Search results for ""Author Isabel Allende""
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Paula: A Memoir
“Beautiful and heartrending. . . . Memoir, autobiography, epicedium, perhaps even some fiction: they are all here, and they are all quite wonderful.”—Los Angeles TimesIn this literary classic, New York Times bestselling author Isabel Allende recalls the story of her beloved daughter and her remarkable family’s past.When her daughter, Paula, became gravely ill and fell into a coma, Isabel Allende began to write the story of her family for her unconscious child. Bizarre ancestors are introduced; delightful and bitter childhood memories are shared; amazing anecdotes of youthful years are relived, and the most intimate secrets are quietly passed along. Like Allende’s first novel, The House of the Spirits, this powerful memoir is infused with the real, the magical, and the spiritual, creating a haunting, sad, and beautiful tale.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Ripper: A Novel
“Literary icon Isabel Allende mesmerizes . . . this race-against-the-clock thriller is pure magic.”—People Magazine, Four StarsNOW WITH A NEW DEAR READER LETTERNew York Times bestselling author Isabel Allende demonstrates her remarkable literary versatility with this atmospheric, fast-paced mystery involving a brilliant teenage sleuth who matches wits with a serial killer in San Francisco. Though they are as different as night and day, Indiana and Amanda Jackson have always shared a strong, mother-daughter bond. Beautiful and free-spirited, Indiana is a holistic healer. Teenage Amanda is a natural sleuth fascinated by the dark side of human nature like her father, the SFPD’s deputy chief of homicide. She also loves playing Ripper, an online mystery game.When a serial killer strikes San Francisco, the young amateur detective plunges into her own investigation. But the case becomes all too personal when Indiana vanishes. Could her mother’s disappearance be linked to the murders With Indiana’s life on the line, Amanda must solve this perplexing mystery . . . before it’s too late.
Simon & Schuster Ltd The Japanese Lover
From internationally bestselling author Isabel Allende comes an exquisitely crafted, multigenerational love story.'A fairy tale of a novel' New York Times'A multi-generational epic of fate, war and enduring love' Harper's Bazaar'A poetic and profound meditation on the power of love' BustleIn 1939, as Poland falls under the shadow of the Nazis and the world goes to war, young Alma Belasco's parents send her overseas to live with an aunt and uncle in their opulent San Francisco mansion. There she meets Ichimei Fukuda, the son of the family's Japanese gardener, and between them a tender love blossoms, but following Pearl Harbor the two are cruelly pulled apart. Throughout their lifetimes, Alma and Ichimei reunite again and again, but theirs is a love they are forever forced to hide from the world.Decades later, Alma is nearing the end of her long and eventful life. Irina Bazili, a care worker struggling to reconcile her own troubled past, meets the older woman and her grandson, Seth, at Lark House nursing home. As Irina and Seth forge a friendship, they become intrigued by a series of mysterious gifts and letters sent to Alma, and learn about Ichimei and this extraordinary secret passion that has endured for nearly seventy years.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Violeta: 'Storytelling at its best' – Woman & Home
THE NEW NOVEL FROM BESTSELLING AUTHOR ISABEL ALLENDE, THE WIND KNOWS MY NAME, IS OUT NOW _______________ 'Epic, beautifully crafted . . . Gripping from start to finish' DAILY TELEGRAPH 'A must for historical fiction lovers' COUNTRY AND TOWNHOUSE 'A new novel by Isabel Allende is always a treat' DAILY MAIL _______________ One extraordinary woman. One hundred years of history. One unforgettable story. Violeta comes into the world on a stormy day in 1920, the first daughter in a family of five boisterous sons. From the start, her life is marked by extraordinary events. The ripples of the Great War are still being felt, even as the Spanish flu arrives on