Search results for ""Facet Publishing""
Facet Publishing Social Media for Creative Libraries
Social Media for Creative Libraries explains how librarians and information professionals can use online tools to communicate more effectively, teach people different skills and to market and promote their service faster, cheaper and more effectively. Based on his acclaimed work How to Use Web 2.0 in Your Library, Phil Bradley has restructured and comprehensively updated this new book to focus on the activities that information professionals carry out on a daily basis, before then analysing and explaining how online tools can assist them in those activities. Including: a discussion of authority checking and why information professionals are needed more than ever in a social media world a guide to creating great presentations online how online tools can make teaching and training sessions easier and more enjoyable for information professionals useful tips for implementing new strategies in libraries and a discussion of the practicalities of library marketing and promotion how to create a good social media policy and why a look at a few social media disasters and how they could have been avoided Readership: Packed with features and accompanied by introductory videos on the Facet Publishing YouTube channel, Social Media for Creative Libraries is essential reading for all library and information professionals.
Facet Publishing Libraries and Information Services in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland 2015
For over fifty years anyone needing information on British and Irish libraries has turned to Libraries and Information Services in the UK and the Republic of Ireland for the answer. This newly updated directory lists over 2000 libraries and other services in the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man and the Republic of Ireland, with contact names, addresses, telephone and fax numbers, email addresses and URLs.The listing is broken down into the following main categories, fully indexed alphabetically:Public library authorities, with entries for headquarters libraries plus the main administrative, divisional, area and regional Universities and institutes of higher education and other degree-awarding institutions, with entries for major departmental and site/campus libraries Selected government, national and special libraries, together with schools and departments of information and library studies.
Facet Publishing Understanding Public Libraries
Understanding Public Libraries: Management, Leadership and Ideology calls on practitioners, students and researchers to fully understand public libraries in order to change them and ensure their survival into the future. In it, experienced library leader John Pateman introduces a new analytical framework, based on the theories of dialectical materialism and cultural hegemony, to the public library. This framework can be used to identify three models of the public library: Management, Leadership and Ideology. This analysis from this book can be used to create an evidence base to demonstrate the social value of public libraries which can in turn be used to defend the public library against financial cuts, to create a business case for investment in public libraries to ensure that they are well funded and sustainable into the future.
Facet Publishing Introduction to Information Behaviour
This landmark textbook is an essential primer for students and practitioners interested in information seeking, needs and behaviour, user studies and information literacy. Introduction to Information Behaviour uses a combination of theory and practical context to map out what information behaviour is and what we currently know about it, before addressing how it can be better understood in the future. Nigel Ford argues that new understandings of information behaviour research may help maximise the quality and effectiveness of the way information is presented, sought, discovered, evaluated and used. The book introduces the key concepts, issues and themes of information behaviour, illustrates them using key research studies, and provides a clear path through the complex maze of theories and models. The book is structured to move from the basics to the more complex and employs the pedagogical device of “THINK” boxes which invite the reader to think about concepts as they are introduced in order to consolidate their understanding before moving on. Case studies are included throughout the text and each chapter concludes with a round-up of what has been covered, highlighting the implications for professional information practice. The key topics covered include: Defining information behaviour and why is it useful to know about it Information needs Information seeking and acquisition Collaborative information behaviour Factors affecting information behaviour Models and theories of information behaviour Research approaches and methodologies Designing information systems The future trajectory of information behaviour research and practice. Readership: This book will be core reading for students around the world, particularly those on library and information science courses. It will also be of interest to practitioners and professional information users, providers and developers.
Facet Publishing Museum Collections Management: A Handbook
This landmark publication is the first to draw together all aspects of museum collections management in one handbook. It is designed for anyone with responsibility for a cultural collection and covers everything a collections manager needs to know. It describes professional practice in managing cultural objects and works of art, whatever the size and nature of the collection. The book includes essential information on: Legal aspects of collections Ethical issues such as due diligence and immunity from seizure Up to date concerns such as sustainability, crossing borders and financial constraints Loans, acquisitions, inventory and movement. The book describes all collections management procedures in a simple step-by-step process and is clear and easy to use with all procedures based on international museum practice. Examples of real forms, policies and documents drawn from major museums are included throughout the text and act as guides for any transaction. Readership: Packed full of practical information, advice and good practice, this will be essential reading for all museum professionals, curators of private collections and museum studies students.
Facet Publishing The Kind Librarian
The Kind Librarian: Cultivating a Culture of Kindness and Wellbeing in Libraries is a pioneering guide that addresses the critical need to foster kindness and wellbeing within library workplaces and promoting a more supportive and understanding working environment. In it, the author expertly blends the principles of positive psychology with practical strategies, making a compelling case for the role of kindness in enhancing workplace culture and community engagement.Through research, case studies, and actionable advice, The Kind Librarian offers solutions to everyday workplace challenges, emphasising empathy, support, and collaboration. With an innovative and accessible approach, it provides readers with a roadmap to transform their workplaces into spaces where kindness is the norm and wellbeing is prioritised. Coverage includes: practicalities of kindness in the workplace crafting a culture of kindness kind use of data for well
Facet Publishing Narrative Expansions: Interpreting Decolonisation in Academic Libraries
The demand to decolonise the curriculum has moved from a protest movement at the margins to the centre of many institutions, as reflected by its inclusion in policies and strategies and numerous initiatives in libraries and archives that have responded to the call, and are critically examining their own historic legacies and practices to support institutional and societal change.Narrative Expansions: Interpreting Decolonisation in Academic Libraries explores the ways in which academic libraries are working to address the historic legacies of colonialism, in the context of decolonising the curriculum and the university. It acknowledges and explores the tensions and complexities around the use of the term decolonisation, how it relates to other social justice aims and approaches, including critical librarianship, and what makes this work specific to decolonisation.The book is international in scope, and considers the contextual nature of decolonisation, with discussion of the impacts of settler colonialism, and post-colonial contexts with authors from Canada, the United States and Kenya, as well as universities and the British Library in the UK.Split into two sections, the book first addresses experiential contexts, discussing the environment in which the academic library is enmeshed: legacy knowledge systems, the neo-liberal university, the pervasive Whiteness of the higher education sector, the global publishing industry – how these structures are constitutive of coloniality and how they can be challenged. It then brings together theory and practice featuring case studies interpreting what it means to 'decolonise' in information literacy, collection management, inclusive spaces, LIS education, research methods and knowledge production through the lens of critical pedagogy, critical information literacy and Critical Race Theory (CRT). The book also addresses the impact and implications of the Whiteness of university library staffing.Bringing together the theory and practice of an area of critical concern to the academy, this book is an important reference for academic librarians, educators and researchers in LIS, education and sociology.
