Search results for ""Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S.""
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Problem Solving with Python
The field of computer sciences is broad, deep, and continually growing, and impacts nearly every quarter of our modern lives. Computer scientists, therefore, need to be lifelong learners.Problem Solving with Python takes an explicit problem-solving approach to the introduction of computer programming and computational thinking, emphasizing the programmer's role in problem definition, expressing, evaluating, and implementing solutions, and evaluating results.Designed to lay the groundwork for further study in computer science, Problem Solving with Python: Encourages curiosity and guides exploration, experimentation, and the meaningful evaluation of results. Uses turtle graphics and interesting computation problems in the Python 3 programming language to introduce fundamental imperative programming constructs and patterns. Includes chapters on input-processing-output programs, conditional and iterative structures, functions, recursion, file processing, lists and strings, and contains an introduction to secure programming. Presents programming constructs as tools for the solution of classes of problems, using the problems as motivation for mastering the tools. Try This and Challenge Accepted! problem sections are suitable for laboratory exercises, starting points for classroom discussion, or to help the reader develop the habits of mind they will need for success as a computer programmer.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Global Consciousness through the Arts: A Passport for Students and Teachers
Conceived from the current political, social, economic, spiritual, and environmental issues of our times, Global Consciousness through the Arts: A Passport for Students and Teachers provides the tools for teachers and students to succeed in the 21st Century.It raises the consciousness of students and teachers to the critical challenges that confront us in the new human world and provide them a starting point from which they can be engaged in shaping their own destiny through the re-creation of the international community culture.Re-creating the international community will require not only consciousness in the issues and challenges, but also the passion that is associated with the innate human creativity through educating the whole person cognitively, aesthetically, physically, and spiritually for growth and achievement through the arts.Global Consciousness through the Arts: A Passport for Students and Teachers: Inspires deeper exploration of the issues by students and teachers and that this exploration brings excitement and enrichment to the education process. Is organized around four basic principles: identifying the challenges we face, familiarizing ourselves with them, garnering the knowledge and skills necessary to resolve them, and providing suggestions and resources to guide us in our exploration. Integrates lesson plans, practice, and observations from international and national (USA) authors on how the information can be used to provide students and faculty the direction and guidance to develop deeper thought and personal empowerment. There is a 302-page-online Ancillary that has 54 contributors representing 18 countries in Elementary, Secondary and Higher Education from urban, suburban, and rural locations. This ancillary is a critical component of the book for contemporary art education.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Biology 102 Laboratory Manual
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. One World...Many Faiths: An Interactive Guide to World Religions
New Revised Printing Now Available!One World, Many Faiths : An Interactive Guide to World Religions invites students to explore life's big questions and the wide range of answers offered by the world's faith traditions. From faithful believers to committed skeptics, human beings have long explored questions such as: Who am I? Why am I here? How do I make sense of suffering? Is there a sacred reality and how do I relate to it? The answers are diverse but the urge to question unites us all.This textbook invites the reader to engage the various religions and philosophies present in our world today, to listen to a myriad of views and to think critically about the role of religion in society. It encourages students to interact and explore through discussion questions and opportunities for reflection embedded in each chapter.New with the revised 2nd edition is a section on Zoroastrianism and reference to other minority religions of the Middle East, such as the Yazidi and Druze. A small section on Hmong Shamanism has also been added. Along with the text, a study app and a companion website are available for students.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Career Readiness