the shores of her South American homeland almost at the moment of her birth. Told in the form of a letter to someone Violeta loves above all others, this is the story of a hundred-year life – of devastating heartbreak and passionate affairs, poverty and wealth, terrible loss and immense joy. Bearing witness to a century of history, it is a life shaped by the fight for women's rights, the rise and fall of tyrants and, ultimately, not one but two pandemics. Through the eyes of a woman whose unforgettable passion, determination and sense of humour will carry her through a lifetime of upheaval, Isabel Allende once more brings us an epic that is both fiercely inspiring and deeply emotional. READERS LOVE VIOLETA 'Allende is truly a master of storytelling ... I didn’t want to reach the end' ***** 'A tour de force ... Stunning' ***** 'Beautifully written and intensely dramatic ... I loved every word' ***** 'Spellbinding, captivating and absorbing' ***** 'One of my favourite authors … I always find myself completely drawn into her richly detailed narratives' *****
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Violeta: 'Storytelling at its best' – Woman & Home
THE NEW NOVEL FROM BESTSELLING AUTHOR ISABEL ALLENDE, THE WIND KNOWS MY NAME, IS OUT NOW _______________ 'Epic, beautifully crafted . . . Gripping from start to finish' DAILY TELEGRAPH 'A must for historical fiction lovers' COUNTRY AND TOWNHOUSE 'A new novel by Isabel Allende is always a treat' DAILY MAIL _______________ One extraordinary woman. One hundred years of history. One unforgettable story. Violeta comes into the world on a stormy day in 1920, the first daughter in a family of five boisterous sons. From the start, her life is marked by extraordinary events. The ripples of the Great War are still being felt, even as the Spanish flu arrives on the shores of her South American homeland almost at the moment of her birth. Told in the form of a letter to someone Violeta loves above all others, this is the story of a hundred-year life – of devastating heartbreak and passionate affairs, poverty and wealth, terrible loss and immense joy. Bearing witness to a century of history, it is a life shaped by the fight for women's rights, the rise and fall of tyrants and, ultimately, not one but two pandemics. Through the eyes of a woman whose unforgettable passion, determination and sense of humour will carry her through a lifetime of upheaval, Isabel Allende once more brings us an epic that is both fiercely inspiring and deeply emotional. READERS LOVE VIOLETA 'Allende is truly a master of storytelling ... I didn’t want to reach the end' ***** 'A tour de force ... Stunning' ***** 'Beautifully written and intensely dramatic ... I loved every word' ***** 'Spellbinding, captivating and absorbing' ***** 'One of my favourite authors … I always find myself completely drawn into her richly detailed narratives' *****
HarperCollins Publishers Portrait in Sepia
Best selling international author, Isabel Allende tackles her homeland head-on in this staggering, epic romance. ‘Portrait in Sepia’ is both a magnificent historical novel set at the end of the nineteenth century in Chile and a marvellous family saga peopled by characters from ‘Daughter of Fortune’ and ‘The House of the Spirits’, two of Allende's most celebrated novels. As a young girl, Aurora del Valle suffered a brutal trauma that has shaped her character and erased from her mind all recollection of the first five years of her life. Raised by her ambitious grandmother, the regal and commanding Paulina del Valle, she grows up in a privileged environment, free of the limitations that circumscribe the lives of women at that time, but tormented by terrible nightmares. When she finds herself alone at the end of an unhappy love affair, she decides to explore the mystery of her past, to discover what it was, exactly, all those years ago, that had such a devastating effect on her young life. Richly detailed, epic in scope, this engrossing story of the dark power of hidden secrets is intimate in its probing of human character, and thrilling in the way it illuminates the complexity of family ties.
