Search results for ""Author Sören Kierkegaard""
Alianza Editorial Diario de un seductor
Fruto de su tormentosa relación con Regine Olsen y de sus meditaciones sobre el amor, el " Diario de un seductor " es, posiblemente, la obra que más popularidad ha reportado a Sören Kierkegaard (1813-1855). Pequeño tributo a la figura del seductor de la novela decimonónica, la obra narra la relación entre Juan, ?el seductor? ?ducho en las artes del engaño y la manipulación?, y la joven e ingenua Cordelia. Sin embargo, más allá de la trama literaria, abundar en la psicología del seductor no es sino un bello recurso que el filósofo danés utiliza para reflexionar sobre el ?hombre estético?, a saber: el hombre que atrapado por la fuerza de la inmediatez y el goce sensual vaga por la vida víctima de sus instintos y sin poder ver en lo que le rodea nada más que un medio para satisfacer sus apetencias. Del mismo autor, en esta colección: " Temor y Temblor " , " El concepto de la angustia " , " In vino veritas " y " La repetición " .
Grevenberg Verlag Vier erbauliche Reden 1844 Gesammelte Werke und Tagebcher 1314 Abt Bd 8 Drei Reden bei gedachten Gelegenheiten 1845
The New York Review of Books, Inc The Living Thoughts Of Kierkegaard
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Present Age: On the Death of Rebellion
Editorial Trotta, S.A. Migajas filosficas El concepto de angustia Prlogos escritos 42
En el año 1844, uno de los más productivos de su carrera, publica Søren Kierkegaard, en el plazo de unos pocos días, los tres escritos aquí reunidos: Migajas filosóficas, El concepto de angustia y Prólogos. Su heterogeneidad estilística y la diversidad de su contenido hacen que aparezcan con la firma de tres pseudónimos diferentes: Johannes Climacus, Vigilius Haufniensis y Nicolaus Notabene, respectivamente.Las Migajas exponen las limitaciones del pensamiento filosófico cuando se trata de la apropiación individual de la verdad. Climacus dirige su mirada al tipo de aprendizaje de la verdad representado por la mayéutica socrática y por el cristianismo.El concepto de angustia emprende una discusión conjunta de la cuestión psicológica de la angustia y de la cuestión dogmática del pecado hereditario. La angustia se caracteriza por su ambigüedad psicológica, por ser una antipatía simpatética. Como escribe Kierkegaard en su Diario, la angustia es un poder extraño que se apodera del in
Editorial Trotta, S.A. Para un examen de sí mismo recomendado a este tiempo
La muerte atraviesa la vida, ésa es la enseñanza del cristianismo; tú tienes que morir a; el Espíritu vivificante es precisamente el que te mata; es la primera manifestación del Espíritu vivificante: que tú debes meterte en la muerte, tú debes morir a ? así es, para que no puedas tomar el cristianismo en vano. Un Espíritu vivificante: he aquí la invitación, quién podría no aceptarla! Pero muere, primero: he aquí la parada!.De entre los escritos edificantes de Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855), el presente es el más popular de todos. Destinado en un principio a ser una de las predicaciones previstas para 1851, fue finalmente publicado el 10 de septiembre de ese mismo año, en el undécimo aniversario del compromiso de su autor con Regina Olsen. Interpelación al individuo singular, constituye un excelente compendio del pensamiento kierkegaardiano.