Facet Publishing Copyright and E-learning: A guide for practitioners
Jane Secker and Chris Morrison have completely revised and updated this highly successful text to take into account recent developments in the field and changes to the law in the UK and elsewhere in the world. Through its practically based overview of current and emerging copyright issues facing those working in e-learning, this book will help equip professionals with the tools, skills and understanding they need to work confidently and effectively in the virtual learning environment with the knowledge that they are doing so legally.New and developing services, software and other technologies are being adapted for online learning environments to engage students and academic staff. These technologies present increasing challenges to IPR and legal issues and this book will help librarians and educators to meet them. Key topics addressed include:digitizing published content for delivery in the VLE using digital media in e-learning copyright issues and 'born' digital resources The copyright issues associated with using social media copyright training for staff Who owns the rights in works that are the product of collaboration? What do you do if you can't find the rights holders? Readership: This book is essential reading for anyone working in education including learning support staff and teachers using e-learning, learning technologists, librarians, educational developers, instructional designers, IT staff and trainers. It is also relevant for anyone working in the education sector from school level to higher education, and those developing learning resources in commercial organizations and the public sector including libraries, museums and archives, and government departments.
Facet Publishing Library Improvement through Data Analytics
This book shows how to act on and make sense of data in libraries. Using a range of techniques, tools and methodologies it explains how data can be used to help inform decision making at every level.Sound data analytics is the foundation for making an evidence-based case for libraries, in addition to guiding myriad organizational decisions, from optimizing operations for efficiency to responding to community needs. Designed to be useful for beginners as well as those with a background in data, this book introduces the basics of a six point framework that can be applied to a variety of library settings for effective system based, data-driven management. Library Improvement Through Data Analytics includes:the basics of statistical concepts recommended data sources for various library functions and processes, and guidance for using census, university, or government data in analysis techniques for cleaning data matching data to appropriate data analysis methods how to make descriptive statistics more powerful by spotlighting relationships 14 practical case studies, covering topics such as access and retrieval, digitization, e-book collection development, staffing, facilities, and instruction.This book's clear, concise coverage will enable librarians, archivists, curators and technologists of every experience level to gain a better understanding of statistics in order to facilitate library improvement.
Facet Publishing CILIP Guidelines for Secondary School Libraries
This fully updated version of the CILIP-endorsed guidelines for secondary school libraries addresses the changing schools’ landscape and impact of technological changes of recent years. Focusing on the librarian at the heart of the school, each chapter interweaves best practice, technological development and context-specific options to provide clear guidance and support for all involved in the provision of school library services. Amongst other key topics the Guidelines cover: Providing quality resources Information literacy Reader development Pro-active marketing Evaluation Partnerships and the wider community. Developed with an international audience in mind, these guidelines provide a comprehensive and flexible model for a modern school library service. Readership: This will be essential reading for all those who work in school library services, whatever their level of qualification. The guidelines will also be of interest to teachers, especially those in management positions, school governors, business people who service school libraries, and students of librarianship.
Facet Publishing Linked Data for Libraries, Archives and Museums: How to clean, link and publish your metadata
This highly practical handbook teaches you how to unlock the value of your existing metadata through cleaning, reconciliation, enrichment and linking and how to streamline the process of new metadata creation.Libraries, archives and museums are facing up to the challenge of providing access to fast growing collections whilst managing cuts to budgets. Key to this is the creation, linking and publishing of good quality metadata as Linked Data that will allow their collections to be discovered, accessed and disseminated in a sustainable manner. This highly practical handbook teaches you how to unlock the value of your existing metadata through cleaning, reconciliation, enrichment and linking and how to streamline the process of new metadata creation. Metadata experts Seth van Hooland and Ruben Verborgh introduce the key concepts of metadata standards and Linked Data and how they can be practically applied to existing metadata, giving readers the tools and understanding to achieve maximum results with limited resources. Readers will learn how to critically assess and use (semi-)automated methods of managing metadata through hands-on exercises within the book and on the accompanying website. Each chapter is built around a case study from institutions around the world, demonstrating how freely available tools are being successfully used in different metadata contexts. This handbook delivers the necessary conceptual and practical understanding to empower practitioners to make the right decisions when making their organisations resources accessible on the WebKey topics includeThe value of metadata Metadata creation - architecture, data models and standards Metadata cleaning Metadata reconciliation Metadata enrichment through Linked Data and named-entity recognition Importing and exporting metadata Ensuring a sustainable publishing model Readership: This will be an invaluable guide for metadata practitioners and researchers within all cultural heritage contexts, from library cataloguers and archivists to museum curatorial staff. It will also be of interest to students and academics within information science and digital humanities fields. IT managers with responsibility for information systems, as well as strategy heads and budget holders, at cultural heritage organisations, will find this a valuable decision-making aid.
Facet Publishing M-Libraries 4: From Margin to Mainstream - Mobile Technologies Transforming Lives and Libraries
An up-to-date showcase of the innovative and inspiring work that libraries are doing across the world to interact with their users and deliver resources via mobile devices. Mobile technology is now the norm for accessing information for a growing swathe of library users. As mobile devices become increasingly sophisticated and prevalent, so users’ expectations of being able to access information and services through them are on the rise. Libraries and information centres must respond to the challenge with ever-more inventive and effective solutions for providing content to users anywhere and anytime using a range of technologies. Librarians have a major role to play in facilitating access and providing the services required in order to access quality information. This brand new edition of the highly successful M-Libraries series brings together cutting-edge international contributions from the leading experts, practitioners and researchers in the field. Based on the proceedings of the Fourth International M-Libraries Conference held in Milton Keynes in 2012 it showcases the diversity of innovative and inspiring work that libraries are doing across the world to interact with their users and deliver resources via mobile and hand-held devices. The main strands of discussion are: Imagination – looking at the future of m-libraries Transformation – focusing on the transformation of services, learners or institutions through the introduction of mobile technologies Inspiration – focusing on mobile innovation Implementation – case studies of successful implementation of mobile services Collaboration – a discussion of mobile strategy and ideas. Readership: Information professionals in all sectors and researchers, educators, technical developers, managers and library professionals. It will also be invaluable for students of library and information science and newcomers to the profession.
