Search results for ""Author Henry James""
Alba Editorial Las alas de la paloma
Las alas de la paloma es la cúspide de la prosa de James. Louis AuchinclossKate Croy, una joven londinense, cree que a los veinticinco años es ya tarde para recapacitar. Huérfana de madre, con una hermana viuda, pobre y cargada de hijos, y un padre proscrito y siniestro, queda bajo la tutela de una tía rica, que espera casarla con un buen partido. aunque sabe que ella está enamorada de Merton Densher, un periodista apuesto y encantador esa sabandija miserable, según el padre pero sin la menor perspectiva de futuro. La hermosa Kate, en esta encrucijada, apenas cuenta, como dice su enamorado, con su talento para la vida y no dudará en aprovechar cualquier oportunidad. La aparición de una riquísima paloma norteamericana, Milly Theale, que en tres semanas se convierte en la figura más solicitada de la buena sociedad, inspirará no solo la curiosidad y la adulación de todo Londres sino también los planes e intereses más diversos. incluido, quizá, alguno de Kate. Las alas de la paloma (190
Ediciones de la Isla de Siltolá, S.L. La lección del maestro
Eneida Editorial S.L. Historia de un año
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: Confabulaciones
Union Square & Co. The Turn of the Screw More Ghost Stories
The Turn of the Screw, a novella written by Henry James in 1898, is perhaps one of the most widely read ghost stories in classrooms across the country. The story's ambiguity and characters' unreliability also mark the book as a work of impressionism, an important literary movement that's often left out of the children's literary canon. While best-known for The Turn of the Screw, James wrote many ghost stories during his illustrious career. The Romance of Certain Old Clothes and The Ghostly Rental are two of those short stories that young readers will enjoy reading, featuring relatively accessible plots and writing.
The Library of America Henry James: Literary Criticism Vol. 1 (LOA #22): Essays on Literature, American & English Writers
Manesse Verlag Das Tagebuch eines Mannes von fnfzig Jahren Erzhlungen
Prometheus Books The Turn of the Screw and The Lesson of the Master
Henry James (1843-1916) is one of America's premier writers of fiction. His famous novella The Turn of the Screw (1898), concerning the governess of two small children who thinks that her charges are being haunted by ghosts, brilliantly illustrates James's theory of the horror story: to suggest rather than state horror. A true psychological thriller as well as an acute study of obsession, The Turn of the Screw leaves open whether the children are being "corrupted" by malevolent spirits or by their neurotic governess.
Union Square & Co. The Turn of the Screw
When a young governess arrives at a remote and dreary country estate to take care of two charming little children, she is initially thrilled. However, the longer she stays, the more she realizes that things aren't quite right. The children, while beautiful, are strangely distant, and she feels as if she is being constantly watched. When she witnesses the children speaking with the ghostly apparitions of a man and woman the housekeeper has claimed to have died long ago, she realizes that the estate is not only haunted, but that the darkness plaguing them has only one goal: to take the children. Determined to protect them, the governess must figure out just how far she's willing to go, and whether saving the children is worth her life. While best-known for The Turn of the Screw, Henry James wrote many ghost stories during his illustrious career. The Romance of Certain Old Clothes and The Ghostly Rental are two of those short stories included in this edition.
Arcturus Publishing Ltd The Beast in the Jungle and Other Stories
''Something or other lay in wait for him, amid the twists and turns of the months and the years, like a crouching beast in the jungle.''Fearful that his life is to be determined by some unknown cataclysmic event, John Marcher spends his days waiting for this momentous occurrence as if it is a crouching ''beast in the jungle''. The Beast in the Jungle is a poignant novella that asks us to consider if the ultimate meaning of life is worth searching for and what we should do if we find it. This captivating collection of some of Henry James''s work also includes his short stories ''The Altar of the Dead'', ''A Private Life'', and ''The Way it Came''.ABOUT THE SERIES: The Arcturus Classics series brings together high-quality paperback editions of classics works, presented with contemporary graphic cover designs. Together they make a wonderful collection which is perfect for any home library.
