Search results for ""Author Yukio Mishima""
El marino que perdi la gracia del mar
Noboru es un adolescente de trece años huérfano que vive con su madre viuda, encargada de una importante tienda de modas, en Yokohama. Él y sus amigos son buenos estudiantes, pero eso no impide que formen una inquietante pandilla con particulares ideas acerca de la existencia y el honor, de la vida y la muerte. Noboru asiste a la relación que su madre entabla con Ryuji, un marino al que envuelve en cierta aura heroica y al cual ensalza frente a sus amigos. Sin embargo, poco a poco pero inexorablemente, Ryuji irá cayendo en desgracia con el chico y con el clan de adolescentes, que sólo hallarán una forma drástica de redimirlo.
Alianza Editorial La ética del samurái en el Japón moderno
Libro fundamental para comprender la obra literaria y la manera de pensar y actuar del autor, ?La ética del samurái en el Japón moderno? es el ensayo que escribió Yukio Mishima sobre " Hagakure " , el clásico de la literatura samurái escrito en el siglo XVIII por Yamamoto Tsunetomo tras dejar las armas y convertirse en el monje budista Jocho. Traducido como Oculto por las hojas, Hagakure es un conjunto de dictados sobre el samurái ideal, muy popular en Japón hasta la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Fue una de las obras que acompañaron a Mishima desde niño y que dio sentido a su vida, viendo en ella una vía de protesta contra la sociedad japonesa que olvidaba sus valores tradicionales.
Alianza Editorial El marino que perdió la gracia del mar
Relato de una traición ignorada y de una idealización frustrada, ?El marino que perdió la gracia del mar? (1963) es una inmejorable forma de introducirse en el singular universo creativo de Yukio Mishima (1925-1970). En esta breve novela, y a través de su protagonista, Noboru, el autor retrata el abismo insalvable que se abre como una herida entre el desesperado intento de un clan de adolescentes de hallar su ubicación en el mundo mediante un código de conducta fuera de uso, y una sociedad ya irremediablemente convulsionada y despojada de su armonía tras la traumática derrota en la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Alianza Editorial Los años verdes
Inspirada en un hecho real, "Los años verdes" se centra en la figura del protagonista, Makoto Kawasaki, joven de buena familia marcado por su singular carácter, por su escasa empatía social y por la conflictiva relación con su padre. Una vez desmovilizado tras la derrota japonesa en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Makoto, nihilista frente a la sociedad, resentido frente a la familia, se embarcará en una espiral autodestructiva presidida por una morbosa obsesión por el dinero y la fascinación por la muerte.
Random House USA Inc The Temple of Dawn: The Sea of Fertility, 3
Vintage Publishing Thirst for Love
After the early death of her philandering husband, Etsuko moves into her father-in-law's house, where she numbly submits to the old man's advances. But soon she finds herself in love with the young servant Saburo. Tormented by his indifference, yet invigorated by her desire, she makes her move, with catastrophic consequences.
Vintage Publishing The Sound of Waves
'A work of art...altogether a joyous and lovely thing' New York TimesSet in a remote fishing village in Japan, The Sound of Waves is a timeless story of first love.It tells of Shinji, a young fisherman and Hatsue, the beautiful daughter of the wealthiest man in the village. Shinji is entranced at the sight of Hatsue in the twilight on the beach and they fall in love. When the villagers' gossip threatens to divide them, Shinki must risk his life to prove his worth.'A sunny masterpiece' Los Angeles Times
Vintage Publishing Runaway Horses
Read this classic exploration of political violence, traditional samurai values and right wing nihilism. Isao is a young, engaging patriot, and a fanatical believer in the ancient samurai ethos. He turns terrorist, organising a violent plot against the new industrialists, who he believes are threatening the integrity of Japan and usurping the Emperor's rightful power. As the conspiracy unfolds and unravels, Mishima brilliantly chronicles the conflicts of a decade that saw the fabric of Japanese life torn apart.