Not Stated A Long Petal of the Sea
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the author of The House of the Spirits, this epic novel spanning decades and crossing continents follows two young people as they flee the aftermath of the Spanish Civil War in search of a place to call home.“One of the most richly imagined portrayals of the Spanish Civil War to date, and one of the strongest and most affecting works in [Isabel Allende’s] long career.”—The New York Times Book ReviewNAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY Esquire • Good Housekeeping • ParadeIn the late 1930s, civil war grips Spain. When General Franco and his Fascists succeed in overthrowing the government, hundreds of thousands are forced to flee in a treacherous journey over the mountains to the French border. Among them is Roser, a pregnant young widow, who finds her life intertwined with that of Victor Dalmau, an army doctor and
De amor y de sombra
Ésta es la historia de una mujer y de un hombre que se amaron en plenitud, salvándose así de una existencia vulgar.Segunda novela de Isabel Allende, De amor y de sombra es un agudo testimonio de las dramáticas situaciones que se viven en ciertas regiones de América Latina, al tiempo que un canto de amor y de esperanza.Con ternura e impecable factura literaria, Isabel Allende perfila el destino de sus personajes como parte indisoluble del destino colectivo de un continente marcado por el mestizaje, las injusticias sociales y la búsqueda de la propia identidad.La crítica ha dicho...La gente que aparece en el libro es tan real, sus triunfos y derrotas son tan fieles a la verdad de la existencia humana, que vemos el mundo en miniatura. Es precisamente esa la tarea de la ficción.The Washington Post
DEBOLSILLO Mujeres del alma mia
Largo pétalo de mar
La fascinante nueva novela de Isabel Allende.En plena Guerra Civil española, el joven médico Víctor Dalmau, junto a su amiga pianista Roser Bruguera, se ven obligados a abandonar Barcelona, exiliarse y cruzar los Pirineos rumbo a Francia. A bordo del Winnipeg, un navío fletado por el poeta Pablo Neruda que llevó a más de dos mil españoles rumbo a Valparaíso, embarcarán en busca de la paz y la libertad que no tuvieron en su país. Recibidos como héroes en Chile -ese largo pétalo de mar y nieve, en palabras del poeta chileno-, se integrarán en la vida social del país durante varias décadas hasta el golpe de Estado que derrocó al doctor Salvador Allende, amigo de Victor por su común afición al ajedrez. Víctor y Roser se encontrarán nuevamente desarraigados, pero como dice la autora: si uno vive lo suficiente, todos los círculos se cierran.Un viaje a través de la historia del siglo XX de la mano de unos personajes inolvidables que descubrirán que en una sola vida cabe
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Infinite Plan: A Novel
“Allende is one of the most important novelists to emerge from Latin America in the past decade.”—Boston GlobeAn enthralling tale of one man's search for love and his struggle to contend with the pain and deprivation that shaped him.Born in the Hispanic barrio of Los Angeles, Gregory Reeves grew up in poverty, survived the killing fields of Vietnam, and is now a lawyer in San Francisco. Though he has successfully survived this hard journey, Gregory’s life has suddenly gone off the rails thanks to an illusory and wrongheaded quest that has left him feeling lost and listless. To find what he is missing and what his heart truly wants, he must return to his roots. Only by excavating the past can he see the way to his future.
Prh Grupo Editorial El bosque de los pigmeos
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Portrt in Sepia
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Ein unvergänglicher Sommer
Insel Verlag GmbH Perla der Superhund
Insel Verlag GmbH Ins meines Herzens
Kampa Verlag Ich habe tausend Geschichten in mir
Vintage Espanol Paula(Spanish Edition)
Vintage Publishing The House of the Spirits
As a girl, Clara del Valle can read fortunes, make objects move as if they had lives of their own, and predict the future. Following the mysterious death of her sister, Rosa the Beautiful, Clara is mute for nine years. When she breaks her silence, it is to announce that she will be married soon to the stern and volatile landowner Esteban Trueba. Set in an unnamed Latin American country over three generations, The House of the Spirits is a magnificent epic of a proud and passionate family, secret loves and violent revolution.