Editorial Trotta, S.A. Discursos edificantes tres discursos para ocasiones superpuestas
El presente volumen reúne los veintiún discursos publicados por Søren Kierkegaard entre 1843 y 1845 que marcan el inicio de su carrera como escritor religioso, conciliando así su vocación religiosa con la labor concreta del escritor, que hasta ese momento sólo había encontrado cauce en obras de carácter poético. A partir de 1843, sus escritos de inspiración religiosa irán apareciendo en forma paralela a las obras firmadas con seudónimo, que exponen en sus discusiones de carácter teórico y en la descripción de personajes ficticios algunos de los temas abordados en los Discursos.Se trata de siete pequeñas colecciones de escritos: los dieciocho Discursos edificantes, compilados en seis series, se basan principalmente en la lectura meditada de diferentes pasajes de la Biblia, mientras que los tres discursos del último grupo se refieren a determinadas circunstancias en la vida de un creyente. El destinatario de todos ellos es el mismo: el existente individual o, tal como Kierkegaard lo
Editorial Tecnos Temor y temblor
Fruto de su rebelión contra la dialéctica hegeliana y de una dolorosa experiencia autobiográfica, su desgraciado amor por Regina Olsen, Temor y Temblor es probablemente la obra mas significativa de Søren Kierkegaard.Años después de publicarse, el filósofo danés anotaba en su Diario: Cuando yo haya muerto bastará mi libro Temor y Temblor para convertirme en un escritor inmortal. Se leerá, se traducirá a otras lenguas, y el espantoso pathos que contiene esta obra hará temblar. En la época en que fue escrita, cuando su autor se escondía tras la apariencia de un flâneur, nadie podía sospechar la seriedad que encerraba ese libro. Pero una vez muerto, se me convertirá en una figura irreal, una figura sombría... y el libro resultará pavoroso.
WW Norton & Co The Sickness Unto Death
The first new translation of Kierkegaard's masterwork in a generation brings to life this impassioned investigation of the self
Hermida Editores S.L. Diapsálmata
Alianza Editorial Temor y temblor
La Otra H La enfermedad mental El manga
A pesar de su corta vida, Søren Kierkegaard tuvo una ingente producción filosófica. En su etapa de madurez destacan, entre otras, obras como El concepto de la angustia y La enfermedad mortal o Tratado sobre la desesperación. Con una estrecha relación
Matthes & Seitz Verlag Die Lilie auf dem Feld und der Vogel unter dem Himmel
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Works of Love
One of Kierkegaard's central writings, "Works of Love" is a profound and indispensable examination of the human heart. 'Deep within every man', Kierkegaard writes, 'there lies the dread of being alone in the world, forgotten by God, overlooked among the household of millions upon millions'. Love, for Kierkegaard, is one of the central aspects of existence; it saves us from isolation and unites us to each other and God. This new edition of "Works of Love" features an original introduction by Oxford theologian George Pattison.
Alianza Editorial La repetición
Obra de claro sustrato autobiográfico, " La repetición " (1843) retoma y redondea, al menos en su primera parte, el análisis que hiciera Sören Kierkegaard (1813-1855) de la compleja relación que sostuvo con su novia Regine Olsen y que tan decisiva resultó a la postre en su trayectoria existencial y filosófica. En efecto, si en " Diario de un seductor " examinaba las artes con que se ganó el afecto de la muchacha y en " Temor y Temblor " el salto al vacío que supuso la ruptura de su relación, " La repetición " (obra recompuesta tras llegar a conocimiento de Kierkegaard el nuevo compromiso de la que fuera su amada) consolida y explica la decisión del autor de dejar atrás definitivamente la condición de hombre estético, atrapado por el plano terrenal, para comprometerse en un camino de mayor trascendencia. Igualmente en esta colección: " El concepto de la angustia " e " In vino veritas " .Introducción de Jorge del Palacio
Editorial Trotta, S.A. Los lirios del campo y las aves del cielo
Desde la publicación en 1843 de sus primeros discursos religiosos ?inmediatamente posteriores a O lo uno o lo otro?, Kierkegaard se consagró intensamente a la tarea de la predicación escrita del cristianismo auténtico, en consonancia con su propósito de introducir el cristianismo en la cristiandad. Dicha escritura fue realizada casi siempre en nombre propio, a diferencia de las grandes y más brillantes creaciones de los seudónimos, con las que se fue entreverando. Es en los discursos religiosos y cristianos ?ofrecidos, en palabras del escritor, con la mano derecha, en oposición a la obra de los seudónimos, que se brindó y se brinda con la izquierda? donde habría que buscar, según Kierkegaard, la veta más honda de su actividad literaria: lo edificante.Los trece discursos aquí reunidos, seleccionados y traducidos del danés por Demetrio Gutiérrez Rivero, pertenecen a los años 1847-1849, la época más madura y definitiva de la producción de Kierkegaard. Su tema bíblico común es el coment
Editorial Trotta, S.A. El instante