Facet Publishing Mastering Digital Librarianship: Strategy, Networking and Discovery in Academic Libraries
This book examines the changing roles of the librarian and how working within a rich digital environment has impacted on the ability of professionals to develop the appropriate 'know how', skills, knowledge and behaviours required in order to operate effectively. Expert specialists and opinion-makers from around the world discuss the challenges and successes of adapting existing practices, introducing new services and working with new partners in an environment that no longer recognizes traditional boundaries and demarcation of roles. The book is structured thematically, with a focus on three key strands where the impact of digital technologies is significant: Rethinking marketing and communication – this strand looks at strategic approaches and practices which harness social media and illustrate the importance of communication and marketing activities in these new online spaces. Rethinking support for academic practice – this part examines the professional expertise required of librarians who engage with and support new academic and learner practices in digitally rich teaching, learning and research environments. Rethinking resource delivery – this section investigates the use of strategies to maximize access to online resources and services: harnessing system data to enhance collection management and user choice, designing and managing mobile 'friendly' learning spaces and providing virtual resources and services to an overseas campus. Readership: This timely and inspiring edited collection should make vital reading for librarians, library schools, departments of information science and other professional groups such as education developers, learning technologists and IT specialists.
Facet Publishing Maxwell's Handbook for RDA: Explaining and illustrating RDA: Resource Description and Access using MARC21
Designed to interpret and explain RDA: Resource Description and Access, this handbook illustrates and applies the new cataloguing rules in the MARC21 environment for every type of information format. In this clear and comprehensive resource, cataloguing expert Robert Maxwell brings his trademark practical commentary to bear on the new, unified cataloguing standard. From books to electronic materials to music and beyond, Maxwell: Explains the conceptual grounding of RDA, including FRBR and FRAD Addresses the nuances of how cataloguing will, and won’t, change in the MARC21 environment Shows cataloguers how to create and work with authority records of persons, families, corporate bodies, geographic entities, works, and expressions Explores recording relationships, working with records of manifestations and items, and more Provides numerous sample records to illustrate RDA principles. Comprehensive in its coverage, the book will aid readers in understanding and becoming comfortable with the potentially forbidding new structure of RDA and contains appendices that discuss the treatment of specialised materials. Readership: A guided tour of the new standard from a respected authority, this essential handbook will help cataloguers, LIS students, and cataloguing instructors navigate RDA smoothly and find the information they need efficiently.
Facet Publishing Exploring Digital Libraries: Foundations, Practice, Prospects
A landmark textbook on digital libraries for LIS students, educators and practising information professionals throughout the world. Exploring Digital Libraries is a highly readable, thought-provoking authorative and in-depth treatment of the digital library arena that provides an up-to-date overview of the progress, nature and future impact of digital libraries, from their collections and technology-centred foundations over two decades ago to their emergent, community-centred engagement with the social web.This essential textbook:Brings students and working librarians up to date on the progress, nature and impact of digital libraries, bridging the gap since the publication of the best-known digital library texts Frames digital library research and practice in the context of the social web and makes the case for moving beyond collections to a new emphasis on libraries' value to their communities Introduces several new frameworks and novel syntheses that elucidate digital library themes, suggest strategic directions, and break new ground in the digital library literature. Calls a good deal of attention to digital library research, but is written from the perspective of strategy and in-depth experience Provides a global perspective and integrates material from many sources in one place - the chapters on open repositories and hybrid libraries draw together past, present and prospective work in a way that is unique in the literature. Readership: Exploring Digital Libraries suits the needs of a range of readers, from working librarians and library leaders to LIS students and educators, or anyone who wants a highly readable and thought-provoking overview of the field and its importance to the future of libraries.
Facet Publishing The No-nonsense Guide to Legal Issues in Web 2.0 and Cloud Computing
Expert hands-on advice on getting the most out of Web 2.0 and cloud computing. Applications like YouTube, Facebook, Flickr and Slideshare all raise legal problems for the information professional. Whether you’re working with, managing or using Web 2.0 or cloud computing applications you will need to be able to assess and manage risk effectively. This no-nonsense practical working tool will make the relevant legal principles simple to understand for those with little or no experience and make common problems quick to solve when you’re struggling with daily deadlines. Each chapter starts with an accessible introduction to the key areas of relevant law and the implications for Web 2.0 and cloud computing. Cross-sectoral case studies illustrate real world problems and exercises with easy-to-follow, pragmatic solutions allow you to quickly develop good practice. The relevant practice is discussed in relation to these key topics: the major legal issues raised by Web 2.0 an overview of copyright other intellectual property rights and related rights data protection including UK and EU law freedom of information defamation and global differences in defamation law cloud computing issues liability issues. Readership: This is an essential toolkit for all information professionals working in public, academic or special libraries, archives or museums, who are working with, using or managing Web 2.0 or cloud computing applications. It also provides a practical introduction to the law on these topics for LIS students and academics.
Facet Publishing The Intranet Management Handbook
This is the first book to offer practical advice on intranet management, based on the work of the author as an intranet consultant over the past fifteen years. Key areas include: managing intranets: opportunities and challenges defining user requirements making a business case developing a content strategy enhancing collaboration managing technology specifying and selecting software using Microsoft SharePoint for intranets operational planning establishing the intranet team managing intranet projects evaluating risks enhancing the user experience marketing the intranet measuring user satisfaction creating the governance framework writing an intranet strategy intranets and information management. An appendix offers guidelines for social media use. Readership: Information professionals involved in the development of an intranet for their organization, managers with responsibility for internal communications, personal management, risk management, information management and information technology.
Facet Publishing Gaming in Libraries
Whether gaming is already a crucial part of your library's core services or it's only just been introduced, this do-it-yourself new resource will give you the practical tools you need to organize, implement, and market successful gaming events for users of all ages. Author Kelly Nicole Czarnecki shows you how to host gaming events for all different types of users. You'll learn to select systems and resources best suited to your library and budget, plan programs, and develop a circulating collection. Czarnecki gives you step-by-step instruction for implementing an array of different programs, including video games, board games, magic gatherings, Guitar Hero Fests, and more. You'll also find helpful techniques and best practices for marketing your gaming program and evaluating its success, as well as examples and insight from librarians running highly successful gaming programs.
Facet Publishing Innovations in Information Retrieval: Perspectives for Theory and Practice
The advent of new information retrieval (IR) technologies and approaches to storage and retrieval provide communities with previously unheard of opportunities for mass documentation, digitization, and the recording of information in all its forms. This book introduces and contextualizes these developments and looks at supporting research in IR, the debates, theories and issues. Contributed by an international team of experts, each authored chapter provides a snapshot of changes in the field, as well as the importance of developing innovation, creativity and thinking in IR practice and research. Key discussion areas include: browsing in new information environments classification revisited: a web of knowledge approaches to fiction retrieval research music information retrieval research folksonomies, social tagging and information retrieval digital information interaction as semantic navigation assessing web search machines: a webometric approach. Readership: LIS professionals , researchers and students, and for all those interested in the future of IR.
