthly Review Press SubSaharan Africa 2 Sociology of Developing Societies
Monthly Review Press The Prosecution of Professor Chandler Davis: McCarthyism, Communism, and the Myth of Academic Freedom
Monthly Review Press Imperiled Economy I
Monthly Review Press Cuban Revolution in Crisis
Monthly Review Press Let Them Eat Ketchup
Monthly Review Press Women in Brazil
Monthly Review Press Women and the Environment
Monthly Review Press Panama: Made in USA
Monthly Review Press Building Bridges: The Emerging Grassroots Coalition of Labor and Community
Monthly Review Press Promissory Notes
Monthly Review Press Central America: Sociology of Developing Societies
Monthly Review Press Rebel Pen
Monthly Review Press Energy Update
Monthly Review Press Inside India Today
Monthly Review Press,U.S. Rethinking Revolution
Monthly Review Press,U.S. Global NATO and the Catastrophic Failure in Libya
Monthly Review Press,U.S. The Challenge and Burden of Historical Time: Socialism in the Twenty-first Century
An extraordinary new work by the leading Marxian philosopher of the late twentieth and early twenty-first century, "The Challenge and Burden of Historical Time" represents a breakthrough in the development of socialist thought. It can be seen both as a companion volume to his earlier pathbreaking "Beyond Capital" and a major theoretical contribution in its own right. Its focus is on the "decapitation of historical time" in today's capitalism and the necessity of a new "socialist time accountancy" as a revolutionary response to the debilitating present.Extending Meszaros' earlier analysis of capitalism as a social-metabolic system caught in an irreversible structural crisis, it represents a crushing refutation of the view that "there is no alternative" to the current social order. Meszaros' wide-ranging analysis explores the forces behind the expansion of world inequality, the return of imperial interventionism, the growing structural crisis of the capitalist state, and the widening planetary ecological crisis - along with the new hope offered by the reemergence of concrete socialist alternatives.At the heart of his book is an examination of the preconditions of Latin America's historic Bolivarian journey, which is producing new revolutionary transformations in Venezuela, Bolivia, and elsewhere. "The Challenge and Burden of Historical Time" is a work of great political and philosophical importance, one that defines the challenges and burdens facing all those who are committed to a more rational, more egalitarian future.
Monthly Review Press,U.S. Pox Americana: Exposing the American Empire
Monthly Review Press,U.S. Dialectical Urbanism: Social Struggles in the Capitalist City
Monthly Review Press,U.S. Labor Pains: Inside America's New Union Movement
Monthly Review Press,U.S. Socialism or Barbarism: From the "American Century" to the Crossroads
Monthly Review Press,U.S. Rag-tags, Scum, Riff-raff and Commies: The U.S.Intervention in the Dominican Republic, 1965-1966