Search results for ""Author Martin Heidegger""
Editorial Tecnos La autoafirmacion de la universidad alemana El Rectorado 19331934 Entrevista del Spiegel The Affirmation of the German University The del pensamiento Classical Thought
El compromiso político de Martin Heidegger es un tema recurrente que ha ocasionado ya varias oleadas polémicas entre los filósofos y, últimamente, también en la gran prensa europea. Los tres escritos escogidos en este volumen son los principales documentos, salidos de la pluma de Heidegger, acerca de la fase más controvertida y extraña de su itinerario filosófico: su colaboración con el nazismo.
Herder Editorial Las Posiciones metafsicas fundamentales del pensamiento occidental
Se presentan en este volumen las lecciones impartidas por Martin Heidegger en el invierno de 1937/38, en las que el autor trata la posición metafísica fundamental de Platón, el tránsito de la metafísica griega a la moderna y cristiana, y las posiciones fundamentales de Descartes, Leibniz, Kant y el idealismo alemán. Si bien Descartes y Leibniz constituyen el núcleo de los ejercicios, es significativa la interpretación que el autor hace de la filosofía positiva y negativa de Schelling, que aquí se vuelve accesible por vez primera a la investigación. A través de la reflexión crítica sobre las posiciones metafísicas fundamentales esenciales del pensamiento occidental, el autor nos guía hacia su posterior pensamiento de la diferencia del Ser.
Alianza Editorial Carta sobre el humanismo
Alianza Editorial Hitos
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: Alianza ensayo,316En esta obra se reúnen algunos de los jalones más importantes en el camino del pensar de Martin Heidegger entre 1919 y 1961. Hitos reúne, entre otros, textos tan emblemáticos como: Qué es metafísica?, lección inaugural pronunciada en la Universidad de Friburgo y que revitalizó la discusión metafísica de forma perdurable; La doctrina platónica de la verdad, donde realiza una arriesgada y personal lectura del mito platónico de la caverna respecto a la verdad y el conocimiento; la Carta sobre el Humanismo, respuesta, tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial, a la pregunta sobre el significado contemporáneo de la palabra humanismo y que constituye una exploración acerca del hombre que se ha convertido en uno de sus escritos más célebres.
Klett-Cotta Verlag Bauen Wohnen Denken
Klett-Cotta Verlag Unterwegs zur Sprache
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Ausgewahlte Schriften
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Being and Time
A knowledge of Heidegger's Sein und Zeit is essential for anyone who wishes to understand a great deal of recent continental work in theology as well as philosophy. Yet until this translation first appeared in 1962, this fundamental work of one of the most influential European thinkers of the century remained inaccessible to English readers. In fact the difficulty of Heidegger's thought was considered to be almost insuperable in the medium of a foreign language, especially English. That this view was unduly pessimistic is proved by the impressive work of John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson who have succeeded in clothing Heidegger's thought in English without sacrificing the richness and poetic subtlety of the original.
Indiana University Press Basic Concepts
Basic Concepts, one of the first texts to appear in English from the critical later period of Martin Heidegger's thought, strikes out in new directions. First published in German in 1981 as Grundbegriffe (volume 51 of Martin Heidegger's Collected Works), it is the text of a lecture course that Heidegger gave at Freiburg in the winter semester of 1941 during the phase of his thinking known as the "turning." In this translation, Heidegger shifted his attention from the problem of the meaning of being to the question of the truth of being. In this lucid translation by Gary E. Aylesworth, Basic Concepts provides a concise introduction to Heidegger's later thought.