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Philosophy and the Good Life: A Text for Beginners
Whereas most textbooks consist either of 1) anthologies consisting almost entirely of primary source material without commentary or explanation or 2) a series of summaries of classic texts containing little of what the philosophers themselves actually wrote, Philosophy and the Good Life steers a middle course between these two extremes by presenting the ideas of some of the greatest minds of the Philosophic Tradition in as close to their original form as possible, while at the same time providing commentaries that guide students toward a clearer understanding of the rather complex and difficult primary source material they will encounter therein.In addition, the web component to Philosophy and the Good Life contains valuable student resources, including practice quizzes, PPT slides, and video lectures for each chapter.Instructor resources include test banks with T/F, multiple-choice, and essay questions, as well as discussion board questions.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. The Less-Is-More Handbook: A Guide to College Writing
The Less-Is-More Handbook: A Guide to College Writing guides the reader through the basics of college writing. This handbook clearly and efficiently discusses a wide variety of topics, including thesis statements, essays, research papers, and editing. For this handbook of the basics, less is more.Focusing on accuracy and efficacy, The Less-Is-More Handbook provides readers with the ""insider rules"" needed to become a better college writer.The second edition of The Less-Is-More Handbook includes: Easy Navigation! Content can be quickly accessed and utilized via the handbook's tabbed sections and plastic comb binding. Detailed and user-friendly Step-by-Step Tutorials that demystify college writing. Tools to Avoid Plagiarism, 45 Reminders of common errors, Tip Boxes, and a listing of Editing Symbols. Detailed lists to check the writer's punctuation, spelling, mechanics and word usage.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Anybodys Guide to Total Fitness
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. The Anatomy Assignment: Level 1
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. The Black Experience in America
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Smart School Leaders: Leading with Emotional Intelligence
Smart School Leaders: Leading with Emotional Intelligence by Janet Patti and James Tobin is a valuable resource for developing the knowledge, skills, and abilities of school leaders. It focuses on the people side of leadership.The ten core chapters of the book are written in narrative form which provides an easy read for educational leaders who are ""on the go."" In addition to the narrative text, the book contains anecdotal reflections written by principals and superintendents that are designed for dialogue and discussion. The rich skill-building section provides opportunity for professional development in leadership competencies. Also included are thirteen readings contributed by experts in the fields of leadership, social, and emotional learning. These readings supplement and support the reader's learning.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Cornerstones for Community College Success
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Unleash the Sociological Imagination - Applications in Real Life
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Essential Biology: An Applied Approach
Essential Biology: An Applied Approach is a textbook intended for introductory college biology courses. It uses a society-based approach to guide readers to appreciate biology as it applies to current and historic cultural issues. Essential Biology serves the traditional undergraduate biology curriculum, with a sequence and depth of content valuable for the introductory student. Its unique story- and society-based approach brings forth collaborative discussion and improves student motivation to read and study further into the material.Essential Biology: An Applied Approach: shows the reader how to think like a scientist - provocative examples guide the reader to consider facts more critically. seeks a new way of approaching biology by incorporating stories, social themes, and integrating non-science areas to augment student interest. presents an applied approach to how each field of biology is developed and fits within larger areas of study. contains unique characteristics including Mnemonics and Learning Strategies, biology case studies, ""Check In"" sections, special textboxes, and more! can be used in traditional, online-only, and hybrid courses. includes extensive instructor resources: PowerPoint slides, test bank, discussion questions, and more!