En el último año de su vida, Søren Kierkegaard decidió pronunciarse en El Instante ?revista escrita y firmada exclusivamente por él? contra la iglesia oficial de Dinamarca y los que se alineaban tras ella proclamándose cristianos. La intensa lucha, que duró cuatro meses, consumió las últimas energías del filósofo, que moriría al poco tiempo, después de dejar acabado para la imprenta el décimo número de la publicación.Aunque las ideas expresadas en El Instante no son nuevas, la diferencia con respecto al resto de su obra es que ahora, actuando en el instante, Kierkegaard ataca a personas e instituciones reales y existentes, encarnando en su propia persona la práctica de tales ideas con absoluta consecuencia. Para él, el instante es lo decisivo. Aquí y ahora, en esta extrema contemporaneidad, es donde todo está en juego y se afirma y confirma lo que se es. Con la publicación de El Instante, Kierkegaard pone en acto su propia posibilidad de ser contemporáneo de Cristo.La presente ed
Alianza Editorial El concepto de la angustia
Publicado por primera vez en 1844, ?El concepto de la angustia? es quizá el libro más conocido del danés Sören Kierkegaard (1813-1855), y en él se articulan algunos de los conceptos en los que se apoya el existencialismo cristiano. La angustia se relaciona con el pecado y con la libertad. Engendrada por la nada, alimentada por la impaciencia, surgida como ?realidad de la libertad en cuanto posibilidad?, la angustia es ?el vértigo de la libertad? y al mismo tiempo un medio de salvación que conduce a la fe, a la verdad que años antes de escribir este libro el autor, en su diario íntimo, confesaba buscar como sentido definitivo de su existencia: ?Es preciso encontrar una verdad, y la verdad es para mí hallar la idea por la que esté dispuesto a vivir y morir?. Del mismo autor, en esta colección: ?Temor y Temblor?, ?Diario de un seductor?, ?In vino veritas? y ?La repetición?.
Princeton University Press Kierkegaard's Journals and Notebooks Volume 10: Journals NB31-NB36
For over a century, the Danish thinker Søren Kierkegaard (1813–55) has been at the center of a number of important discussions, concerning not only philosophy and theology, but also, more recently, fields such as social thought, psychology, and contemporary aesthetics, especially literary theory.Despite his relatively short life, Kierkegaard was an extraordinarily prolific writer, as attested to by the 26-volume Princeton University Press edition of all of his published writings. But Kierkegaard left behind nearly as much unpublished writing, most of which consists of what are called his “journals and notebooks.” Kierkegaard has long been recognized as one of history’s great journal keepers, but only rather small portions of his journals and notebooks are what we usually understand by the term “diaries.” By far the greater part of Kierkegaard’s journals and notebooks consists of reflections on a myriad of subjects—philosophical, religious, political, personal. Studying his journals and notebooks takes us into his workshop, where we can see his entire universe of thought. We can witness the genesis of his published works, to be sure—but we can also see whole galaxies of concepts, new insights, and fragments, large and small, of partially (or almost entirely) completed but unpublished works. Kierkegaard’s Journals and Notebooks enables us to see the thinker in dialogue with his times and with himself.Kierkegaard wrote his journals in a two-column format, one for his initial entries and the second for the extensive marginal comments that he added later. This edition of the journals reproduces this format, includes several photographs of original manuscript pages, and contains extensive scholarly commentary on the various entries and on the history of the manuscripts being reproduced.Volume 10 of this series includes the final six of Kierkegaard’s important “NB” journals (Journals NB31 through NB36), which cover the last months of 1854, a period when Kierkegaard made the final preparations for and the initial launch of his furious assault on the established church. But in addition to this incendiary material, these journals also contain a great trove of his reflections on theology, philosophy, and the perils and opportunities of modernity.
Reclam Philipp Jun. Die Krankheit zum Tode
Simon & Brown Fear and Trembling
Penguin Putnam Inc Fear and Trembling
Insel Verlag GmbH Kierkegaard fr Gestresste
Indiana University Press Søren Kierkegaard's Journals and Papers, Volume 3: L-R
The incidental writings of Søren Kierkegaard, published in the twenty-volume Danish edition of the Papirer, provide direct access to the thought of the many-faceted nineteenth-century philosopher who exerted so profound an influence on Protestant theology and modern existentialism. This important material, which Danish scholars regard as the "key to the scriptures" of Kierkegaard's other work, spans his entire productive life, the last entry of the Papirer being dated only a few days before his death. These writings have been previously inaccessible in English except for a few fragmentary selections; the most significant writings are now being made available in this definitive seven-volume edition under the editorship of two expert scholars and translators.The editors group the selections in Volumes I through IV by theme, with all entries on a given subject under the same heading. Within subject headings, entries are arranged chronologically, making it feasible to trace the evolution of Kierkegaard's thought on a specific topic. Volumes V and VI are devoted to autobiographical material. Volume VII contains an extensive index with topical crossreferences.