Indiana University Press Four Seminars
In Four Seminars, Heidegger reviews the entire trajectory of his thought and offers unique perspectives on fundamental aspects of his work. First published in French in 1976, these seminars were translated into German with Heidegger's approval and reissued in 1986 as part of his Gesamtausgabe, volume 15. Topics considered include the Greek understanding of presence, the ontological difference, the notion of system in German Idealism, the power of naming, the problem of technology, danger, and the event. Heidegger's engagements with his philosophical forebears—Parmenides, Heraclitus, Kant, and Hegel—continue in surprising dialogues with his contemporaries—Husserl, Marx, and Wittgenstein. While providing important insights into how Heidegger conducted his lectures, these seminars show him in his maturity reflecting back on his philosophical path. An important text for understanding contemporary philosophical debates, Four Seminars provides extraordinarily rich material for students and scholars of Heidegger.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Basic Writings
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Being and Time
Indiana University Press Plato's Sophist
This volume reconstructs Martin Heidegger's lecture course at the University of Marburg in the winter semester of 1924-25, which was devoted to an interpretation of Plato and Aristotle. Published for the first time in German in 1992 as volume 19 of Heidegger's Collected Works, it is a major text not only because of its intrinsic importance as an interpretation of the Greek thinkers, but also because of its close, complementary relationship to Being and Time, composed in the same period. In Plato's Sophist, Heidegger approaches Plato through Aristotle, devoting the first part of the lectures to an extended commentary on Book VI of the Nichomachean Ethics. In a line-by-line interpretation of Plato's later dialogue, the Sophist, Heidegger then takes up the relation of Being and non-being, the ontological problematic that forms the essential link between Greek philosophy and Heidegger's thought.
Amorrortu Editores La pobreza Nmadas Spanish Edition
Esta conferencia, pronunciada en el contexto de la derrota de la Alemania nazi, es el último acto público de la universidad de Friburgo y una pieza más en el ?caso Heidegger?, a la vez, su último escrito de los años del nazismo del Tercer Reich y el primero de la posguerra.Se enlazan sin duda en este texto críptico la propia situación del filósofo alemán y la nueva configuración histórica que parece reinar en Occidente con el final de la guerra. Por las mismas circunstancias de su redacción se trata un texto revelador que discurre sobre los avatares del nazismo y de la historia política, social e intelectual contemporánea.
Herder Editorial Correspondencia 19251975
En los últimos años han ido saliendo a la luz cada vez más detalles sobre la relación entre Hannah Arendt y Martin Heidegger, pero aún faltaba un elemento sustancial: el conocimiento directo de la correspondencia. Con la presente edición, el lector español cuenta por fin con la oportunidad de conocer de primera mano el diálogo entre dos de las voces filosóficas más importantes del siglo XX. En los años veinte, atraída por la seductora fama de Heidegger, Hannah Arendt acudió a la universidad donde él enseñaba. Fue entonces cuando entre el profesor y la alumna se estableció una relación amorosa que sería decisiva para ambos. La figura de Hannah Arendt, a quien consideró la pasión de su vida e inspiradora de su trabajo, no abandonó al filósofo. Por otra parte, Heidegger supuso una influencia decisiva para las posturas filosóficas de Hannah Arendt. La Correspondencia está dividida en tres partes, que corresponden a tres períodos (1925-1932, años cincuenta, 1966-1975). Las cartas del períod
Herder Editorial La idea de la filosofía y el problema de la concepción del mundo
Cuál es la tarea de la filosofía?, se pregunta el joven Heidegger cuando todavía retumba el eco de los morteros de la I Guerra Mundial. Qué novedades aporta en su diálogo con filósofos de la talla de Dilthey, Rickert, Natorp o Husserl? En otras palabras, qué actitud adopta frente a la hermeneútica, al psicologismo, al neokantismo o a la fenomenología? He ahí algunas de las cuestiones fundamentales que se plantean en estas primeras lecciones de Heidegger, mientras éste inicia su prometedora carrera académica en la Universidad de Friburgo (1919- 923) como asistente de Husserl. Martin Heidegger (Messkirch, 1889-Friburgo de Brisgovia, 1976) estudió con Husserl y fue profesor de filosofía de Marburgo y Friburgo. Su obra filosófica gira en torno al concepto del ser, la hermenéutica de la existencia y la dilucidación de la noción griega de la verdad. Sus obras más destacdas son Ser y tiempo, Introducción a la Metafísica, Caminos del bosque y De camino al habla.
