Search results for ""Author Warren""
Baker Publishing Group 50 People Every Christian Should Know – Learning from Spiritual Giants of the Faith
Christians in the twenty-first century need encouragement and inspiration to lead lives that honor God. When faith is weak or the pressures of the world seem overwhelming, remembering the great men and women of the past can inspire us to renewed strength and purpose. Our spiritual struggles are not new, and the stories of those who have gone before us can help lead the way to our own victories. 50 People Every Christian Should Know gives a glimpse into the lives of such people as Charles H. Spurgeon, G. Campbell Morgan, A. W. Tozer, Fanny Crosby, Amy Carmichael, Jonathan Edwards, James Hudson Taylor, and many more. Combining the stories of fifty of these faithful men and women, beloved author Warren W. Wiersbe offers today's readers inspiration and encouragement in life's uncertain journey.
Kogan Page Ltd Big Change, Best Path: Successfully Managing Organizational Change with Wisdom, Analytics and Insight
SHORTLISTED: CMI Management Book of the Year Awards 2017 - Management Futures Category Using ground-breaking modelling, Big Change, Best Path brings unique insights to the dynamics and process of organizational change, understanding success and failure, defining and describing the drivers and conditions of change, and the patterns and paths of organizational change. Author Warren Parry from Accenture Strategy shows that a whole new way of managing change is possible, from empirical benchmarking, predictive approaches that highlight the specific actions needed at any point of a change programme, and visualization for senior managers to show how each part of an organization is responding. The author also challenges many of the myths of change management and the dynamics of how organizations respond to change, clearly showing the common pitfalls and misunderstandings. Big Change, Best Path explains a new, more analytical way and process for driving successful change, and presents a ground-breaking vision for the future of how organizations can become more agile and resilient.
Amberley Publishing A-Z of the Isle of Anglesey: Places-People-History
The island of Anglesey, off the north-west coast of Wales, has a long and fascinating history. Its ancient and complex geology has created a special habitat for wildlife and it has also been a heartland for Welsh culture from the time of the Iron Age Druids to the present day. More recently, it is the site of the spectacular structures built during the Industrial Revolution to link Anglesey to the mainland: Telford’s Menai Suspension Bridge and Robert Stephenson’s Britannia Bridge. In this book author Warren Kovach picks out the places and people that make Anglesey special, from churches, chapels and lighthouses, which are of particular importance on the island, to large landowning families such as the Bulkeleys and prominent individuals such as Christmas Evans and Kyffin Williams. The richness of the natural world on the island is addressed, as is the economy and social structures such as fairs and markets, industry and transport. A–Z of the Isle of Anglesey reveals the stories behind the island, its places and people. A broad picture of Anglesey’s history through the ages is painted and it brings to life the story of how the island of today was shaped. This fascinating A–Z tour is fully illustrated with photography and will appeal to all those with an interest in this distinctive island.
Scarecrow Press Back Beats and Rim Shots: The Johnny Blowers Story
Big Band music instantly reminds us of America on the homefront during World War II, lavish Hollywood musicals, and the jitterbug. Fans of big band music will enjoy Back Beats and Rim Shots, which vividly describes the life of jazz drummer Johnny Blowers (1911-2006) and the atmosphere of America during the time when the big band sound reigned supreme. Blowers's career typified the enchantment of the big band era and illuminates the fierce competition between the musicians as they struggled for success. Author Warren Vaché follows the life of the musician from his boyhood in a small southern town to the mean streets of New York, where he gambled on his future in music without friends or connections, until the almost unbelievable lucky break that put him on the road to success. Back Beats and Rim Shots chronicles the time Blowers spent recording for Vocalion with Bobby Hackett's first band at "Nick's," the famous jazz spot in Greenwich Village, as well as later recordings with industry titans such as Louis Armstrong, Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, and Billie Holliday. Vaché skillfully intersperses Blowers's recollections with a straightforward narrative. Including a discography, Back Beats and Rim Shots is a must for the music aficionado.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Art of Comics: A Philosophical Approach
THE ART OF COMICS The Art of Comics: A Philosophical Introduction is the first-ever collection of essays published in English devoted to the philosophical questions raised by the art of comics. The volume, which includes a preface by the renowned comics author Warren Ellis, contains ten cutting-edge essays on a range of philosophical topics raised by comics and graphic novels. These include the definition of comics, the nature of comics genres, the relationship between comics and other arts such as film and literature, the way words and pictures combine in comics, comics authorship, the “language” of comics, and the metaphysics of comics. The book also contains an in-depth introduction by the co-editors which provides an overview of both the book and its subject, as well as a brief history of comics and an overview of extant work on the philosophy of comics. In an area of growing philosophical interest, this volume constitutes a great leap forward in the development of this fast expanding field, and makes a major contribution to the philosophy of art.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Art of Comics: A Philosophical Approach
THE ART OF COMICS The Art of Comics: A Philosophical Introduction is the first-ever collection of essays published in English devoted to the philosophical questions raised by the art of comics. The volume, which includes a preface by the renowned comics author Warren Ellis, contains ten cutting-edge essays on a range of philosophical topics raised by comics and graphic novels. These include the definition of comics, the nature of comics genres, the relationship between comics and other arts such as film and literature, the way words and pictures combine in comics, comics authorship, the “language” of comics, and the metaphysics of comics. The book also contains an in-depth introduction by the co-editors which provides an overview of both the book and its subject, as well as a brief history of comics and an overview of extant work on the philosophy of comics. In an area of growing philosophical interest, this volume constitutes a great leap forward in the development of this fast expanding field, and makes a major contribution to the philosophy of art.