WW Norton & Co The Concept of Anxiety: A Simple Psychologically Oriented Deliberation in View of the Dogmatic Problem of Hereditary Sin
First published in 1844, Søren Kierkegaard’s concise treatise identified—long before Freud—anxiety as a profound human condition, portraying human existence largely as a constant struggle with our own spiritual identities.
Princeton University Press Christian Discourses, etc: The Lilies of the Field and the Birds of the Air and Three Discourses At the Communion on Fridays
The edition includes "Christian Discourses," "The Lilies of the Field and the Birds of the Air" and "Three Discourses at the Communion on Fridays." Originally published in 1971. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Princeton University Press The Quotable Kierkegaard
"Why I so much prefer autumn to spring is that in the autumn one looks at heaven--in the spring at the earth."--Soren Kierkegaard The father of existentialism, Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) was a philosopher who could write like an angel. With only a sentence or two, he could plumb the depths of the human spirit. In this collection of some 800 quotations, the reader will find dazzling bon mots next to words of life-changing power. Drawing from the authoritative Princeton editions of Kierkegaard's writings, this book presents a broad selection of his wit and wisdom, as well as a stimulating introduction to his life and work. Organized by topic, this volume covers notable Kierkegaardian concerns such as anxiety, despair, existence, irony, and the absurd, but also erotic love, the press, busyness, and the comic. Here readers will encounter both well-known quotations ("Life must be understood backward. But then one forgets the other principle, that it must be lived forward") and obscure ones ("Beware false prophets who come to you in wolves' clothing but inwardly are sheep--i.e., the phrasemongers"). Those who spend time in these pages will discover the writer who said, "my grief is my castle," but who also taught that "the best defense against hypocrisy is love." Illuminating and delightful, this engaging book also provides a substantial portrait of one of the most influential of modern thinkers. * Gathers some 800 quotations * Drawn from the authoritative Princeton editions of Kierkegaard's writings * Includes an introduction, a brief account and timeline of Kierkegaard's life, a guide to further reading, and an index
Penguin Books Ltd The Sickness Unto Death
Influencing philosophers such as Sartre and Camus, and still strikingly modern in its psychological insights, Kierkegaard’s The Sickness Unto Death explores the concept of ‘despair’ as a symptom of the human condition and describes man’s struggle to fill the spiritual void. Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves – and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives – and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization and helped make us who we are.
Penguin Books Ltd Fear and Trembling: Dialectical Lyric by Johannes De Silentio
Kierkegaard's infamous and hugely influential philosophical work on faith, choice and sacrificeIn Fear and Trembling Kierkegaard, writing under the pseudonym Johannes de silentio, expounds his personal view of religion through the scene in Genesis in which Abraham prepares to kill his son at God's command. Kierkegaard believed Abraham's unreserved obedience to be the essential leap of faith needed to make a full commitment to his religion. The conviction shown in this polemic - that an individual can have an exceptional mission in life - informed all his later writings, and was also hugely influential for both Protestant theology and the existentialist movement.Translated with an Introduction by Alastair Hannay
Princeton University Press Training in Christianity
Kierkegaard, in his late and confirmedly Christian period, discusses the sharp separation of "Christianity" from "Christendom," as seen in the official church. Originally published in 1944. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Penguin Books Ltd Fear and Trembling: Dialectical Lyric by Johannes De Silentio
In Fear and Trembling, Søren Kierkegaard's infamous and controversial work made a lasting impression on both modern Protestant theology and existentialist philosophers such as Sartre and Camus. This Penguin Classics edition is translated from the Danish with an introduction by Alistair Hannay.Writing under the pseudonym of 'Johannes de silentio', Kierkegaard expounds his personal view of religion through a discussion of the scene in Genesis in which Abraham prepares to sacrifice his son Isaac at God's command. Believing Abraham's unreserved obedience to be the essential leap of faith needed to make a full commitment to his religion, Kierkegaard himself made great sacrifices in order to dedicate his life entirely to his philosophy and to God. The conviction shown in this religious polemic - that a man can have an exceptional mission in life - informed all Kierkegaard's later writings. His 'teleological suspension of the ethical' challenged the contemporary views of Hegel's universal moral system, and was also hugely influential for both protestant theology and the existentialist movement. Alastair Hannay's introduction evaluates Kierkegaard's philosophy and the ways in which it conflicted with more accepted contemporary views. This edition also includes detailed notes to complement this groundbreaking analysis of religion, and a new chronology.Danish-born S¢ren Kierkegaard (1813-55) wrote on a wide variety of themes, including religion, psychology, and literature. He is remembered for his philosophy, which pioneered the idea of the Absurd, and was influential and in the development of 20th century existentialism. His other works include The Sickness unto Death, Either/Or, and Papers and Journals, all of which are available in Penguin Classics.If you enjoyed Fear and Trembling, you might like Kierkegaard's The Sickness unto Death, also available in Penguin Classics.