Facet Publishing Community Archives: The Shaping of Memory
How do archives and other cultural institutions such as museums determine the boundaries of a particular community, and of their own institutional reach, in constructing effective strategies and methodologies for selecting and maintaining appropriate material evidence? This book offers guidance for archivists, record managers and museums professionals faced with such issues in their daily work. This edited collection explores the relationships between communities and the records they create at both practical and scholarly levels. It focuses on the ways in which records reflect community identity and collective memory, and the implications of capturing, appraising and documenting these core societal elements – with particular focus on the ways in which recent advances in technology can overcome traditional obstacles, as well as how technologies themselves offer possibilities of creating new virtual communities. It is divided into five themes: a community archives model communities and non-traditional record keeping records loss, destruction and recovery online communities: how technology brings communities and their records together building a community archive. Readership: This book will appeal to practitioners, researchers, and academics in the archives and records community as well as to historians and other scholars concerned with community building and social issues.
Facet Publishing Making the Most of RFID in Libraries
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has had a rapid impact on the library world. Its advantage over other technologies used in libraries is usually seen to be its ability to combine the functions of the barcode and the security tag, but with the added advantages of being able to read multiple items seemingly simultaneously without need of line of
Facet Publishing Web Accessibility: Practical Advice for the Library and Information Professional
With ever greater provision of resources in electronic formats, formal recognition is increasingly being given to the growing awareness within the information profession that it is a moral duty as well as a legal requirement to take every feasible step to ensure that no one is excluded from access to goods and services, including web-based information and resources. This timely book provides a practical introduction to web accessibility and usability specifically for information professionals, offering advice from a range of experts and experienced practitioners on the concerns relevant to library and information organizations. Contents include: tools used for widening access to the web Design for All - how web accessibility affects different people the importance of web accessibility accessibility advice and guidance accessibility evaluation and assessment issues for library and information services Design for All in the library and information science curriculum best practice examples of web accessibility web accessibility in the future. Although its main focus is on UK legislation and other requirements, many of the featured guidelines and recommendations are of an international nature, so are transferable to other countries. Readership: This approachable guide will enable information practitioners and students new to web accessibility to gain a good understanding of the issues involved in this vital area. The book can be used as a resource for developing staff training and awareness activities, or for developing course content. It will also be of value to website managers involved in web design and development who need to broaden a basic understanding of accessibility and usability issues.
Facet Publishing Libraries without Walls 7: Exploring Anytime, Anywhere Delivery of Library Services
This edited collection is drawn from the seventh Libraries Without Walls Conference, held in 2007. From their beginnings in 1995, the Libraries Without Walls conferences have mapped a major change in the practice of librarianship. While library services are still concerned to provide users with physical access to their buildings, electronic access - often from remote locations - is becoming ever more dominant. Library services are being integrated into virtual learning, research and personal environments. In 2007 CERLIM wished to encourage the widest possible range of papers to reflect the diverse current developments in library service delivery. These covered: New kinds of service, especially those that open up new paradigms of 'library' - perhaps the library equivalent of YouTube or MySpace The library's role within new models of scholarly publishing, including experience of developing services based on institutional or other repositories, and the responsibility of the library for digital curation Service delivery in challenging environments, especially where the infrastructure may be sub-optimal, as in some developing countries, or where the user group represents particular challenges New technological solutions and the impact on users of the improved services they make possible Delivery and assessment of information skills/literacies, especially where this is achieved through electronic environments. These state-of-the-art papers are designed to increase understanding of the role and importance of information in the learning process, and to enable information professionals and course developers to keep abreast of the latest developments in this vital area.
Facet Publishing Managing Stress and Conflict in Libraries
Tackling conflict and stress effectively is a legal responsibility for management, and can result in significant benefits for the organization in terms of recruitment and retention, employee commitment, performance and productivity, customer satisfaction, organizational image and reputation, and potential litigation. This book defines clearly what should and should not be tolerated in a healthy and safe working environment, and introduces the reporting procedures leading to conflict resolution, enabling both the employee and the manager to decide whether or not there is a case for making a risk assessment that may lead to formal mediation. The chapters cover: current health and safety concerns risk assessment procedure the business case taking action to solve interpersonal conflict communication skills and training support to be expected from the organization. Also included are case studies, a glossary of health and safety terms, and sources of further information, including relevant legislation. Readership: This book is essential reading for employees at all levels, and also for managers, team leaders, supervisors, personnel and human resources staff, complaints officers, union officers and anyone else in the information organization who may be called upon to deal with people.
Facet Publishing Supervising and Leading Teams in ILS
Anyone wishing to be a successful supervisor must learn the interpersonal skills of communication, assertiveness and the psychology of motivation in order to build a successful team with a positive ethos. This book provides a practical guide to supervisory skills for team leaders and supervisors in library and information work. Although reference is made to relevant management concepts, its strength is that it translates theory into practice, and the focus is decidedly on the latter. This is very much a 'how to' guide for anyone wishing to develop a supervisory role in an ILS context. Each topic is covered in a practical and down-to-earth manner, and is illustrated by examples and case studies from different types of ILS. The text also offers self-development inventories and checklists. Key topics covered are: working as a supervisor or team leader motivation confident supervision managing the whole team managing work: delegation and monitoring giving feedback and praise communication skills for supervisors managing difficult situations training and development the supervisor and human resource management gaining support as a supervisor or team leader.
Facet Publishing Access and Identity Management for Libraries: Controlling access to online information
Practical guidance to ensuring that your users can access and personalise the online resources they are entitled to use with the minimum of fuss. With the rapid increase in the use of electronic resources in libraries, managing access to online information is an area many librarians struggle with. Managers of online information wish to implement policies about who can access the information and under what terms and conditions but often they need further guidance. Written by experts in the field, this practical book is the first to explain the principles behind access management, the available technologies and how they work. This includes an overview of federated access management technologies, such as Shibboleth, that have gained increasing international recognition in recent years. This book provides detailed case studies describing how access management is being implemented at organizational and national levels in the UK, USA and Europe, and gives a practical guide to the resources available to help plan, implement and operate access management in libraries. Key topics include: what is access management and why do libraries do it? electronic resources: public and not so public principles and definitions of identity and access management current access management technologies authentication technologies authorization based on physical location authorization based on user identity or affiliation federated access: history, current position and future developments internet access provided by (or in) libraries library statistics the business case for libraries. Readership: This is essential reading for all who need to understand the principles behind access management or implement a working system in their library.