Herder Editorial Camino de campo
Del portón el jardín sale hacie el Ehnried (...)A la altura del crucifijo tuerce hacia el bosque.Al paso 'or su linde, saludo a un viejo roble bajo el que hay un banco de madera de tosca entalladura. Encima de él de vez en cuando se encontraba algún que otro escrito de los grandes pensadores que una joven torpeza intentaba descifrar. Para cuando los enigmas se agolpaban y no se vislumbraba salida, ahí estaba siempre el camino de campo.El recorrido que propone Heidegger en este pequeño escrito de 1949 lleva al lector por un camino de Messkrich, su pueblo natal, que evoca recuerdos nostálgico-anecdóticos y cuyos hitos se convierten en metáforas qu a su vez originan contemplaciones trascendentales.Por ende, si bien las fotografías de la época que acompañan esta edición bilingüe del texto hacen resurgir en la imaginación del lector el sendero por el que antaño caminaba Heidegger y parecen así anclar el texto en un lugar concreto, las meditaciones del filósofo trascienden
Alianza Editorial Qué es metafísica seguido de epílogo a Qué es metafísica e introducción a Qué es metafísica
El presente volumen reúne tres textos de Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) cuyo tema común es la ?pregunta por la metafísica?, preocupación cardinal que recorre la obra del filósofo alemán y sin la cual cabe dudar que se sostuviera su filosofía. Ordenados según un criterio cronológico -como explican en su ?Nota editorial? Arturo Leyte y Helena Cortés, traductores del volumen-, ?Qué es metafísica?? (1929) se presenta seguido de Epílogo a ?Qué es metafísica??, escrito catorce años más tarde (1943), y, finalmente, de Introducción a ?Qué es metafísica?? (1949). Más allá de la anecdótica coincidencia temática de sus títulos, estos tres textos, que guardan entre sí una independencia notable aunque graviten entorno a un eje común, reflejan en la superficie la profundidad de un personal trayecto filosófico.
Abada Editores Experiencias del pensar 19101976
El presente volumen agrupa un total de 33 escritos de Heidegger que fueron publicados de manera dispersa a lo largo de 66 años de trabajo intelectual. Entre ellos, el lector encontrará el primero y el último de los textos que el filósofo alemán publicó en vida, así como poemas, recuerdos personales, textos sobre literatura, música o pintura y varios escritos emblemáticos del filósofo de Meßkirch, como Por qué permanecemos en la provincia? (1933), Lenguaje y tierra natal (1960), La proveniencia del arte y la determinación del pensar (1967) o La falta de nombres sagrados (1974).
HarperCollins Publishers (Australia) Pty Ltd Nietzsche Part 1, Volumes 1 & 2
A landmark discussion between two great thinkers, vital to an understanding of twentieth-century philosophy and intellectual history.
Indiana University Press Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit
The text of Martin Heidegger's 1930-1931 lecture course on Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit contains some of Heidegger's most crucial statements about temporality, ontological difference and dialectic, and being and time in Hegel. Within the context of Heidegger's project of reinterpreting Western thought through its central figures, Heidegger takes up a fundamental concern of Being and Time, "a dismantling of the history of ontology with the problematic of temporality as a clue." He shows that temporality is centrally involved in the movement of thinking called phenomenology of spirit.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Essence of Truth: On Plato's Cave Allegory and Theaetetus
The Essence of Truth is an examination of the most fundamental theme in Heidegger's philosophy: the difference between truth as 'the unhiddenness of beings' and truth as 'the correctness of propositions'. Based on a course of lectures delivered at the University of Freiburg in 1932, the book presents Heidegger's original analysis of Plato's philosophy and represents an important discussion of a fundamental subject of philosophy through the ages.
Indiana University Press Parmenides
Parmenides, a lecture course delivered by Martin Heidegger at the University of Freiburg in 1942-1943, presents a highly original interpretation of ancient Greek philosophy. A major contribution to Heidegger's provocative dialogue with the pre-Socratics, the book attacks some of the most firmly established conceptions of Greek thinking and of the Greek world. The central theme is the question of truth and the primordial understanding of truth to be found in Parmenides' "didactic poem." Heidegger highlights the contrast between Greek and Roman thought and the reflection of that contrast in language. He analyzes the decline in the primordial understanding of truth—and, just as importantly, of untruth—that began in later Greek philosophy and that continues, by virtue of the Latinization of the West, down to the present day. Beyond an interpretation of Greek philosophy, Parmenides (volume 54 of Heidegger's Collected Works) offers a strident critique of the contemporary world, delivered during a time that Heidegger described as "out of joint."