Princeton University Press Christian Discourses, etc: The Lilies of the Field and the Birds of the Air and Three Discourses At the Communion on Fridays
The edition includes "Christian Discourses," "The Lilies of the Field and the Birds of the Air" and "Three Discourses at the Communion on Fridays." Originally published in 1971. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Princeton University Press Kierkegaard's Writings, XXV, Volume 25: Letters and Documents
This volume provides the first English translation of all the known correspondence to and from Soren Kierkegaard, including a number of his letters in draft form and papers pertaining to his life and death. These fascinating documents offer new access to the character and lifework of the gifted philosopher, theologian, and psychologist. Kierkegaard speaks often and openly about his desire to correspond, and the resulting desire to write for a greater audience. He consciously recognizes letter-writing as an opportunity to practice composition. Unlike most correspondence, Kierkegaard's letters expressly "do not require a reply"--he insists on this as a principle, while he clearly and earnestly yearns for a response to his efforts. Among his other principles are purposefulness, directness, and the equality of a letter to a visit with a friend (Kierkegaard preferred the former to the latter). Perhaps more than anything else in print, Kierkegaard's Letters and Documents reveal his love affair with the written word.
Penguin Books Ltd The Sickness Unto Death: A Christian Psychological Exposition of Edification and Awakening by Anti-Climacus
One of the most remarkable philosophical works of the nineteenth century, The Sickness Unto Death is also famed for the depth and acuity of its modern psychological insights. Writing under the pseudonym Anti-Climacus, Kierkegaard explores the concept of 'despair', alerting readers to the diversity of ways in which they may be described as living in this state of bleak abandonment - including some that may seem just the opposite - and offering a much-discussed formula for the eradication of despair. With its penetrating account of the self, this late work by Kierkegaard was hugely influential upon twentieth-century philosophers including Karl Jaspers, Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus. The Sickness unto Death can be regarded as one of the key works of theistic existentialist thought - a brilliant and revelatory answer to one man's struggle to fill the spiritual void.
Plough Publishing House Provocations: Spiritual Writings of Kierkegaard
The most accessible Kierkegaard reader ever “In a culture awash in religious silliness, Kierkegaard’s bracing metaphors expose our mediocrities and energize us with a clarified sense of what it means to follow Jesus.” –Eugene Peterson, author, Subversive Spirituality Provocations contains a little of everything from Kierkegaard’s prodigious output: his famously cantankerous (yet wryly humorous) attacks on what he calls the “mediocre shell” of conventional Christianity, his brilliantly pithy parables, his wise (and witty) sayings. Most significantly, it brings to a new generation a man whose writings pare away the fluff of modern spirituality to reveal the basics of the Christ-centered life: decisiveness, obedience, and recognition of the truth.
Princeton University Press For Self-Examination and Judge for Yourselves!