Alianza Editorial Confesiones de una máscara
Koo-chan, el joven narrador de ?Confesiones de una máscara? -novela publicada en 1949 que fue el primer gran éxito literario de Yukio Mishima (1925-1970) y que lo catapultó a la fama-, es un alma atormentada por una sensibilidad turbadora que va creciendo con el estigma de saberse diferente a los demás. De aspecto débil y enfermizo, solitario y taciturno, de extracción menos favorecida que sus compañeros, irá descubriendo sus inclinaciones homosexuales cuando se siente atraído por Omi, un chico de fuerte constitución. No obstante, en el Japón de los años 1930 y 1940 el protagonista debe ocultarse tras una máscara de corrección y convertir su vida en un escenario, en una representación en la que confluyen la realidad y las apariencias.Traducción de Carlos Rubio y Rumi Sato
Alianza Editorial Sed de amor Thirst for Love
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: El Libro De Bolsillo. Bibliotecas De Autor. Biblioteca MishimaNovela urdida en torno a la pasión y la destrucción, " Sed de amor " (1950) narra la historia de Etsuko, quien, viuda, ha de trasladarse a la finca de su suegro Yakichi, ante cuya autoridad natural como cabeza de familia se plegará para acabar manteniendo una relación sexual dominada por la sumisión, aunque es de Saburo, un joven e ingenuo sirviente, de quien se enamora perdidamente. Con estos elementos aborda Yukio Mishima (1925-1970) una de sus primeras exploraciones en torno a asuntos recurrentes en su obra, como el amor y el odio, el deseo y los celos, así como el veneno que instilan en las relaciones humanas la obsesión y la frustración.
Alianza Editorial El rumor del oleaje
Random House USA Inc Spring Snow: The Sea of Fertility, 1
Random House The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea
Random House USA Inc The Frolic of the Beasts
Vintage Publishing The Temple of Dawn
Mishima’s literary powers are on full display in his penultimate novel that is a meditation on reincarnation and Buddhist philosophy. Honda, a brilliant lawyer and man of reason, is called to Bangkok on legal business, where he is granted an audience with a young Thai princess - an encounter that radically alters the course of his life. He is convinced she is a reincarnated spirit, and undertakes a long, arduous pilgrimage to the holy places of India, where, in the climactic scene, he encounters her once more, only to have his newfound beliefs shattered and his life bereft of all meaning.
Alianza Editorial Los sables y otros relatos
Libro fundamental en la obra del escritor japonés Yukio Mishima, ?Los sables? recoge siete joyas de su obra, con todo su poder evocador, concisión, juego sutil de símbolos, culto de la belleza y exaltación de la muerte; siete de sus relatos más emblemáticos y que abarcan veinte años de su carrera, desde Tabaco ?cuyas páginas le abrieron las puertas del mundo literario al ser recomendada su publicación por el escritor Kawabata cuando sólo tenía veinte años? hasta Peregrinos en Kumano, relato del que estaba especialmente orgulloso, pasando por el que da título al libro, fruto de su pasión por el kendo, la esgrima tradicional japonesa. El volumen va precedido de un esclarecedor prólogo del profesor Carlos Rubio, que ilustra la obra y su interrelación con la vida de Mishima.Traducción de Akiko Imoto y Carlos Rubio
Alianza Editorial La escuela de la carne
En el Tokio de los años sesenta, donde cohabita la sociedad moderna con las viejas tradiciones y la mujer goza de más libertad, pero en el ambiente siguen flotando los viejos prejuicios, Taeko Asano es una mujer independiente, divorciada, con un buen nivel de vida. Cansada de jóvenes inmaduros y de nuevos ricos banales, seduce a Senkitchi, un camarero de una discoteca gay de escandalosa reputación. Senkitchi es joven y atractivo, de mirada angelical, pero también de ambiciones perversas, y la aventura arrastrará a Taeko más allá de lo que espera. En ?La escuela de la carne? Mishima enfrenta el mundo refinado de sutiles códigos sociales con el de la vida cotidiana, incluidos los bajos fondos, de un Japón que huye del corsé de sus tradiciones.