MH - Indiana University Press Introduction to Philosophy
Ediciones Akal Parmnides
Texto de la lécción impartida por Martin Heidegger en la Universidad de Friburgo en el semestre de invierno de 1942-1943, en la que lleva a cabo una profunda reflexión e interpretación del Poema de Parménides.
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Martin Heidegger Gesamtausgabe II Abteilung Vorlesungen 19231944 Prolegomena Zur Geschichte Des Zeitbegriffs 20
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Les Conferences de Cassel (1925): Avec La Correspondance Husserl-Dilthey
HarperCollins Publishers (Australia) Pty Ltd Nietzsche Volumes 3 & 4
A landmark discussion between two great thinkers--the second (combining volumes III and IV) of two volumes inquiring into the central issues of Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy.
Indiana University Press Four Seminars
In Four Seminars, Heidegger reviews the entire trajectory of his thought and offers unique perspectives on fundamental aspects of his work. First published in French in 1976, these seminars were translated into German with Heidegger's approval and reissued in 1986 as part of his Gesamtausgabe, volume 15. Topics considered include the Greek understanding of presence, the ontological difference, the notion of system in German Idealism, the power of naming, the problem of technology, danger, and the event. Heidegger's engagements with his philosophical forebears—Parmenides, Heraclitus, Kant, and Hegel—continue in surprising dialogues with his contemporaries—Husserl, Marx, and Wittgenstein. While providing important insights into how Heidegger conducted his lectures, these seminars show him in his maturity reflecting back on his philosophical path. An important text for understanding contemporary philosophical debates, Four Seminars provides extraordinarily rich material for students and scholars of Heidegger.
Indiana University Press Hölderlin's Hymn "The Ister"
Martin Heidegger's 1942 lecture course interprets Friedrich Hölderlin's hymn "The Ister" within the context of Hölderlin's poetic and philosophical work, with particular emphasis on Hölderlin's dialogue with Greek tragedy. Delivered in summer 1942 at the University of Freiburg, this course was first published in German in 1984 as volume 53 of Heidegger's Collected Works. Revealing for Heidegger's thought of the period are his discussions of the meaning of "the political" and "the national," in which he emphasizes the difficulty and the necessity of finding "one's own" in and through a dialogue with "the foreign." In this context Heidegger reflects on the nature of translation and interpretation. A detailed reading of the famous chorus from Sophocles' Antigone, known as the "ode to man," is a key feature of the course.
Indiana University Press Ontology—The Hermeneutics of Facticity
First published in 1988 as volume 63 of his Collected Works, Ontology—The Hermeneutics of Facticity is the text of Heidegger's lecture course at the University of Freiburg during the summer of 1923. In these lectures, Heidegger reviews and makes critical appropriations of the hermeneutic tradition from Plato, Aristotle, and Augustine to Schleiermacher and Dilthey in order to reformulate the question of being on the basis of facticity and the everyday world. Specific themes deal with the history of ontology, the development of phenomenology and its relation to Hegelian dialectic, traditional theological and philosophical concepts of man, the present situation of philosophy, and the influences of Aristotle, Luther, Kierkegaard, and Husserl on Heidegger's thinking. Students of Heidegger will find initial breakthroughs in his unique elaboration of the meaning of human experience and the "question of being," which received mature expression in Being and Time.
Indiana University Press The Principle of Reason
The Principle of Reason, the text of an important and influential lecture course that Martin Heidegger gave in 1955–56, takes as its focal point Leibniz's principle: nothing is without reason. Heidegger shows here that the principle of reason is in fact a principle of being. Much of his discussion is aimed at bringing his readers to the "leap of thinking," which enables them to grasp the principle of reason as a principle of being. This text presents Heidegger's most extensive reflection on the notion of history and its essence, the Geschick of being, which is considered on of the most important developments in Heidegger's later thought. One of Heidegger's most artfully composed texts, it also contains important discussions of language, translation, reason, objectivity, and technology as well as remarkable readings of Leibniz, Kant, Aristotle, and Goethe, among others.