Facet Publishing Managing Electronic Records
One of the biggest challenges faced by any organization today is that of managing electronic records, a vital but complex undertaking involving multiple roles within the organization and strategies that are still evolving. Bringing together for the first time the views, experience and expertise of international experts in the records management field in the public and the private sectors, this book covers the theory and practice of managing electronic records as business and information assets. It focuses on the strategies, systems and procedures necessary to ensure that electronic records are appropriately created, captured, organized and retained over time to meet business and legal requirements. In addition to chapters covering principles, research and developments, there are case studies relating to practice and lessons learned. The chapters are written by a fully international line-up of contributors. Readership: This book explores issues and addresses solutions, not only for records professionals but also for information, IT and business administration specialists, who, as key stakeholders in managing electronic information, may have taken on crucial roles in managing electronic records in their organization. It will also be a key textbook for records management courses.
Facet Publishing The New Walford Guide to Reference Resources: Volume 1: Science. Technology and Medicine
First published in 1959, Walford's guide to reference material achieved international recognition as a leading bibliographic tool across all subject areas. But, in the 1990s, the web transformed the information universe; and so we have now transformed Walford. The New Walford (TNW) Volume 1: Science, Technology and Medicine is the first volume of a radically different guide. Published over 3 years, TNW will form the most substantial work of its kind in the English language. This book provides a pathway through the huge quantity of information now accessible via the web. The types of material cited have been greatly widened to reflect the revolution brought about by the use of networked information; but we have made sure that print resources are not ignored where these are still valuable. If you are approaching a subject for the first time, TNW will get you on your way, guiding you to the best starting points for your query. For the information professional, TNW's new way of categorizing resources reflects the fundamental changes that have taken place in the scientific, business, political and social information landscapes. Who is it for This new reference book will be valuable for professionals worldwide who need to suggest resources to people who are relatively unfamiliar with the nuances of a topic and who need to know where to start. The focus is on resources that are most likely to be found and used within public, government, education or business information services. If you are an LIS professional responsible for developing and revising a reference collection, new to reference work, staffing an enquiry desk, a research worker or student, you'll welcome publication of this new work - it's your paper portal to the world of reference resources. Subject coverage mathematics physics & astronomy earth sciences chemistry biological sciences agriculture, forestry, fisheries & food pre-clinical sciences; clinical medicine health natural resources & energy engineering information & communication technology. Subject fields include astrophysics & cosmology biodiversity & conservation genetics, genomics & bioinformatics infectious diseases information system security meteorology & climatology microengineering & nanotechnology palaeontology soil science sports & exercise medicine. Editor-in-ChiefDr Ray Lester held posts in Unilever and a number of university libraries before becoming Director of Information Services at the London Business School and then the Head of Library and Information Services at The Natural History Museum. Subject specialists Catherine Carr, Cranfield University Jim Corlett, Nottingham Trent University Joanne Dunham, University of Leicester Helen Hathaway, University of Reading Dr Jonathan Jeffery, Leiden University Gareth Johnson, University of York Nazma Masud, Royal Society of Chemistry Roger Mills, University of Oxford Lorna Mitchell, Queen Mary, University of London Dr David Newton, The British Library Linda Norbury, University of Birmingham Bob Parry, University of Reading Alison Sutton, University of Reading Elizabeth Tilley, University of Cambridge Dr Barry White, University of Manchester Fenella Whittaker, The Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
Facet Publishing Information Architecture: Designing Information Environments for Purpose
The advent of the computer has facilitated an exponential growth in the tools and techniques for manipulating information. Much of the development has been ad-hoc, driven by general management practises of gaining productivity and efficiency through the greater use of computers. Little attention has been paid to the broader issues of coherence and co-ordination of the information increasingly used to drive modern organizations. This book addresses these broader issues. It starts from the perception that information systems and sources need to be designed within a framework, an architecture, which requires a detailed understanding of the roles of the information and the tools to manipulate it, within the organization. The different elements of the architecture are described and analysed and the necessity to undertake detailed and continuous research into developments in computer hardware, software and in information management is emphasised. In addition, the roles of the various parties, general management, computing personnel and information professionals as joint owners of the information architecture are analysed. Chapters include: overview of information architecture; hardware, networks and software; the need to plan IT environments; working with IT personnel; the software environment; knowledge representation: taxonomies; classification; thesauri; interoperability: the semantic web; role of Markup; ontologies; the user interface; designing for users. Readership: The primary audience is senior and middle managers in the information profession: this will include all professionals in the corporate information sector, including knowledge managers. The book will also be of great interest to all students of information and knowledge management and also on business and IT-related courses.
Facet Publishing Libraries Without Borders: New Directions in Library History
Demonstrating how librarianship has been and continues to be a practice of pushing beyond definitions and preconceptions, the inspiring and informative histories in this volume chronicle library workers and users who strived towards making libraries more diverse, equitable, and inclusive. What does it mean for a library to be without borders? This remarkable collection of essays, drawn from the Library History Seminar sponsored by the Library History Round Table (LHRT), explores the roles that libraries have played in the communities they serve, well beyond the stacks and circulation desk. The research contained in these pages shows how librarians and users can not only reach beyond the border separating professionals from patrons, but also across institutional boundaries separating different specializations within the profession, and outside traditional channels of knowledge acquisition and organization. Delving into a variety of goals, approaches, and practices, all with the intention of fostering community and providing information, this collection's fascinating topics include: a critique of library history as it is currently conducted, pointing out the borders of habit, familiarity, and bias that thwart diversity within library and information studies; stories of the community-based activism that has been key to battling the “epistemicide” that can undermine collective understandings about the world and the interests of African American library users; profiles of current Indigenous library practitioners who are both documenting and creating library history; a grassroots movement to create a comprehensive collection related to the theology and practice of the Society of Mary at the time of great ecclesiastical and liturgical changes; histories of the innovations which led to the Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services and the Instruction Section of ACRL; using the “due date” as a lens for understanding how patrons and the general public feel about the role of libraries and their rules in the lives of average Americans; how the federal Foreign Agents Registration Act influenced the work of research libraries that collected materials from the Communist Bloc; and a primer on conducting research in library history that will allow readers to explore how libraries in their own communities have affected the lives of their users.