Kein + Aber Der Goldene Pavillon
Random House USA Inc Life for Sale
Alianza Editorial Vestidos de noche
Todo parece ir sobre ruedas durante la luna de miel de la joven Ayako Inagaki. Su marido, Toshio Takigawa, es el hombre ideal: tierno, atractivo, culto, elegante, deportista... Pero hay algo que empieza inquietarle: la extraña relación de Toshio con su madre, una afable y encantadora mujer de porte aristocrático, viuda del embajador japonés en Londres. La señora Takigawa está muy bien relacionada con la alta sociedad de Tokio, incluida la casa imperial, a la que quiere acceder el padre de Ayako, un ejecutivo ambicioso y esnob. En " Vestidos de noche " (sátira feroz con tonos irreverentes de la hipocresía social reinante en la alta sociedad japonesa tras la derrota en la Segunda Guerra Mundial) Mishima explora una vez más el lado más oscuro e inconfesable del ser humano.Traducción de Carlos Rubio
Alianza Editorial Caballos desbocados el mar de la fertilidad
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: El Libro De Bolsillo. Bibliotecas De Autor. Biblioteca MishimaConsiderada como el testamento ideológico y literario de Yukio Mishima (1925-1970), El mar de la fertilidad es una tetralogía en la que el autor abarca a través de su inconfundible mundo narrativo la evolución del Japón desde comienzos del siglo XX hasta los años 1960, expresando su rebeldía contra una sociedad que él consideraba sumida en la decadencia moral y espiritual. Novela que se centra alrededor de un complot concebido por jóvenes idealistas en 1932 para eliminar a las figuras políticas que han "traicionado" al Emperador, "Caballos desbocados" (1969) ?y la narración titulada La Liga del Viento Divino que inserta y que relata uno de los más famosos episodios del ocaso de los samuráis? contiene muchas de las claves que explican el ya cercano suicidio ritual del autor.
Random House USA Inc Runaway Horses: The Sea of Fertility, 2
Vintage Publishing The Sailor Who Fell from Grace With the Sea (Vintage Classics Japanese Series)
'Mishima's greatest novel, and one of the greatest of the past century' The TimesA band of savage thirteen-year-old boys reject the adult world as illusory, hypocritical, and sentimental, and train themselves in a brutal callousness they call 'objectivity'. When the mother of one of them begins an affair with a ship's officer, he and his friends idealise the man at first; but it is not long before they conclude that he is in fact soft and romantic. They regard this disillusionment as an act of betrayal on his part - and the retribution is deliberate and horrifying. VINTAGE JAPANESE CLASSICS - five masterpieces of Japanese fiction in gorgeous new gift editions.
Vintage Publishing The Temple of the Golden Pavilion
Because of the boyhood trauma of seeing his mother make love to another man in the presence of his dying father, Mizoguchi becomes a hopeless stutterer. Taunted by his schoolmates, he feels utterly alone untill he becomes an acolyte at a famous temple in Kyoto, where he develops an all-consuming obsession with the temple's beauty. This powerful story of dedication and sacrifice brings together Mishima's preoccupations with violence, desire, religion and national history to dazzling effect.
Vintage Publishing The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea
A band of savage thirteen-year-old boys reject the adult world as illusory, hypocritical, and sentimental, and train themselves in a brutal callousness they call 'objectivity'. When the mother of one of them begins an affair with a ship's officer, he and his friends idealise the man at first; but it is not long before they conclude that he is in fact soft and romantic. They regard this disallusionment as an act of betrayal on his part - and the retribution is deliberate and horrifying.
Vintage Publishing After the Banquet
For years Kazu has run her fashionable restaurant with a combination of charm and shrewdness. But when the she falls in love with one of her clients, an aristocratic retired politician, she renounces her business in order to become his wife. But it is not so easy to renounce her independent spirit, and eventually Kazu must choose between her marriage and the demands of her irrepressible vitality. After the Banquet is a magnificent portrait of political and domestic warfare.
Penguin Books Ltd Death in Midsummer
Ten tales of loss and longing, from one one Japan''s greatest writers It was the height of summer, and there was anger in the rays of the sunA summer holiday that turns to tragedy; a moonlit journey to fulfil a wish; a couple's unusual way of making a living; a young lieutenant who ends his life; a night of infidelities. This selection contains nine short stories and one modern Noh play by one of Japan's greatest writers. Selected by Mishima himself for translation, they are by turns tender and delicate, ironic and shocking, showing the strange pull between duty and desire, death and beauty.He can be funny, even hilarious, but he is also capable of plunging into the dark psychic depths achieved by Hitchcock' New York Times Book ReviewTranslated by Edward G. Seidensticker, Ivan Morris, Donald Keene and Geoffrey W. Sargent
Penguin Books Ltd Death in Midsummer
Little Clothbound Classics: irresistible, mini editions of short stories, novellas and essays from the world's greatest writers, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-SmithFilled with rich description and luxurious beauty, these ten tales of loss and longing from one of Japan's greatest writers show the pull between duty and desire, ecstasy and death: a mother lost in mourning, a moonlit journey to fulfil a wish, a night of infidelity, a young lieutenant who ends his life.