Austin Macauley Firstlings of the Flock
Post Hill Press Waving Goodbye
Austin Macauley Firstlings of the Flock
WADSWORTH INC FULFILLMENT World Religions International Edition
Liverpool University Press The Merchant of Venice
This book shows how directors, actors, and critics have sought by various strategies to exorcise the demon of anti-semitism.
Norma Editorial, S.A. Fell 1 Ciudad salvaje
Encounter Books,USA The University We Need: Reforming American Higher Education
Edward B. Marks Music Company And My Daddy Will Play the Drums Limericks for Friends of Drummers
Book Publishing Company Colloidal Silver Today
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. The Art of Double Bass Playing
Dpunkt.Verlag GmbH Weltwunder mit LEGO Historische und moderne Werke und Naturwunder bestaunen und nachbauen
Panini Verlags GmbH Ultimate Iron Man Armor Wars
Panini Verlags GmbH The Authority Deluxe Edition
Panini Verlags GmbH Marvel MustHave Wolverine Noch nicht tot
Panini Verlags GmbH The Authority Deluxe Edition. Bd. 1 von 4
Oneworld Publications Coping with Fears and Phobias: A CBT Guide to Understanding and Facing Your Anxieties
Fear is a normal emotion. For one out of ten people, however, fear is extreme and disruptive because approximately 10% of people have an anxiety disorder at any one time, only a tiny proportion of whom receive appropriate psychological treatment. This book provides you with information about fears and phobias and how to cope with them, so you can reclaim your life. Incorporating extensive research on anxiety and phobias, Dr Mansell writes accessibly and supportively. He provides real-life examples and many easy-to-learn techniques from cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), all of which will help sufferers develop a lasting change. Coping with Fears and Phobias is supported by a dedicated website for sufferers and carers.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Revelation Restored: The Apocalypse in Later Seventeenth-Century England
An analysis of the nature of apocalyptic and millennial beliefs that reveals concerns prominent in England in the early seventeenth century had not abated after 1660. Revelation Restored is a study of apocalyptic thought in the later seventeenth century in England. It explores an under-examined aspect of early modern British history: despite the prominence of millenarian beliefs in historians' explanations of the early modern English church and state up to 1660, little has been said about these convictions in the years following the Restoration. The examination of applications of prophetic language and interpretation to explain the events in England from 1660 to 1700 illustrates their continued capacity to comprehend ecclesiastical and political developments. The book demonstrates that, far from having disappeared from the intellectual landscape, apocalyptic ideas still held the potential to animate opinions in the mainstream of political debate in the later seventeenth century. These responses were outlets both for demonstrations of dissent and for endorsements of authorised powers in response to crises in authority and efforts at religious settlement. In addition, this book contends that any strict periodization that segregates the concerns of early seventeenth-century England fromthose of the later seventeenth century has been too sharply drawn. Analysis of the nature of apocalyptic and millennial beliefs reveals that the concerns prominent in England in the early seventeenth century had not abated after1660. WARREN JOHNSTON is an Assistant Professor at Algoma University in Ontario, Canada.
Redback Publishing Spectacular Space
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Cannabis Cocktails, Mocktails & Tonics: The Art of Spirited Drinks and Buzz-Worthy Libations
Create your own cannabis infused cocktails! Combining cannabis and cocktails is a hot new trend, and Cannabis Cocktails, Mocktails, and Tonics shows you how. Featuring a collection of 75 recipes of cannabis influenced cocktails and drinks; The Cocktail Whisperer Warren Bobrow will show you the essential instructions for de-carbing cannabis to release its full psychoactive effect. Learn the history of cannabis as a social drug and its growing acceptance to becoming a medicinal. Look beyond cocktails and create successful tonics, syrups, shrubs, bitters, compound butter and exotic infused oil to use in any drink. Start your day with coffee, tea, and milk-based cannabis beverages for healing and relaxation. Get your afternoon pick-me-up with gut healing shrubs and mood enhancing syrups. Make cooling lemonades and sparking herbal infusions to soothe the fevered brow. Then, have an after dinner herbal-based cannabis drink for relaxation at the end of a good meal. The options are endless with Cannabis Cocktails, Mocktails, and Tonics!