Debolsillo La Ciudad de las bestias
Debolsillo La suma de los dias
El viento conoce mi nombre
Una historia deviolencia, amor, desarraigo y esperanzaViena, 1938. Samuel Adler es un niño judío de seis años cuyo padre desaparece durante la Noche de los Cristales Rotos, en la que su familia lo pierde todo. Su madre, desesperada, le consigue una plaza en un tren que le llevará desde la Austria nazi hasta Inglaterra. Samuel emprende una nueva etapa con su fiel violín y con el peso de la soledad y la incertidumbre, que lo acompañarán siempre en su dilatada vida.Arizona, 2019. Ocho décadas más tarde, Anita Díaz, de siete años, sube con su madre a bordo de otro tren para escapar de un inminente peligro en El Salvador y exiliarse en Estados Unidos. Su llegada coincide con una nueva e implacable política gubernamental que la separa de su madre en la frontera. Sola y asustada, lejos de todo lo que le es familiar, Anita se refugia en Azabahar, el mundo mágico que solo existe en su imaginación. Mientras tanto, Selena Durán, una joven trabajadora socia
Inés del alma mía
Una bella historia de amor, lucha, traición y pasión.El libro en que se basa la serie.Inés Suárez es una joven y humilde costurera extremeña que se embarca hacia el Nuevo Mundo para buscar a su marido, extraviado con sus sueños de gloria al otro lado del Atlántico. Anhela también una vida de aventuras, vetada a las mujeres en la pacata sociedad del siglo XVI. En América, Inés no encuentra a su marido, pero sí un amor apasionado: Pedro de Valdivia, maestre de campo de Francisco Pizarro, junto a quien Inés se enfrenta a los riesgos y las incertidumbres de la conquista y la fundación del reino de Chile.En esta novela épica el aliento del amor concede una tregua a la rudeza, la violencia y la crueldad de un momento histórico inolvidable. A través de la pluma de Isabel Allende se confirma que la realidad puede ser tan sorprendente o más que la mejor ficción, e igualmente cautivadora.Reseñas:Basándose en las vivencias documentadas de su heroína, Allende c
El juego de Ripper
Tal como predijo la astróloga más reputada de San Francisco, una oleada de crímenes comienza a sacudir la ciudad. En la investigación sobre los asesinatos, el inspector Bob Martín recibirá la ayuda inesperada de un grupo de internautas especializados en juegos de rol, Ripper."Mi madre todavía está viva, pero la matarán el Viernes Santo a medianoche", le advirtió Amanda Martín al inspector jefe y éste no lo puso en duda, porque la chica había dado pruebas de saber más que él y todos sus colegas del Departamento de Homicidios. La mujer estaba cautiva en algún punto de los dieciocho mil kilómetros cuadrados de la bahía de San Francisco, tenían pocas horas para encontrarla con vida y él no sabía por dónde empezar a buscarla.La crítica ha dicho...Los fieles seguidores de la literatura de Isabel Allende no se sentirán defraudados con El juego de Ripper y los amantes del género negro descubrirán a una escritora que juguetea en ese territorio.Aurora Intxausti
Plaza & Janés Amor amor y deseo según Isabel Allende sus mejores páginas
Encuadernación: CartonéColección: ÉxitosMi vida sexual comenzó temprano, más o menos a los cinco años, en el Kindergarten de las monjas ursulinas,en Santiago de Chile. Con estas palabras, Isabel Allende inicia este compendio sobre amor y eros compuesto por fragmentos escogidos de sus obras, que esbozan a través de sus personajes la propia trayectoria vital de la autora.La escritora divide el libro en nueve capítulos temáticos, cada uno de ellos precedido por una introducción, que da paso a unos textos que los lectores ya conocemos y hemos disfrutado. Esta singular recopilación, reunida por primera vez en este breve volumen, nos permite recordar la forma amable y divertida con la que Isabel Allende ha tratado el tema del amor y del sexo en cada uno de sus libros.