Sed de amor
Cuando, pocos años después de terminada la Guerra, Etsuko queda viuda, ha de trasladarse a la finca de su suegro, tierra adentro cerca de Osaka. Su peculiar "Sed de amor", nutrida de los celos, el deseo y el odio llevados hasta un extremo morboso, explorará allí otras formas de manifestarse. Si bien en un principio Etsuko se plegará a la autoridad natural del jefe de la familia, será finalmente un joven e ingenuo sirviente quien concentre sus obsesiones y frustraciones.
Alianza Editorial La perla y otros cuentos
Novelista, ensayista, dramaturgo, Yukio Mishima exploró también con fortuna el género del relato. ?La perla y otros cuentos? reúne una excelente selección, que es a la vez un muestrario representativo de las principales inquietudes del autor. La radical dificultad de las relaciones humanas, la obsesión por la muerte, la ambigüedad sexual, la espiritualidad y la distorsión general propia de un país sumamente tradicional zarandeado por su adaptación al vertiginoso siglo xx son los principales referentes que podemos hallar en las diez narraciones que integran este volumen.
Random House USA Inc After the Banquet
IUDICIUM Verlag GmbH Liebesdurst
Kein + Aber Bekenntnisse einer Maske
Vintage Publishing The Decay of the Angel
The dramatic climax of The Sea of Fertility tetraology takes place in the late 1960s. Honda, now an aged and wealthy man, discovers and adopts a sixteen-year-old orphan, Toru, as his heir, identifying him with the tragic protagonists of the three previous novels, each of whom died at the age of twenty. Honda raises and educates the boy, yet watches him, waiting.
Vintage Publishing Spring Snow
Tokyo, 1912. The closed world of the ancient aristocracy is being breached for the first time by outsiders - rich provincial families, a new and powerful political and social elite.Kiyoaki has been raised among the elegant Ayakura family - members of the waning aristocracy - but he is not one of them. Coming of age, he is caught up in the tensions between old and new, and his feelings for the exquisite, spirited Satoko, observed from the sidelines by his devoted friend Honda. When Satoko is engaged to a royal prince, Kiyoaki realises the magnitude of his passion.
New Directions Publishing Corporation Confessions of a Mask
Confessions of a Mask tells the story of Kochan, an adolescent boy tormented by his burgeoning attraction to men: he wants to be “normal.” Kochan is meek-bodied, and unable to participate in the more athletic activities of his classmates. He begins to notice his growing attraction to some of the boys in his class, particularly the pubescent body of his friend Omi. To hide his homosexuality, he courts a woman, Sonoko, but this exacerbates his feelings for men. As news of the War reaches Tokyo, Kochan considers the fate of Japan and his place within its deeply rooted propriety. Confessions of a Mask reflects Mishima’s own coming of age in post-war Japan. Its publication in English—praised by Gore Vidal, James Baldwin, and Christopher Isherwood— propelled the young Yukio Mishima to international fame.
Penguin Books Ltd Beautiful Star
'Interplanetary, quite extraordinary . . . awash with dark humour and scenes of intense beauty' Financial Times'One of the greatest avant-garde Japanese writers of the twentieth century' New YorkerBeautiful Star is a 1962 tale of family, love, nuclear war and UFOs, and was considered by Mishima to be one of his very best books. Translated into English for the first time, this atmospheric black comedy tells the story of the Osugi family, who come to the sudden realization that each of them hails from a different planet: Father from Mars, mother from Jupiter, son from Mercury and daughter from Venus. This extra-terrestrial knowledge brings them closer together, and convinces them that they have a mission: to find others of their kind, and save humanity from the imminent threat of the atomic bomb...
Penguin Books Ltd The Frolic of the Beasts
The gripping story of an affair gone horribly wrong, from one of Japan's greatest twentieth-century writersKoji, a young student, has fallen hopelessly in love with the beautiful, enigmatic Yuko. But she is married to the literary critic and serial philanderer Ippei. Tormented by desire and anger, Koji is driven to an act of violence that will bind this strange, terrible love triangle together for the rest of their lives. A starkly compelling story of lust, guilt and punishment, The Frolic of the Beasts explores the masks we wear in life, and what happens when they slip. 'One of the greatest avant-garde Japanese writers of the twentieth century' New Yorker
Random House USA Inc Forbidden Colors
New Directions Publishing Corporation Patriotism
By now, Yukio Mishima’s (1925-1970) dramatic demise through an act of seppuku after an inflammatory public speech has become the stuff of literary legend. With Patriotism, Mishima was able to give his heartwrenching patriotic idealism an immortal vessel. A lieutenant in the Japanese army comes home to his wife and informs her that his closest friends have become mutineers. He and his beautiful loyal wife decide to end their lives together. In unwavering detail Mishima describes Shinji and Reiko making love for the last time and the couple’s seppuku that follows.