For Self-Examination and its companion piece Judge for Yourself! are the culmination of Soren Kierkegaard's "second authorship," which followed his Concluding Unscientific Postscript. Among the simplest and most readily comprehended of Kierkegaard's books, the two works are part of the signed direct communications, as distinguished from his earlier pseudonymous writings. The lucidity and pithiness and earnestness and power, of For Self-Examination and Judge for Yourself! are enhanced when, as Kierkegaard requested, they are read aloud. They contain the well-known passsages on Socrates' defense speech, how to read, the lover's letter, the royal coachman and the carriage team, and the painter's relation to his painting.The aim of awakening and inward deepening is signaled by the opening section on Socrates in For Self-Examination and is pursued in the context of the relations of Christian ideality, grace, and response. The secondary aim, a critique of the established order, links the works to the final polemical writings that appear later after a four-year period of silence.Originally published in 1944.The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Penguin Books Ltd Papers and Journals
One of the greatest thinkers of the nineteenth century, Søren Kierkegaard (1814-55) often expressed himself through pseudonyms and disguises. Taken from his personal writings, these private reflections reveal the development of his own thought and personality, from his time as a young student to the deep later internal conflict that formed the basis for his masterpiece of duality Either/Or and beyond. Expressing his beliefs with a freedom not seen in works he published during his lifetime, Kierkegaard here rejects for the first time his father's conventional Christianity and forges the revolutionary idea of the 'leap of faith' required for true religious belief. A combination of theoretical argument, vivid natural description and sharply honed wit, the Papers and Journals reveal to the full the passionate integrity of his lifelong efforts 'to find a truth which is truth for me'.
Penguin Books Ltd Fear and Trembling
Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization and helped make us who we are.The Father of Existentialism, Kierkegaard transformed philosophy with his conviction that we must all create our own nature; in this great work of religious anxiety, he argues that a true understanding of God can only be attained by making a personal 'leap of faith'.
Princeton University Press Kierkegaard's Writings, IX, Volume 9: Prefaces: Writing Sampler
Prefaces was the last of four books by Soren Kierkegaard to appear within two weeks in June 1844. Three Upbuilding Discourses and Philosophical Fragments were published first, followed by The Concept of Anxiety and its companion--published on the same day--the comically ironic Prefaces. Presented as a set of prefaces without a book to follow, this work is a satire on literary life in nineteenth-century Copenhagen, a lampoon of Danish Hegelianism, and a prefiguring of Kierkegaard's final collision with Danish Christendom. Shortly after publishing Prefaces, Kierkegaard began to prepare Writing Sampler as a sequel. Writing Sampler considers the same themes taken up in Prefaces but in yet a more ironical and satirical vein. Although Writing Sampler remained unpublished during his lifetime, it is presented here as Kierkegaard originally envisioned it, in the company of Prefaces.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Purity of Heart is to Will One Thing: Spiritual Preparation for the Office of Confession
The University of Chicago Press The Prayers of Kierkegaard
Soren Kierkegaard's influence has been felt in many areas of human thought from theology to psychology. Nearly 100 of his prayers are gathered here, illuminating his own life of prayer and speaking to the concerns of Christians today. The second part of the volume is a reinterpret ation of the life and thought of Kierkegaard. Long regarded as primarily a poet or a philosopher, Kierkegaard is revealed as a fundamentally religious thinker whose central problem was that of becoming a Christian and realizing personal existence.
WW Norton & Co Fear and Trembling: A New Translation
First published in 1843 under the pseudonym Johannes de silentio (“John of Silence”), Soren Kierkegaard’s richly resonant Fear and Trembling has for generations stood as a pivotal text in the history of moral philosophy, inspiring such artistic and philosophical luminaries as Edvard Munch, W. H. Auden, Walter Benjamin, and existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre. Now, in our era of immense uncertainty, renowned Kierkegaard scholar Bruce H. Kirmmse eloquently brings this classic work to a new generation of readers. Retelling the biblical story of the binding of Isaac, Fear and Trembling expounds on the ordeal of Abraham, who was commanded by God to sacrifice his own son in an exceptional test of faith. Disgusted at the self-certainty of his own age, Kierkegaard investigates the paradox underlying Abraham’s decision to allow his duty to God to take precedence over his duties to his family. As Kierkegaard’s narrator explains, the story presents a difficulty that is not often considered—namely, that after the ordeal is over and Isaac has been spared at the last moment, Abraham is capable of receiving him again and living normally, even joyfully, for the rest of his days. Almost inexplicably, “Abraham had faith and did not doubt.” Deftly tracing the autobiographical threads that run throughout the work, Kirmmse initially, in his lucid and engaging introduction, demystifies Kierkegaard’s fictive narrator, Johannes de silentio, drawing parallels between Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son and the author’s personal “sacrifices.” Ultimately, however, Kirmmse reveals Fear and Trembling as a fiercely polemical volume, designed to provoke the reader into considering what is actually meant by the word “faith”, and whether those who consider themselves “true believers” actually are. With a vibrancy almost never before seen in English, and “a matchless grasp of the intricacies of Kierkegaard’s writing process” (Gordon Marino), Kirmmse here definitively demonstrates Kierkegaard’s enduring power to illuminate the terrible wonder of faith.