Facet Publishing Creating a Reading Culture in Primary and Secondary Schools: A Practical Guide
Did your school encourage a life-long love of reading?Children who identify as readers are three times more likely to have good mental wellbeing. A reading culture that permeates a school can transform it into a space where reading is supported, encouraged, normalised and valued. Creating a Reading Culture in Primary and Secondary Schools will help teachers and librarians to: advocate for the importance of a whole-school reading culture with recent research in this field select from a number of research-supported strategies underpinning a whole-school reading culture to tailor your school’s approach according to resourcing and priorities develop a clear trajectory for building and sustaining stakeholder engagement and resourcing, including securing external funding for related initiatives plan and manage a multi-faceted approach to enable real change within your school Drawing on the author’s internationally-recognised experience in this field, this book will be essential reading for anyone looking to develop reading in schools.
Facet Publishing Information for Sustainable Development
Information for Sustainable Development is a landmark publication that examines the perspectives, challenges and progress towards achieving the targets of the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs), through the lens of information science. Written by an author team with extensive experience in the research and practice of information and sustainability, the book provides a thorough introduction to the SDGs and the impact of information, data, people and society on measuring performance and assessing progress in achieving the SDG goals.Split into four distinct sections, the book provides an introduction to the landscape for information, data and metadata in the context of the SDGs, before exploring key topics such as: how metadata is used in measuring progress and success, and the challenges and complexities of calculation methods and the interpretation of data digital literacy and the digital divide across different countries and regions, and ho
Facet Publishing From Cataloguing to Metadata Creation: A Cultural and Methodological Introduction
Cataloguing has always produced a catalogue, while the creation of metadata has produced the metadata of given resources. However, in this digital age, the two are more connected than ever. A catalogue is made up of metadata that can be searched, identified, structured and selected. This then means the metadata creation process is adopted as a part of cataloguing. From Cataloguing to Metadata Creation is a cultural and methodological introduction to the evolution of cataloguing towards the metadata creation process in the digital era. It is a journey through the founding principles and the objectives of the 'information organisation' service that libraries offer. The book aims to outline the new library context, highlighting continuities and innovations compared to traditional cataloguing and intends to trace the path from traditional cataloguing to the new metadata creation process.
Facet Publishing Introduction to Healthcare Knowledge and Library Services
The range of roles in healthcare knowledge and library services are many and varied. From ‘traditional’ librarian roles to those that break new ground – including clinical, embedded and outreach librarians and knowledge managers – they are a vital ongoing support for this important sector.This work brings together health information practitioners and researchers with a variety of experience across health information work within knowledge and library services in the NHS. It provides a comprehensive, practitioner-focused introduction to all aspects of knowledge and library work in the health sector with a focus on NHS England. The book begins with an overview of the NHS and how knowledge and library work sit within it. It then addresses such critical areas as services supporting evidence-based practice, the developing area of health information literacy, reflective practice, collaborative working, demonstrating impact and employing digital technology. The book ends with an exploration of what the future might hold for healthcare knowledge and library services such as, the rapid advance of artificial intelligence/machine learning and how it might shape those services and knowledge specialist roles.Knowledge and library specialists offer a valuable gift to healthcare professionals – the ‘gift of time’ enabling them to make informed decisions which directly impact upon patient care. This timely book provides a valuable reference for anyone studying or looking to enter this relevant and diverse field.
Facet Publishing Information Literacy and the Digitalization of the Workplace
Digitalization has had an overwhelming impact on the workplace in recent years, making it more associable, editable, interactive, programmable, traceable, communicable and distributable. But this change comes with substantial changes to ways of working. New technologies almost always translate into new work processes, work arrangements, collaborative engagements and thus disrupt the information environment and consolidate equilibra at work. This book aims to bring forward the role of workplace information literacy as a key condition for successful digitalization or digital transformation in today’s workplace. Featuring contributions from leading scholars, it examines the multifaceted role of workplace information literacy in organizational operations and its role in the digitalization process, taking into account the role and perspectives of employer and employee.
Facet Publishing Displaying Organisation: How to Successfully Manage a Museum Exhibition
Displaying Organisation is a practical, step-by-step guide to planning and implementing exhibitions. Drawing on the author’s in-depth experience of managing a wide range of exhibitions and installations, the book breaks down the process of exhibition creation into easy-to-read sections. Split into distinct sections, Displaying Organisation covers not only key tasks, but also explores the skills and knowledge specific to the museum and heritage sector. Coverage includes: defining and planning your project setting up a project team, assigning roles and responsibilities carrying out a formative evaluation and writing an interpretation plan the foundation skills needed to be a successful project manager – budget, risk and programme management advice and approaches on how to tackle common problems to ensure success. Featuring ‘top tips’ from industry leaders and professional as well as real-life examples and templates this book is a must-read for new and experienced museum and exhibition professionals, as well as students studying to enter the heritage sector.
Facet Publishing Narrative Expansions: Interpreting Decolonisation in Academic Libraries
The demand to decolonise the curriculum has moved from a protest movement at the margins to the centre of many institutions, as reflected by its inclusion in policies and strategies and numerous initiatives in libraries and archives that have responded to the call, and are critically examining their own historic legacies and practices to support institutional and societal change.Narrative Expansions: Interpreting Decolonisation in Academic Libraries explores the ways in which academic libraries are working to address the historic legacies of colonialism, in the context of decolonising the curriculum and the university. It acknowledges and explores the tensions and complexities around the use of the term decolonisation, how it relates to other social justice aims and approaches, including critical librarianship, and what makes this work specific to decolonisation.The book is international in scope, and considers the contextual nature of decolonisation, with discussion of the impacts of settler colonialism, and post-colonial contexts with authors from Canada, the United States and Kenya, as well as universities and the British Library in the UK.Split into two sections, the book first addresses experiential contexts, discussing the environment in which the academic library is enmeshed: legacy knowledge systems, the neo-liberal university, the pervasive Whiteness of the higher education sector, the global publishing industry – how these structures are constitutive of coloniality and how they can be challenged. It then brings together theory and practice featuring case studies interpreting what it means to 'decolonise' in information literacy, collection management, inclusive spaces, LIS education, research methods and knowledge production through the lens of critical pedagogy, critical information literacy and Critical Race Theory (CRT). The book also addresses the impact and implications of the Whiteness of university library staffing.Bringing together the theory and practice of an area of critical concern to the academy, this book is an important reference for academic librarians, educators and researchers in LIS, education and sociology.