Random House USA Inc The Sound of Waves
Random House USA Inc The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea
Penguin Books Ltd The Frolic of the Beasts
The gripping story of an affair gone horribly wrong, from one of Japan's greatest twentieth-century writersKoji, a young student, has fallen hopelessly in love with the beautiful, enigmatic Yuko. But she is married to the literary critic and serial philanderer Ippei. Tormented by desire and anger, Koji is driven to an act of violence that will bind this strange, terrible love triangle together for the rest of their lives. A starkly compelling story of lust, guilt and punishment, The Frolic of the Beasts explores the masks we wear in life, and what happens when they slip.'One of the greatest avant-garde Japanese writers of the twentieth century' New Yorker
Europa Editions (UK) Ltd Five Modern Noh Plays
A great, ancient art form, brought right up to date by one of Japan’s foremost writersNoh is a form of classical Japanese dance-drama that has been performed since the 14th century. Based on tales from traditional literature, and structured according to strict rules, at the heart of Noh often lies an accidental encounter through which the workings of Fate are revealed. Often one of the persons is not what he or she seems to be: perhaps a ghost, or a character who has suffered a dramatic reversal of fortune. These five pieces, written between 1950 and 1955 and presented as modern plays at the time, are as suited to being performed on any stage in the world, as they are to being read in Donald Keene’s pitch-perfect translation. In them, Yukio Mishima preserves the weird and haunting mood of classical Noh, whilst lending his characters and situations the directness and hardness of an encounter on a modern city street.
Penguin Books Ltd Life for Sale
'The best book I've read this year ... darkly comedic and full of tension and surprise' Marina Abramovic 'Life for sale. Use me as you wish. I am a twenty-seven-year-old male. Discretion guaranteed. Will cause no bother at all.'When Hanio Yamada realises the future holds little of worth to him, he puts his life for sale in a Tokyo newspaper, thus unleashing a series of unimaginable exploits. A world of murderous mobsters, hidden cameras, a vampire woman, poisoned carrots, code-breaking, a hopeless junkie heiress and makeshift explosives reveals itself to the unwitting hero. Is there nothing he can do to stop it? Resolving to follow the orders of his would-be purchasers, he comes to understand what life is worth, and whether we can indeed name our price.
Penguin Books Ltd Confessions of a Mask
'There is in this world a kind of desire like stinging pain'A Japanese teenager is overcome with longing for his male classmate. He imagines his body punctured with arrows, like the body of St Sebastian in the painting that obsesses him. Over and over again, each night in his private fantasies, the objects of his lust are tortured, killed and maimed. But, in the rigid world of imperial wartime Japan there is no place for such transgressive desires. He must wear a false mask and hide his true nature, whatever the cost. 'A terrific and astringent work of beauty' The Times Literary Supplement'Mishima is lucid in the midst of emotional confusion, funny in the midst of despair' Christopher Isherwood'Never has a "confession" been freer from self-pity' Sunday Times
Penguin Books Ltd Forbidden Colours
Written when Mishima was only twentysix, Forbidden Colors is a depiction of a male homosexual relationship, in which a rich older man buys the love of a young man who is stunningly handsome but who lacks the ability to love. As in Mann's Death in Venice, the older man's longing for the beauty of youth is associated with aestheticism and death.
Penguin Books Ltd Star
A haunting novella of fame and disillusionment by a Japanese literary iconAll eyes are upon Rikio. And he likes it, mostly. His fans cheer from a roped-off section, screaming and yelling to attract his attention. They would kill for a moment alone with him. Finally the director sets up the shot, the camera begins to roll, someone yells "action"; Rikio, for a moment, transforms into another being, a hardened young yakuza, but as soon as the shot is finished, he slumps back into his own anxieties and obsessions.Written shortly after Yukio Mishima himself had acted in the film Afraid to Die, this novella is a rich and unflinching psychological portrait of a celebrity coming apart at the seams as the absurdity of his existence comes sharply into focus. With exquisite, vivid prose, Star begs the question: is there ever any escape from how we are seen by others?