WW Norton & Co Fear and Trembling: A New Translation
First published in 1843 under the pseudonym “Johannes de silentio” (John of Silence), Soren Kierkegaard’s richly resonant Fear and Trembling has for generations stood as a pivotal text in the history of moral philosophy, inspiring such artistic and philosophical luminaries as Edvard Munch, W.H. Auden, Walter Benjamin and existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre. Retelling the biblical story of the binding of Isaac, Kierkegaard expounds on the ordeal of Abraham, who was commanded to sacrifice his son in an exceptional test of faith. Disgusted at the self-certainty of his own age, Kierkegaard investigates the paradox underlying Abraham’s decision to allow his duty to God to take precedence over his duties to his family. Now, in a new era of immense uncertainty and dislocation, renowned Kierkegaard scholar Bruce H. Kirmmse, in his accessible translation and engaging introduction, eloquently brings this classic work to a new generation of readers, demonstrating Kierkegaard’s enduring power to illuminate the terrible wonder of faith.
Princeton University Press The Lily of the Field and the Bird of the Air: Three Godly Discourses
A masterful new translation of one of Kierkegaard's most engaging worksIn the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus tells his followers to let go of earthly concerns by considering the lilies of the field and the birds of the air. Søren Kierkegaard's short masterpiece on this famous gospel passage draws out its vital lessons for readers in a rapidly modernizing and secularizing world. Trenchant, brilliant, and written in stunningly lucid prose, The Lily of the Field and the Bird of the Air (1849) is one of Kierkegaard's most important books. Presented here in a fresh new translation with an informative introduction, this profound yet accessible work serves as an ideal entrée to an essential modern thinker.The Lily of the Field and the Bird of the Air reveals a less familiar but deeply appealing side of the father of existentialism—unshorn of his complexity and subtlety, yet supremely approachable. As Kierkegaard later wrote of the book, "Without fighting with anybody and without speaking about myself, I said much of what needs to be said, but movingly, mildly, upliftingly."This masterful edition introduces one of Kierkegaard's most engaging and inspiring works to a new generation of readers.
Princeton University Press The Humor of Kierkegaard: An Anthology
Who might reasonably be nominated as the funniest philosopher of all time? With this anthology, Thomas Oden provisionally declares Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)--despite his enduring stereotype as the melancholy, despairing Dane--as, among philosophers, the most amusing. Kierkegaard not only explored comic perception to its depths but also practiced the art of comedy as astutely as any writer of his time. This collection shows how his theory of comedy is integrated into his practice of comic perception, and how both are integral to his entire authorship. Kierkegaard's humor ranges from the droll to the rollicking; from farce to intricate, subtle analysis; from nimble stories to amusing aphorisms. In these pages you are invited to meet the wife of an author who burned her husband's manuscript and a businessman who, even with an abundance of calling cards, forgot his own name. You will hear of an interminable vacillator whom archeologists found still pacing thousands of years later, trying to come to a decision. Then there is the emperor who became a barkeeper in order to stay in the know. The Humor of Kierkegaard is for anyone ready to be amused by human follies. Those new to Kierkegaard will discover a dazzling mind worth meeting. Those already familiar with his theory of comedy will be delighted to see it concisely set forth and exemplified. Others may have read Kierkegaard intensively without having ever really noticed his comic side. Here they will find what they have been missing.
Princeton University Press Parables of Kierkegaard
The description for this book, Parables of Kierkegaard, will be forthcoming.