Facet Publishing Data Driven Decisions: A Practical Toolkit for Library and Information Professionals
Data Driven Decisions: A Practical Toolkit for Library and Information Professionals is a simple, jargon-free guide to using data for decision making in library services. The book walks readers step-by-step through each stage of implementing, reviewing and embedding data driven decisions in their organisation, providing accessible visualisations, top tips, and downloadable tools to support readers on their data journey. Staring with the absolute basics of using data, the author creates a framework for building skills and knowledge slowly until the reader is comfortable with even complex uses of data.The book begins with an exploration of explore the foundations of data driven decisions in libraries including a look at the impact of the current financial climate on resources, theoretical foundations of data collection and analysis, and how this book can be used in practice. The next section takes readers through the data driven decisions model, providing the guide for understanding and manual for implementation of the model. Finally, the book provides further perspectives and reading surrounding analysis and implementation of data driven decisions. This section aims to give supplementary and focused information on different areas of data driven decisions which can be included in processes once the reader understands the foundation of the book from earlier chapters. Highly practical and written in an accessible style, this book is an essential resource for librarians and information professionals who increasingly need to justify decisions on programmes and services through quantifiable data.
Facet Publishing Informed Societies: Why information literacy matters for citizenship, participation and democracy
This book explains how and why information literacy can help to foster critical thinking and discerning attitudes, enabling citizens to play an informed role in society and its democratic processes. In early 21st century societies, individuals and organisations are deluged with information, particularly online information. Much of this is useful, valuable or enriching. But a lot of it is of dubious quality and provenance, if not downright dangerous. Misinformation forms part of the mix. The ability to get the most out of the information flow, finding, interpreting and using it, and particularly developing a critical mindset towards it, requires skills, know-how, judgement and confidence – such is the premise of information literacy. This is true for many aspects of human endeavour, including education, work, health and self-enrichment. It is notably true also for acquiring an understanding of the wider world, for reaching informed views, for recognising bias and misinformation, and thereby for playing a part as active citizens, in democratic life and society. This ground-breaking and uniquely multi-disciplinary book explores how information literacy can contribute to fostering attitudes, habits and practices that underpin an informed citizenry. The 13 chapters each come from a particular perspective and are authored by international experts representing a range of disciplines: information literacy itself, but also political science, pedagogy, information science, psychology. Informed Societies: Why Information literacy matters for citizenship, participation and democracy covers: why information literacy and informed citizens matter for healthy, democratic societies information literacy’s relationship with political science information literacy’s relationship with human rights how information literacy can help foster citizenship, participation, empowerment and civic engagement in different contexts: school students, refugees, older people and in wider society information literacy as a means to counter misinformation and fake news the challenges of addressing information literacy as part of national public policy. The book will be essential reading for librarians and information professionals working in public libraries, schools, higher education institutions and public bodies; knowledge and information managers in all sectors and student of library and information science students, especially those at postgraduate/Masters level who are planning dissertations. Because of the topicality and political urgency of the issues covered, the book will also be of interest to students of political science, psychology, education and media studies/journalism; policy-makers in the public, commercial and not-for-profit sectors and politicians implications of information use and information/digital literacy.
Facet Publishing Mapping Information Landscapes: New Methods for Exploring the Development and Teaching of Information Literacy
Mapping Information Landscapes presents the first in-depth study of the educational implications of the idea of information literacy as ‘the capacity to map and navigate an information landscape’. Written by a leading researcher in the field, it investigates how teachers and learners can use mapping in developing their ability to make informed judgements about information, in specific places and times. Central to the argument is the notion that the geographical and information landscapes are indivisible, and the techniques we use to navigate each are essentially the same. The book presents a history of mapping as a means of representing the world, ranging from the work of medieval mapmakers to the 21st century. Concept and mind mapping are explored, and finally, the notion of discursive mapping: the dialogic process, regardless of whether a graphical map is an outcome. The theoretical framework of the book weaves together the work of authors including Annemaree Lloyd, Christine Bruce, practice theorists such as Theodore Schatzki and the critical geography of David Harvey, an author whose work has not previously been applied to the study of information literacy.The book concludes that keeping information landscapes sustainable and navigable requires attention to how equipment is used to map and organise those landscapes. How we collectively think about and solve problems in the present time inscribes maps and positions them as resources in whatever landscapes we will draw on in the future.Information literacy educators, whether in libraries, other HE courses, high schools or the workplace, will benefit by learning about how mapping – implicitly and explicitly – can be used as a method of teaching IL. The book will also be useful reading for academics and researchers of information literacy and students of library and information science.
Facet Publishing Trusting Records in the Cloud
Published in association with the Society of American Archivists Trusting Records in the Cloud presents key findings of InterPARES Trust, an international research project that has investigated issues of trust in, and trustworthiness of records and data online, with respect to privacy, accessibility, portability, metadata and ownership. The project has produced theoretical and methodological frameworks for the development of local, national and international policies, procedures, regulations, standards and legislation, to ensure public trust grounded on evidence of good governance, strong digital economy and persistent digital memory. Topics include:- risks and remedies to the contracts the public must enter into with service providers- implementing retention and disposition schedules in the cloud- understanding the role of metadata in cloud services for chain of custody- rethinking issues of appraisal, arrangement and description- preservation as a series of services implementable by a variety of preservation actors- information governance, risk management, and authentication practices and technologies.Readership: This book is essential reading for records and archives managers, information professionals and organizations that are using or intend to use the cloud for the creation, management and preservation of their information; records and archives students and educators; individuals working in the academic, government and private sectors, and members of the public concerned about their personal information in the cloud.
Facet Publishing Engaging your Community through Active Strategic Marketing
Now more than ever, libraries must find ways to engage with their communities in order to demonstrate the value they create and deliver. Engaging your Community through Active Strategic Marketing is a comprehensive resource that provides an overview of best practice strategic marketing, with advice on how to implement effective marketing activities in libraries and information services with the best chance of success. It takes each element of the strategic marketing domain and outlines both current marketing best practice and its detailed application in the library and information sector. It includes a set of tools and techniques to help reflection and progress towards effective marketing.Whether it is raising awareness of resources, increasing library use or demonstrating value, this book will help libraries from all sectors achieve their goals, communicate their benefits and present a clear and consistent image.