Indiana University Press The Basic Problems of Phenomenology, Revised Edition
A lecture course that Martin Heidegger gave in 1927, The Basic Problems of Phenomenology continues and extends explorations begun in Being and Time. In this text, Heidegger provides the general outline of his thinking about the fundamental problems of philosophy, which he treats by means of phenomenology, and which he defines and explains as the basic problem of ontology.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Poetry, Language, Thought
Herder Editorial Pensamientos poéticos
Encuadernación: Cartoné con sobrecubiertaMartin Heidegger es una de las figuras preeminentes de la filosofía contemporánea. Como los románticos, Heidegger reconoce en el lenguaje poético una más radical originalidad respecto del lenguaje.Cuando se entona el canto a los albores, el lenguaje se condensa en unas formas, a un tiempo novedosas y arcaicas,que son canción y agradecimiento, pensamiento y poesía. Heidegger las llama ?pensamientos poéticos?. Son un género literario propio que él escribió a lo largo de toda su vida, en paralelo a su producción y a su magisterio específicamente filosófico.Junto con pequeñas prosas poéticas y largos poemas filosóficos, en este volumen el lector encontrará candorosas cartas de enamorado y primerizos poemas románticos que Heidegger escribió a su novia y esposa, poemas que el filósofo dedicó a algunos buenos amigos o un texto en homenaje a un compañero caído en la guerra.
Herder Editorial De la esencia de la verdad sobre la parábola de la caverna y el Teeteto de Platón
Verdad?: qué es eso? Cuál es la ?esencia? de la verdad? Qué constituye a cada uno de los enunciados en verdadero? Verdad es rectitud. La verdad es la coincidencia, fundada en la rectitud, del enunciado de la cosa. Esta obra, en la que el autor explora en los límites del conocimiento de la verdad (del ser), contiene las lecciones que impartió en la Universidad de Friburgo entre 1931 y 1932, a partir de la parábola de la caverna y del Teeteto de Platón. De interés para estudiantes y docentes universitarios de Humanidades. Interesados en Filosofía y especialmente en la Metafísica y en Platón. Para público en general.
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Uber Den Humanismus
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Gesamtausgabe
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Letters to his Wife: 1915 - 1970
'There is something absolute about the letters between you & me; … The letter is a form of communion of the soul-spirit – … one that is faded & yet unimpeded, complete’, wrote Martin Heidegger to his fiancée Elfride Petri shortly before their wedding. In the course of a marriage that lasted almost sixty years Martin and Elfride were often apart, and the letter thus remained a vital means of communication right through to the final years. The letters he sent her are snapshots of the ups and downs, the crises and everyday minutiae from Heidegger’s life: their engagement, the building of the Cabin at Todtnauberg, the part he played in the two world wars, the difficulties of his early professional career, their financial problems, his dealings with women, and his constant concern with expounding his ideas. Apart from three letters now in the hands of the German Literature Archive in Marbach, Elfride Heidegger kept all of the countless letters and cards from her husband locked away in a wooden chest. After reading them one final time, in 1977 she gave the key to this chest to her granddaughter Gertrud Heidegger on condition that she should not open it until after Elfride’s death. After years spent deciphering, transcribing and ordering the letters with the help of her father and her uncle, Gertrud Heidegger has here made a selection of them available to the public and added a commentary that provides relevant background material. This selection from the many letters written by Martin Heidegger to his wife provides an invaluable insight into their life together, their friendships and relationships, and sheds fresh light on the ideas and beliefs of one of the twentieth century’s greatest philosophers.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Letters to his Wife: 1915 - 1970
'There is something absolute about the letters between you & me; … The letter is a form of communion of the soul-spirit – … one that is faded & yet unimpeded, complete’, wrote Martin Heidegger to his fiancée Elfride Petri shortly before their wedding. In the course of a marriage that lasted almost sixty years Martin and Elfride were often apart, and the letter thus remained a vital means of communication right through to the final years. The letters he sent her are snapshots of the ups and downs, the crises and everyday minutiae from Heidegger’s life: their engagement, the building of the Cabin at Todtnauberg, the part he played in the two world wars, the difficulties of his early professional career, their financial problems, his dealings with women, and his constant concern with expounding his ideas. Apart from three letters now in the hands of the German Literature Archive in Marbach, Elfride Heidegger kept all of the countless letters and cards from her husband locked away in a wooden chest. After reading them one final time, in 1977 she gave the key to this chest to her granddaughter Gertrud Heidegger on condition that she should not open it until after Elfride’s death. After years spent deciphering, transcribing and ordering the letters with the help of her father and her uncle, Gertrud Heidegger has here made a selection of them available to the public and added a commentary that provides relevant background material. This selection from the many letters written by Martin Heidegger to his wife provides an invaluable insight into their life together, their friendships and relationships, and sheds fresh light on the ideas and beliefs of one of the twentieth century’s greatest philosophers.