Plaza & Janés Paula
El bosque de los pigmeos
Con El Bosque de los Pigmeos, Isabel Allende cierra la trilogía Memorias del Águila i el Jaguar. Esta vez Alexander y Nadia acompañan a Kate al corazón de África.África Ecuatorial. Hasta allí se han trasladado Nadia, Alexander y su abuela Kate para disfrutar del primer safari en elefante. Kenia es una fiesta de color: bella y sensual, una mezcla de sabores, olores y sonidos inunda cada rincón de esta tierra. Sin embargo, este paraíso también esconde sus sombras. Y la primera señal llegará con las enigmáticas palabras de una sacerdotisa vudú: les espera una durísima prueba, la que les enfrentará al temible monstruo de tres cabezas.Isabel Allende, una de las voces más representativas de la literatura contemporánea, pone con esta novela un broche de oro a la trilogía Memorias del Águila y el Jaguar, que inició con La Ciudad de las Bestias y El Reino del Dragón de Oro. A través de los ojos de Nadia y Alexander hemos descubierto que el hombre puede ser codi
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Der japanische Liebhaber
Vintage Espanol Mi país inventado / My Invented Country: A Memoir: Spanish-language edition of My Invented Country: A Memoir
Vintage Espanol Afrodita: Cuentos, recetas y otros afrodisíacos / Aphrodite: A Memoir of the Senses: Cuentos, recetas y otros afrodisíacos
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Sum Of Our Days: A Memoir
“An inspiring and thought-provoking work.”—Denver PostThe sequel to Isabel Allende’s beloved bestselling Paula—a loving portrait of a makeshift extended family whose beating heart is its remarkable matriarch—a strong, stubborn, fiercely loyal, and loving woman—who must carry on after an unbearable loss.In this powerful memoir, Isabel Allende reconstructs the painful reality of her life after the death of her daughter, Paula. But The Sum of Our Days is not a tragedy; narrated with warmth, humor, exceptional candor, and wisdom, it is a remarkable story of life that is as exuberant and passionate as Allende herself. Baring her soul, Allende reflects on love, marriage, motherhood, spirituality and religion, infidelity, addiction, and memory—and tells poignant stories of the wildly eccentric and eclectic tribe who become a new kind of family.
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Ein unvergnglicher Sommer
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Mayas Tagebuch
Suhrkamp Verlag Paula
Suhrkamp Verlag Das Geisrerhaus
Insel Verlag GmbH Aphrodite Eine Feier der Sinne
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Soul of a Woman
_______________ 'An autobiographical meditation on feminism, power and womanhood … Full of Isabel's wisdom and warm words' - Grazia 'In her small, potent polemic . . . Isabel Allende writes about the toxic effects of “machismo”, combining wit with anger as she picks apart the patriarchy' - Independent 'Allende has everything it takes: the ear, the eye, the mind, the heart, the all-encompassing humanity' - New York Times An Independent, Guardian and Grazia Highlight for 2021 _______________ The wise, warm, defiant new book from literary legend Isabel Allende – a meditation on power, feminism and what it means to be a woman When I say that I was a feminist in kindergarten, I am not exaggerating. As a child, Isabel Allende watched her mother, abandoned by her husband, provide for her three small children. As a young woman coming of age in the late 1960s, she rode the first wave of feminism. She has seen what has been accomplished by the movement in the course of her lifetime. And over the course of three marriages, she has learned how to grow as a woman while having a partner, when to step away, and the rewards of embracing one's sexuality. So what do women want? To be safe, to be valued, to live in peace, to have their own resources, to be connected, to have control over their bodies and lives, and above all, to be loved. On all these fronts, there is much work to be done, and this book, Allende hopes, will ‘light the torch of our daughters and granddaughters with mine. They will have to live for us, as we lived for our mothers, and carry on with the work still left to be finished.’ _______________ 'Her thoughts, language and ideas traverse fluidly through ideas of gender, historic injustices, her marriages and bodily experiences and literary references . . . Allende’s love for women is palpable' - Sydney Morning Herald
Penguin Young Readers Group Perla la súper perrita Perla the Mighty Dog Spanish Edition
Vintage Espanol Cuentos de Eva Luna / The Stories of Eva Luna: Spanish-language edition of The Stories of Eva Luna
HarperCollins Publishers City of the Beasts
An ecological romance with a pulsing heart, equal parts Rider Haggard and Chico Buarque – one of the world’s greatest and most beloved storytellers broadens her style and reach with a Amazonian adventure story that will appeal to all ages. Fifteen-year-old Alexander Cold has the chance to take the trip of a lifetime. With his mother in hospital, too ill to look after him, Alex is sent out to his grandmother Kate – a fearless reporter with blue eyes ‘as sharp as daggers’ points’. Kate is about to embark on an expedition to the dangerous, remote world of the Amazon rainforest, but rather than change her plans, she simply takes Alex along with her. They set off with their team – including a local guide and his daughter Nadia, with her wild, curly hair and skin the colour of honey – in search of a fabled headhunting tribe and a legendary, marauding creature known to locals as the ‘Beast’, only to find out much, much more about the mysteries of the jungle and its inhabitants. In a novel rich in adventure, magic and spirit, internationally celebrated novelist Isabel Allende takes readers of all ages on a voyage of discovery and wonder, deep into the heart of the Amazon.