University of Toronto Press The Cast of Character: The Representation of Personality in Ancient and Medieval Literature
This book is concerned with the idea of character and the methods of representing it in ancient and medieval narrative fiction, and shows how late classical and medieval authors adopted techniques and perspectives from rhetoric, philosophy, and sometimes theology to fashion figures who define not only themselves but also their readers. Ginsberg first tests Ovid's concept in the Amores and the Metamorphoses against the conventions of classical tradition and shows how, although Ovid's idea of character did not change, his technique grew more subtle and complex as his art matured. Ginsberg then employs the methods of biblical exegesis to show how medieval characters – Gottfried's Tristan, Dante's Farinata, Chrétien's Yvain – both exist as themselves and point to characters beyond themselves, gaining depth and resonance because we see them in this perspective. Perspective is also a distinguishing quality of the maturing of Boccaccio's art. In the early works his characters seem to be little more than positions in a debate, but as he grew more skilful the strict formalism of binary oppositions gave way to the complexity of experience characteristic of the 'probably true' and culminating in the hundred perspectives of the Decameron. In Chaucer's Canterbury Tales the pilgrims are both typical and individual, twice-formed by the tale and by the frame. A character acts, and the reader forms expectations of his acting and in the process 'character,' the abiding glory of medieval literature, is created.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Puzzle Films: Complex Storytelling in Contemporary Cinema
Drawing upon the expertise of film scholars from around the world, Puzzle Films investigates a number of films that sport complex storytelling--from Memento, Old Boy, and Run Lola Run, to the Infernal Affairs trilogy and In the Mood for Love. Unites American ‘independent’ cinema, the European and International Art film, and certain modes of avant-garde filmmaking on the basis of their shared storytelling complexity Draws upon the expertise of film scholars from North America, Britain, China, Poland, Holland, Italy, Greece, New Zealand, and Australia
John Wiley & Sons Inc Not-for-Profit Accounting Made Easy
A hands-on guide to the ins and outs of nonprofit accounting Not-for-Profit Accounting Made Easy, Second Edition equips you with the tools you need to run the financial and accounting operations within your nonprofit organization. Even if you do not have a professional understanding of accounting principles and financial reporting, this handy guide makes it all clear with complex accounting rules explained in terms nonaccountants can easily understand in order to help you better fulfill your managerial and fiduciary duties. Always practical and never overtechnical, this helpful guide conforms to FASB and AICPA standards and: * Discusses federal single audit and its impact on nonprofits * Offers examples of various types of split-interest agreements * Shows you how to read and understand a nonprofit financial statement * Explains financial accounting and reporting standards * Helps you become conversant in the rules and principles of accounting * Updates board members, executive directors, and other senior managers on the accounting basics they should know for day-to-day operations * Features tables, exhibits, and charts that illustrate the content in a simple and easy-to-understand manner Suitable for fundraising managers and executives--as well as anyone who needs to read and understand a nonprofit financial statement--this is the ultimate not-an-accountant's guide to nonprofit accounting.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Not-for-Profit Audit Committee Best Practices
How can not-for-profit organizations be sure they play by the rules when the rules aren't clear? Due to recent, very public accounting scandals and the resulting Sarbanes-Oxley Act and other regulations, public companies have strict guidance on financial governance and accounting, including the functions and responsibilities of audit committee members. Though not-for-profit organizations are subject to increased scrutiny, there has been no detailed guidance for their audit committees. This book fills the void and helps not-for-profit organizations answer these questions: * In today's skeptical environment, how can responsible financial governance and reporting reassure wary donors and supporters, and perhaps give the organization a competitive advantage? * How should the audit committee be structured? * Which Sarbanes-Oxley requirements (if any) should the audit committee adopt? * Which best practices best fit the organization's structure and financial reporting needs? Complete with checklists, sample questions, and an index for quick reference, Not-for-Profit Audit Committee Best Practices covers: * Different types and unique characteristics of not-for-profit organizations * The audit committee's role in preventing and detecting fraud * Important internal controls and the internal audit function * The relationship of the audit committee and the independent auditor This heads-up, hands-on guide helps audit committee members select and structure appropriate best practices and function in the most effective manner for their unique not-for-profit organizations. It's also a valuable reference for board members, managers, independent auditors, and advisors of not-for-profit organizations.