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Introductory Animal Science: The Biology of Domestic Animals
Introductory Animal Science: The Biology of Domestic Animals delivers the foundation for all future Animal Science courses. Topics including genetics, reproduction, and nutrition provide basic understanding of the major Animal Science disciplines. Additional topics of anatomy, animal health, and animal/environment interactions outline the essentials of animal care. Laboratory exercises, homework assignments, and chapter review questions supplement the material to enhance student success in ASC 101: Domestic Animal Biology.Click Here to purchase the KHQ study app that relates to this text and a Domestic Animal Biology course.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. General Chemistry II: Lab Manual
General Chemistry II: Lab Manual is written for a second semester General Chemistry lab course. The experiments are ordered to follow the presentation that most instructors use at Middlesex County College.General Chemistry II: Lab Manual: Utilizes Microsoft Excel® for data manipulation with a spreadsheet. Includes the PassPort® system for data acquisition and DataStudio® software for data manipulation. Provides easily removable pages containing pre-lab exercises, lab data, and questions to turn in for grading.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Fundamentals of Art for Elementary Educators: Art Teaching for the Early Elementary Grades
Fundamentals of Art for Elementary Educators: Art Teaching for the Early Elementary Grades covers the essential information educators need to develop a holistic art curriculum for their students. The text offers practical steps for incorporating art into the classroom for an entire year or a single lesson. By including creative exercises for children at the K-3 level, students will gain a greater capacity for thinking outside the box and appreciating cultural diversity in the world around them. It also includes an in-depth guide for facilitating a strong, unified, and experiential art-making period in the classroom by providing worksheets and exercises to help future educators solidify concepts. Fundamentals of Art for Elementary Educators: Art Teaching for the Early Elementary Grades equips readers with the information and resources to effectively inspire students and further their academic, developmental, and personal growth.Mara Pierce's Fundamentals of Art for Elementary Educators: Art Teaching for the Early Elementary Grades: features various methods of art-making and media for the K-3 classroom. includes recommendations for skill-level appropriate art-making tools. provides charts that exemplify different projects and structure year-long curriculum. details the importance of globally diverse visual culture within the classroom. lists resources that provide future educators with lessons and inspiration.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. The World is Our Lab: An Introduction to Sociology
The World is Our Lab is a real world grounded introduction to the field of Sociology that is written to the interests and needs of today's students. Beyond your basic textbook, Sociology, An Introduction includes a workbook within the text encouraging students to be active participants in performing Sociology from their very first class.The World is Our Lab: Promotes active learning. From the first chapter on, the book includes interactive activities that allow the theories and course framework to come alive in real, relatable ways. Is practical and grounded in the real world. This course often serves as a General Education requirement for schools, and this text applies to any student in any major, with any future career goal. Thoughtfully crafted, it ties the Sociological materials to many areas of society. Is written by an experienced Introduction to Sociology professor. Teaching this course in both in person and online versions, building the curriculum, and serving as a subject matter expert for this course have allowed the author to fine tune the required content. Creative exercises have been developed through years of teaching, and seeing which activities encourage student participation and engagement.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Calculus: Special Edition: Chapters 1-5
Special Edition for Rutgers UniversityThe NEW 7th edition of Calculus blends the best aspects of calculus reform along with the goals and methodology of traditional calculus. The format of this text is enhanced, but is not dominated by new technology. Its innovative presentation includes: Conceptual Understanding through Verbalization Mathematical Communication Cooperative Learning Group Research Projects Integration of Technology Greater Text Visualization Supplementary Materials Interactive art - Many pieces of art in the book link online to dynamic art to illustrate such topics as limits, slopes, areas, and direction fields Calculus features: An early presentation of transcendental functions: Logarithms, exponential functions, and trigonometric functions Differential equations in a natural and reasonable way Utilization of the humanness of mathematics Precalculus mathematics being taught at most colleges and universities correctly reflected A student solutions manual, instructor's manual, and accompanying website It's all about Problems, problems, problems, and even more problems: Modeling Problems require the reader to make assumptions about the real world. Think Tank Problems prove the proposition true or to find a counterexample to disprove the proposition. Exploration Problems go beyond the category of counterexample problem to provide opportunities for innovative thinking. Historical Quest Problems invite the students to participate in the historical development of mathematics. History becomes active rather than passive. Journal Problems have been reprinted from leading mathematics journals in an effort to show that ""mathematicians work problems too."" Putnam Examination Problems have been included to challenge not only the ""best of the best"" but to offer stimulating content for everybody. Uniform Problem Sets 60 in every set allow for easy and consistent problem assignment. Cumulative Problem Sets for Chapters 1-5. Huge Chapter Supplementary Problem Set of 99 miscellaneous problems in each Chapter. Proficiency Examination Problem Sets consisting of both concept and practice problems.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. A Practical Approach to Strength Training