Indiana University Press Phenomenological Interpretation of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason
The text of Martin Heidegger's 1927–28 university lecture course on Emmanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason presents a close interpretive reading of the first two parts of this masterpiece of modern philosophy. In this course, Heidegger continues the task he enunciated in Being and Time as the problem of dismatling the history of ontology, using temporality as a clue. Within this context the relation between philosophy, ontology, and fundamental ontology is shown to be rooted in the genesis of the modern mathematical sciences. Heidegger demonstrates that objectification of beings as beings is inseparable from knowledge a priori, the central problem of Kant's Critique. He concludes that objectification rests on the productive power of imagination, a process that involves temporality, which is the basic constitution of humans as beings.
Indiana University Press The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics: World, Finitude, Solitude
This book, the text of Martin Heidegger's lecture course of 1929/30, is crucial for an understanding of Heidegger's transition from the major work of his early years, Being and Time, to his later preoccupations with language, truth, and history. First published in German in 1983 as volume 29/30 of Heidegger's collected works, The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics presents an extended treatment of the history of metaphysics and an elaboration of a philosophy of life and nature. Heidegger's concepts of organism, animal behavior, and environment are uniquely developed and defined with intensity. Of major interest is Heidegger's brilliant phenomenological description of the mood of boredome, which he describes as a "fundamental attunement" of modern times.
Indiana University Press History of the Concept of Time: Prolegomena
Heidegger's lecture course at the University of Marburg in the summer of 1925, an early version of Being and Time (1927), offers a unique glimpse into the motivations that prompted the writing of this great philosopher's master work and the presuppositions that gave shape to it. The book embarks upon a provisional description of what Heidegger calls "Dasein," the field in which both being and time become manifest. Heidegger analyzes Dasein in its everydayness in a deepening sequence of terms: being-in-the-world, worldhood, and care as the being of Dasein. The course ends by sketching the themes of death and conscience and their relevance to an ontology that makes the phenomenon of time central. Theodore Kisiel's outstanding translation premits English-speaking readers to appreciate the central importance of this text in the development of Heidegger's thought.
Indiana University Press Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics, Fifth Edition, Enlarged
Since its original publication in 1929, Martin Heidegger's provocative book on Kant's Critique of Pure Reason has attracted much attention both as an important contribution to twentieth-century Kant scholarship and as a pivotal work in Heidegger's own development after Being and Time. This fifth, enlarged edition includes marginal notations made by Heidegger in his personal copy of the book and four new appendices—Heidegger's postpublication notes on the book, his review of Ernst Cassirer's Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, Heidegger's response to reviews by rudolf Odebrecht and Cassirer, and an essay "On the History of the Philosophical Chair since 1866." The work is significant not only for its illuminating assessment of Kant's thought but also for its elaboration of themes first broached in Being and Time, especially the problem of how Heidegger proposed to enact his destruction of the metaphysical tradition and the role that his reading of Kant would play therein.
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Zollikoner Seminare: Protokolle - Zwiegesprache - Briefe
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Martin Heidegger, Zollikoner Seminare
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Martin Heidegger, Gesamtausgabe: II. Abteilung: Vorlesungen 1919-1944 (Fruhe Freiburger Vorlesungen 1919-1923). Bd. 59: Phanomenologie Der Anschauung Und Des Ausdrucks. Theorie Der Philosophischen Begriffsbildung (Sommersemester 1920)