Simon & Schuster Ltd The Japanese Lover
From international literary phenomenon Isabel Allende: an exquisite multi-generational love story that sweeps from WWII to present-day San Francisco
Retrato en sepia
Narrada en la voz de una joven mujer, ésta es una magnífica novela histórica, y una portentosa saga familiar en la que reencontramos algunos personajes de Hija de la fortuna y de La casa de los espíritus, novelas cumbres en la obra de Isabel Allende.En el Chile del siglo XIX, Aurora del Valle sufre un trauma brutal que borra de su mente los primeros cinco años de su vida. Criada por su ambiciosa abuela, Paulina del Valle, crece en un ambiente privilegiado, libre de muchas de las limitaciones que oprimen a las mujeres de su época pero atormentada por horribles pesadillas. Cuando debe afrontar la traición del hombre al que ama y la soledad, Aurora decide explorar el misterio de su pasado.Reseña:Una epopeya de los grandes sentimientos: tragedia esperanzada, fábula moral, esbozo de una familia y apunte de un país. En definitiva, un gran libro.Ramón Ventura, El Periódico
El cuaderno de Maya
Un pasado persiguiéndolaUn futuro aún por construirY un cuaderno para escribir toda una vida.Soy Maya Vidal, diecinueve años, sexo femenino, soltera, sin un enamorado, por falta de oportunidades y no por quisquillosa, nacida en Berkeley, California, pasaporte estadounidense, temporalmente refugiada en una isla al sur del mundo. Me pusieron Maya porque a mi Nini le atrae la India y a mis padres no se les ocurrió otro nombre, aunque tuvieron nueve meses para pensarlo. En hindi, maya significa "hechizo, ilusión, sueño". Nada que ver con mi carácter. Atila me calzaría mejor, porque donde pongo el pie no sale más pasto.Esta Maya me ha hecho sufrir más que ningún otro de mis personajes. En algunas escenas le habría dado unas cachetadas para hacerla entrar en razón, y en otras la habría envuelto en un apretado abrazo para protegerla del mundo y de su propio corazón atolondrado.Isabel Allende
Plaza & Janés El amante japons
Cuando la niña Alma Belasco llega a San Francisco huyendo de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, encuentra en la casa de sus tíos la guarida que necesitaba; pero también el amor incondicional de otro niño de su edad, Ichimei, que posee un don especial para las floresA los veintidós años, sospechando que tenían el tiempo contado, Ichimei y Alma se atragantaron de amor para consumirlo entero, pero mientras más intentaban agotarlo, más imprudente era el deseo, y quien diga que todo fuego se apaga solo tarde o temprano, se equivoca: hay pasiones que son incendios hasta que las ahoga el destino de un zarpazo y aun así quedan brasas calientes listas para arder apenas se les da oxígeno.