A Practical Approach to Strength Training is designed to educate students on the basics of strength and resistance training. The chapters are divided into short, easy-to-read content areas that cover everything from rules, guidelines, exercise techniques, and workout plans. In addition, the text provides a simple workout log for record keeping and progress comparisons. This text is simple, yet thorough and engaging!Each chapter includes: areas and ideas for practical application to increase the retention of information. content areas that thoroughly describe the different types and principles of strength training. detailed pictures of exercise technique.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Scientific and Technical Writing: From Problem to Proposal
Scientific and Technical Writing: From Problem to Proposal is built around a single concept that students learn professional writing through ownership of their ideas.This text equips students with the real-world skills that today's employers seek. Scientific and Technical Writing: From Problem to Proposal: is a proposal writing text. It assists students in building a proposal from the ground up. includes an author constructed heuristic known as the ""Six P's"" which assists students in understanding the information accumulated and where the research process needs to go next. features the job search Chapter early on in order to prepare students for subsequent and less familiar assignments. contains a learner-centered theme throughout: peer review workshop exercises and key assignments are included.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. The Presentation Guide Book: From the Classroom to the Boardroom
The Presentation Guide Book: From the Classroom to the Boardroom is a guide book with quick references and complete brief examples.Designed to help students, professionals and anyone asked to speak before an audience, The Presentation Guide Book: From the Classroom to the Boardroom includes a DVD of sample performances. The new edition now includes a Chapter dedicated to team presentations, expanded coverage of the Persuasive Keynote Address, additional activities, examples and much more!The Presentation Guide Book: From the Classroom to the Boardroom by Dr. Crystal Rae Coel is designed for: The professor/instructor who wants students to learn about presentations The student who has many courses, activities, and work obligations The profit and non-profit employers and employees who have to write several different types of presentations The stay at home and working moms and dads who belong to organizations The Presentation Guide Book includes original tips, manuscripts, manuscript outlines, quotes, and performances provided by scholars, experts from various professions, and students!eBook does not include the DVD.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. School Days 101
School Days 101 provides an engaging insight into the world of education from preschool preparedness through high school adolescence. It provides ""boots on the ground"" feedback to help teachers, administrators, and parents navigate the complex dynamic of education in the 21st century.Using her career in education, calling upon the paradigm of teacher, administrator, and parent, the author establishes a backdrop to provide practical and applicable feedback on some of today's most challenging issues. School Days 101brings sage advice into each teacher's classroom and each administrator's office through relevant vignettes designed to help guide educators to focus on key objectives, while maintaining professionalism, and an unwavering focus on student learning.The perfect companion for teachers, administrators, and even parents, School Days 101 guides its readers through many of the challenges children face during their academic careers. With easy to use strategies designed to decrease stress, maximize collegiality, and expand student success, this book is one that will be read, referenced, and recited for generations to come.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Food, Nutrition, AND Culinary Arts
Food, Nutrition, and Culinary Arts is a unique blend of basic nutrition concepts with a focus on culinary arts. Starting with the first chapters on nutrition concepts, the use of food to meet nutrition standards is emphasized. Future chapters delve into the six essential nutrients, as well as health-related information that can help chefs learn to plan colorful and tasty meals around specific nutritional requirements. The Culinary Corner in each chapter reviews current trends and topics in the field of nutrition and culinary arts. At the end of each chapter is a helpful study guide that includes vocabulary review, pertinent activities, a case study, and a practice test. Study guides provide the opportunity for applied learning.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Strength Training for Total Health and Wellness
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Liberal Arts Chemistry: Worktext and Laboratory Manual
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Exercises 1: Using Crime-Scene Investigative Approaches
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Becoming A More Effective Communicator and Leader
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Know What I'm Saying...?!? Basics of Speech Communication