Facet Publishing The Freedom of Information Officer's Handbook
Freedom of information (FOI) is now an international phenomenon with over 100 countries from Albania to Zimbabwe enacting the right to know for their citizens. Since 2005, the UK’s Freedom of Information Act has opened up thousands of public bodies to unparalleled scrutiny and prompted further moves to transparency. Wherever the right to know is introduced, its success depends on the way it is implemented. In organisations worldwide, FOI only works because of those who oversee its operation on a day-to-day basis, promoting openness, processing requests and advising colleagues and the public. FOI is dependent on the FOI Officers. The Freedom of Information Officer’s Handbook is a comprehensive guide to FOI and its management. It is designed to be an indispensable tool for FOI Officers and their colleagues. It includes: a guide to the UK’s FOI Act, the right to know and the exemptions clear analysis of the most important case law and its implications for the handling of FOI requests pointers to the best resources to help FOI officers in their work explanations of how FOI interacts with other legislation, including detailed explorations of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and how the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation impacts on FOI a look at requirements to proactively publish information and the effect of copyright and re-use laws on FOI and open data comparisons of the UK’s Act with FOI legislation in other jurisdictions from Scotland to South Africa an exploration of the role of the FOI Officer: who they are, what they do, their career development and what makes them effective suggestions on how to embed FOI within an organisation using effective procedures, technology and training a stage-by-stage guide to processing requests for information. The Freedom of Information Officers’ Handbook includes the latest developments in FOI including amendments made to the UK’s FOI Act by the Data Protection Act 2018 and the revised s.45 code of practice published by the Cabinet Office in July 2018.
Facet Publishing Social Tagging in a Linked Data Environment
Social tagging (including hashtags) is used over platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, WordPress, Tumblr and YouTube across countries and cultures meaning that one single hashtag can link information from a variety of resources. This new book explores social tagging as a potential form of linked data and shows how it can provide an increasingly important way to categorise and store information resources. The internet is moving rapidly from the social web embodied in Web 2.0, to the Semantic Web (Web 3.0), where information resources are linked to make them comprehensible to both machines and humans. Traditionally library discovery systems have pushed information, but did not allow for any interaction with the users of the catalogue, while social tagging provides a means to help library discovery systems become social spaces where users could input and interact with content. The editors and their international contributors explore key issues including: the use of hashtags in the dissemination of public policy the use of hashtags as information portals in library catalogues social tagging in enterprise environments the linked data potential of social tagging sharing and disseminating information needs via social tagging. Social Tagging in a Linked Data Environment will be useful reading for practicing library and information professionals involved in electronic access to collections, including cataloguers, system developers, information architects and web developers. It would also be useful for students taking programmes in library and Information science, information management, computer science, and information architecture.
Facet Publishing Preserving Complex Digital Objects
This ground-breaking edited collection explores the challenges of preserving complex digital objects such as simulations, visualisations, digital art and video games. Drawing on the outputs of the JISC-funded Preservation of Complex Objects (POCOS) symposia, enhanced with specialist pathfinder solutions, this book will cover topics such as the legal and technical challenges of preservation, curation and authority, and digital archaeology. Written by international experts from a broad background of library, collecting institutions, information and computer science, and digital preservation backgrounds, this collection showcases the state of the art of the discipline and brings together stakeholder perspectives from across the preservation community. The collection is structured around six parts: Why and what to preserve: creativity vs preservation The memory institution: data archival perspectives Digital preservation approaches, practices and tools Case studies A legal perspective Pathfinder conclusions. Readership: Academics and students on digital preservation, digital humanities and information management courses, and those working in preservation and collecting for memory institutions will find this a valuable read. It will also be of particular interest to computer scientists, artists, games and emulation communities, archaeologists and digital forensic scientists.
Facet Publishing Library Services from Birth to Five: Delivering the Best Start
Following on from their ground-breaking first book, Delivering the Best Start, Rankin and Brock return to the subject of pre-school and early years library provision with contributions and case studies from innovators and experts around the world. There is a growing awareness of the significance of the first five years of life for intellectual, social and emotional development and early intervention is of political interest. This book provides knowledge and understanding about early language and literacy development and how young children become successful through enjoyable and meaningful experiences. Coverage includes: an examination of the key role of library practitioners who work with young children the importance of effective interdisciplinary teamwork for professionals working with the early years a focus on involving parents and carers and valuing their culture, language, heritage and community practical guidance given on setting up and running pre-school library services contributions and case studies from experts around the world. This book will be useful reading for early years professionals and librarians, those responsible for commissioning and delivering pre-school library services, students of library and information studies or childhood studies and practitioners undertaking practical early years qualifications.
Facet Publishing Fundamentals of Collection Development and Management
For this new fourth edition, expert instructor and librarian Peggy Johnson has revised and fully updated this textbook to provide a timely and valuable new resource for LIS students and professionals. Each chapter offers complete introductory coverage of one aspect of collection development and management, before including numerous suggestions for further reading and study. A range of practical case studies are included to illustrate and explore all of the issues discussed. Content covered includes: traditional management topics including organization of the collection, demonstrating value, staffing, and policymaking cooperative collection development and management licenses, negotiation, contracts, maintaining productive relationships with vendors and publishers, and other important purchasing and budgeting topics changes in information delivery and access technologies and how they continue to reshape the discipline the evolving needs and expectations of library users new roles for subject specialists marketing, liaison activities, and outreach. This book will be useful as a comprehensive introduction and learning tool for LIS students, a timely update for experienced librarians with new collection development and management responsibilities, and a handy reference resource for practitioners as they go about their day-to-day work.
Facet Publishing The No-Nonsense Guide to Project Management
This book provides a ‘no-nonsense’ guide to project management which will enable library and information professionals to lead or take part in a wide range of projects from large-scale multi-organisation complex projects through to relatively simple local ones. Barbara Allan has fully revised and updated her classic 2004 title Project Management to incorporate considerable developments during the past decade, including: the development and wide-scale acceptance of formal project management methodologies; the use of social media to communicate and disseminate information about projects and the large shift in the types of project library and information workers may be involved in. The text is supported by practical case studies drawn from a wide range of LIS organizations at local, regional, national and international levels. These examples provide an insight into good practice for the practitioner, from an individual working in a voluntary organization on an extremely limited budget, to someone involved in an international project. Content covered includes: an introduction to project management, project workers and the library and information profession different approaches to project management, the project cycle, the people side of projects and management of change discussion of project methodologies, project management software, open source software, collaborative working software and use of social media project initiation, communication, analysis and project briefs developing project infra-structure, scheduling, working out the finances and carrying out a detailed risk analysis implementation, monitoring and reporting and identifying potential problems current approaches to funding, bidding and tendering, and taking part in audits working in partnerships, in diverse and virtual teams, and managing change If you are an LIS professional involved in project work of any kind, whether on a managerial, practical, academic or research level, this is an invaluable resource for you.