Columbia University Press Narrative and Narration: Analyzing Cinematic Storytelling
From mainstream blockbusters to art house cinema, narrative and narration are the driving forces that organize a film. Yet attempts to explain these forces are often mired in notoriously complex terminology and dense theory. Warren Buckland provides a clear and accessible introduction that explains how narrative and narration work using straightforward language.Narrative and Narration distills the basic components of cinematic storytelling into a set of core concepts: narrative structure, processes of narration, and narrative agents. The book opens with a discussion of the emergence of narrative and narration in early cinema and proceeds to illustrate key ideas through numerous case studies. Each chapter guides readers through different methods that they can use to analyze cinematic storytelling. Buckland also discusses how departures from traditional modes, such as feminist narratives, art cinema, and unreliable narrators, can complicate and corroborate the book’s understanding of narrative and narration. Examples include mainstream films, both classic and contemporary; art house films of every stripe; and two relatively new styles of cinematic storytelling: the puzzle film and those driven by a narrative logic derived from video games. Narrative and Narration is a concise introduction that provides readers with fundamental tools to understand cinematic storytelling.
David C Cook Publishing Company Exodus
David C Cook Publishing Company Be Victorious - Revelation: In Christ You are an Overcomer
David C Cook Publishing Company Be Loyal - Matthew: Following the King of Kings
David C Cook Publishing Company Be Alive - John 1- 12: Get to Know the Living Savior
David C Cook Publishing Company Be Faithful - 1 & 2 Timothy Titus Philemon: It'S Always Too Soon to Quit!
David C Cook Publishing Company Wiersbe Bible Study Series: Minor Prophets Vol 1
David C Cook Publishing Company Wiersbe's Expository Outlines
David C Cook Publishing Company Wiersbe Bible Studies: Ecclesiastes: Looking for the Answer to the Meaning of Life
Greenwich Exchange Ltd Norman Cameron: His Life, Work and Letters
Greenwich Exchange Ltd First Light: & Other Poems
Sentient Publications Creaky Traveler in Ireland: Clare, Kerry & West Cork -- A Journey for the Mobile But Not Agile
Dundurn Group Ltd Age of Unreason: The X Gang
The X Gang must stand up for their beliefs in a changing world. A new face of violence and hate has come to Portland, Maine, and the punks in the X Gang find themselves targeted once again. It is the early eighties, and the youth subculture they have grown up in is changing. Kurt, X, and the others have reluctantly concluded that they are unlikely to ever change the world with their punk anthems, but that injustice is still worth fighting against. The friends lean on each other for the strength to deal with death, addiction, sexism, and racism they see all around them. Meanwhile, the police and the FBI are on the trail of a killer, and a member of the X Gang holds the secret to the fugitive’s sinister motivations. Age of Unreason tells the shocking story of how hatred can become a cause, and how we must stand together against it no matter the cost.
Rocky Nook Lego with Dad: Creatively Awesome Brick Projects for Parents and Kids to Build Together
Break out the bricks, it's time for awesome family fun! LEGO® bricks can be an endless source of imagination and joy for kids of all ages, and now dads can join in and help build amazing new creations. LEGO® With Dad is the ultimate guide to utilizing your bricks to make creative new projects. No expensive new sets required! With detailed instructions on the basic building techniques as well as more advanced and complex builds, this book is perfect for parents and kids all skill levels. Featuring step-by-step lessons for fun projects including:Working train and car Customized rocketship Menagerie of colorful animals Helicopter with rotating bladesAnd much, much more! Whether you and your kids are LEGO® novices or aspiring Master Builders, this book will show you how to explore the world of bricks together to create amazing projects and lifelong memories.
Bloomsbury Publishing USA The Book of Beautiful Questions: The Powerful Questions That Will Help You Decide, Create, Connect, and Lead
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc A More Beautiful Question: The Power of Inquiry to Spark Breakthrough Ideas
David C Cook Publishing Company Genesis 1- 11
John Wiley & Sons Inc Why Leaders Can't Lead: The Unconscious Conspiracy Continues
A Selection of the Executive Program and Fortune Book Clubs Leaders beware. There's an unconscious conspiracy afoot, aiming to sabotage your plans and undermine your vision. Entrenched bureaucracy, ominous social trends, and mind-numbing routine are among its members?and their proliferation is an unfortunate sign of our times. But take heart. In this highly acclaimed work, legendary management consultant Warren Bennis unmasks the culprits, analyzes their tactics, and offers new insights for change agents struggling to take charge in an era that conspires against effective leadership. The best book on how leaders can lead. --Peter Drucker Bennis teaches leaders to maximize their virtues, correct their faults, face change successfully, and love their work. Leaders will win, but so will their organizations: Bennis advocates a collaborative leadership that empowers employees and enhances organizational effectiveness. A priceless gift to those seeking to be accountable leaders. --Max De Pree, author of Leading Without Power So learn why leaders can't lead. Then learn how they can lead. This book--alive with warmth and wisdom--is essential reading both for leaders and for the human resource professionals who teach them.