The sixth edition of ""Know What I'm Saying...?!?"" Basics of Speech Communication is revised to adapt to a new generation of college-level learners while continuing to meet the learning style and preferences of more seasoned learners. The content and layout align with ongoing research, peer reviews, and student feedback.Key Features - ""Know What I'm Saying?!?"" Basics of Speech Communication: Offers shorter chapters using a scaffold layout to engage learners and encourage reading. Includes self-assessment discussion prompts called ""Show Your Understanding"" that challenges students to apply new skills to hypothetical situations. Includes additional student and instructor assessments that align with Bloom's Taxonomy criteria. Shifts instructional approach away from blended pedagogy & andragogy to more andragogy and less pedagogy that meets the learning shift for Generation-Z students. Presented in twelve short chapters allowing adequate time for active learning, small group and class discussion, research, and speechwriting. Includes common speech assignments, with supporting outline templates, grading rubrics, peer critique forms, and self-performance reflection forms every tool required for instructors and students to journey through an introductory speech course with ease. Student and instructor tested, evaluated, polished, and approved.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Everyday Biology WhatsThePoint
Exposes students to a wide array of topics such as microscopy, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, photosynthesis, cell chemistry, biotechnology, and animal diversity. Everyday Biology: #WhatsThePoint was written to specifically showcase how the lessons taught in lab can be used in our everyday lives.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Essential Culinary Lab Workbook
In culinary arts, recipes have been shared, written, rewritten, or given a new twist. Students using Essential Culinary Lab Workbook will learn basic cooking methods while being encouraged to put their own creative touch on a recipe.This workbook is perfectly suited for a lab format where students are working in pairs or individually, as it provides recipes that make 2-4 portions for assessment. Instructors have the ability to pick and choose from several recipes found in each chapter, as well as the freedom to alter the recipes by ingredients, amounts, or methods used. Essential Culinary Lab Workbook serves as a base-line for formatting your program.Essential Culinary Lab Workbook by George Hendry and Robert Lybrand: provides rubrics for assessment of student creations. includes a ready-to-go recipe book that can be easily taken out of the consumable book and used in the student's station. features recipes using the basic ingredients found in most institutional kitchens with cost being a major factor.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Preparatory General Chemistry: Frameworks for Success
Preparatory General Chemistry: Framework for Success is designed to provide college students who are not yet ready for general chemistry with the skills, content, and resources that are proven effective for achieving success in college chemistry courses. This workbook takes students step-by-step in learning effective strategies to support their journey into STEM majors. The authors are faculty members who have designed a unique preparatory chemistry course with a track record of data that supports the efficacy of targeting and preparing first year college students. The workbook style features perforated pages, assignments for each unit, and space for note-taking. Chemistry content, math review, critical thinking skills, and academic skills are emphasised throughout the text. While the text is designed to accompany a one-semester preparatory general chemistry college course, it is also well-suited for any application focused on strengthening student preparedness for general chemistry.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Business and Professional Writing: From Problem to Proposal
The NEW edition of Effective Business and Professional Writing: From Problem to Proposal is built around a single concept that students learn professional writing through ownership of their ideas.This text equips students with the real-world skills that today's employers seek. Effective Business and Professional Writing: From Problem to Proposal: is a proposal writing text. It assists students in building a proposal from the ground up. includes an author constructed heuristic known as the ""Six P's"" which assists students in understanding the information accumulated and where the research process needs to go next. features the job search Chapter early on in order to prepare students for subsequent and less familiar assignments. contains a learner-centered theme throughout: peer review workshop exercises and key assignments are included.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Planning, Writing, and Implementing IEPs: A Christian Perspective
Written from the perspective of an educator with over 25 years of experience working with students receiving various levels of special education services, Planning, Writing, and Implementing an IEP: A Christian Approach goes far beyond completing paperwork and conducting meetings, and addresses the comprehensive nature of the IEP process.In addition, the publication approaches the IEP process from a Christian perspective, reminding the reader to look at each IEP as an opportunity to serve a family by providing hope and a vision for the student's education. The publication challenges administrators, service providers, and parents, to consider an IEP from a different perspective. This book reminds readers that IEP meetings need not be a time of conflict and controversy, and that writing the components of an IEP can become part of a plan for the student's future (Jeremiah 29:11), rather than a dreaded task to complete. The Bible is the most often referenced book. It is this perspective that makes this book unique.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Write It .5: A Process Approach to College Essays, with Readings
The goal of Write It .5 is to introduce international and generation 1.5 students to the idea of academic argument and the academic essay form that they will encounter in many of their classes in American colleges and universities. The opening sections of the book help familiarize these students with conventions of language, basic course organizations, and writing in the college classroom. The following sections guide the students through the writing process itself by providing thought-provoking questions and activities designed to help them gain skills and strategies that enable them to approach a writing assignment. Each of the later sections then helps them develop their skills in critical reading and textual analysis. Ultimately they are lead through the processes of gathering evidence, drafting, and editing. The practice of each stage of the writing process in isolation allows them to focus on writing one stage at a time.Write It .5 is a workbook that provides practice that aids understanding of college course organization and etiquette vocabulary and dictionary usage idioms the steps in the writing process critical reading analysis of a reading summarizing construction of a thesis formation of an argument marshalling evidence drafting editing proofreading
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Data Analysis: A Workbook for Social Workers
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Careers in Animal Science: A Guide to Finding Your Dream Job
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. American Government: Political Culture in an Online World
American Government: Political Culture in an Online World demonstrates how politics and government are connected to reader's lives not merely how public policy decisions affect them, but also how the constantly changing American culture shapes the nature of politics. The text provides context through history, as well as current-day examples.American Government: Political Culture in an Online World: Gives the reader a firm grounding in the historical development of America's constitutional framework, political system, governing institutions, and policy-making process. Incorporates numerous illustrations drawn from both the Obama and Trump administrations. Emphasizes American political culture-the political values, expectations, and beliefs of the masses of American citizens. References how political culture shapes institutions, political campaigns, and the way that questions of policy are framed and addressed.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Time Management Survival Planning Guide for Schools and Colleges
Time Management Survival Planning Guide for Schools and Colleges is a road map (or GPS) for students' academic journey; therefore, it is designed to assist students to utilize their time wisely by helping them stay focused on classes, events, appointments, meetings, and career objectives. This planner will be used as a retention and an intervention tool for high school and college freshman students, especially in the freshman seminar classes. The manual's primary purpose is to help students cope with the overwhelming responsibilities and demands of an educational setting by providing a tool for them to manage their time wisely. Hence, when students use this guidebook as designed, they will be able to attend their classes regularly and complete and submit their assignments on time. The planner's principal goal is to help students prioritize their academic and extracurricular activities.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. The Perfect Game
A bundle package that includes: I Win: A Collection of Arguments from the Classroom The Writer's Toolkit: Strategies for Effective Essays
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. 21st Century Business Etiquette: From Getting a Job to Building a Career
21st Century Business Etiquette: From Getting a Job to Building a Career examines some of the obvious and not so obvious tools individuals can use to build a successful business career. The book begins by examining what an individual needs to do to prepare themselves for their career beginning with the section on defining success for yourself. Subsequent Chapters include proper dining etiquette, understanding the hidden job market, developing an effective resume, and how to shine in an interview. The last part of the book address communicating in the digital world, proper meeting etiquette, and branding yourself. The publication is divided into fourteen easy-to-read Chapters with hands-on exercises that the reader can use throughout their career.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Microbiology Lab Manual
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. General Chemistry Chemistry 101102 Laboratory Manual
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Fundamentals of Ecology Laboratory Manual
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. The Plaid Avengers World A Populist Apocalypse Edition
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. IT Capstone Project
Preparing for the working environment is challenging for any student.The Capstone experience is designed to prepare a technical student to be effective in demonstrating their technical and personal skills.IT Capstone Project gives students an overview of the Senior Design Capstone process and provides the context and the steps in developing a successful project.Students will learn how to meet the clients, understand their business, quantify client's business issues, set the scope of the project, evaluate alternatives, present the solution, and more.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Event Planning
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Exploring Second Language Reading and Writing: College Writing for English Language Learners