Alma Books Ltd The Turn of the Screw
An unnamed young governess is sent to a country house to take charge of two orphans, Miles and Flora. Yet she is soon oppressed by a sense of foreboding and deep disquiet, becoming convinced that something dark is menacing her young charges. But are supernatural forces at work, or is the danger something altogether more earthly? Henry James's masterpiece, and widely considered to be the greatest ghost story ever written, The Turn of the Screw remains the apogee of suspenseful, haunting writing in the English language. This new edition of The Turn of the Screw offers students the definitive text and extensive appendices.
Everyman The Ambassadors
The original American in Paris. This dark comedy, seen as one of the masterpieces of James's final period, has all the elements of great writing, brilliant plot and gorgeous setting- An Edwardian gentleman from the States arrives in seedy and sophisticated Paris to rescue his wayward future step son. But his innocent American background has not prepared him for such seduction... Beautiful hardback gift edition of this collectable classic. This complex tale of self-discovery -- considered by the author to be his best work -- traces the path of an aging idealist, Lambert Strether. Arriving in Paris with the intention of persuading his young charge to abandon an obsession with a French woman and return home, Strether reaches unexpected conclusions.
Penguin Books Ltd The Portrait of a Lady
Henry James's great masterpiece, now in a stunning Penguin clothbound edition designed by the acclaimed Coralie Bickford-Smith.When Isabel Archer, a beautiful, spirited American, is brought to Europe by her wealthy aunt Touchett, it is expected that she will soon marry. But Isabel, resolved to enjoy her freedom, does not hesitate to turn down two eligible suitors. Then she finds herself irresistibly drawn to Gilbert Osmond. Charming and cultivated, Osmond sees Isabel as a rich prize waiting to be taken. In this portrait of a 'young woman affronting her destiny', Henry James created one of his most magnificent heroines, and a story of intense poignancy.This edition is based on the earliest published copy of the novel: this is the version that was read first and loved by most readers in James's lifetime. It also includes an introduction, notes and other editorial materials by leading James scholar Philip Horne.Henry James was born in 1843 in Washington Place, New York, of Scottish and Irish ancestry. In addition to many short stories, plays, books of criticism, autobiography and travel, he wrote some twenty novels, the first published being Roderick Hudson (1875). They include The Europeans, Washington Square, The Portrait of a Lady, The Bostonians, The Princess Casamassima, The Tragic Muse, The Spoils of Poynton, The Awkward Age, The Wings of the Dove, The Ambassadors and The Golden Bowl.Philip Horne is Professor of English at University College London.
Vintage Publishing The Turn of the Screw and Other Stories: The Romance of Certain Old Clothes, The Friends of the Friends and The Jolly Corner
*The inspiration behind Netflix's The Haunting of Bly Manor*Discover Henry James's most famous and terrifying story in an edition which also includes a unique selection of his best loved ghost stories. A young governess is sent to a great country house to care for two orphaned children. To begin with Flora and Miles seem to be model pupils but gradually the governess starts to suspect that something is very wrong with them. As she sets out to uncover the corrupt secrets of the house she becomes more and more convinced that something evil is watching her.'A most wonderful, lurid, poisonous little tale' Oscar Wilde
Editorial dÉpoca Julia Bride
Laertes Editorial, S.L. Daisy Miller
Ediciones Cátedra Los papeles de Aspern y otros relatos sobre escritores
Para Henry James, que convirtió su oficio en una especie de religión a la que se consagró en cuerpo y alma y con total exclusividad, la ficción era " una de las bellas artes " y todo acto creativo era mágico. Esa fidelidad irrenunciable a la excelencia artística, esa búsqueda a ultranza del artista absoluto, fue una de las mayores innovaciones que aportó al nacimiento de la narrativa experimental del siglo XX, cuyo advenimiento él ya había intuido veinte o treinta años antes: la concepción del relato o novela como la más excelsa de las formas artísticas.Que " la vida literaria puede ser un tema precioso " lo prueban sus " literary tales " , que tratan preferentemente del conflicto del artista con la sociedad y afrontan los problemas del fracaso artístico desde más de un punto de vista. Para James, el arte debe reflejar la conciencia de un infatigable observador de la vida que sea sensible y a la vez se distancie debidamente. En todos esos relatos lo presenta como un aventurero de l
Ediciones Cátedra El retrato de una dama
Henry James es el escritor de la conciencia individual, de los muchos matices de la subjetividad. Con él la novela se interioriza, la acción exterior pierde importancia en favor de los pensamientos o de los sentimientos de los personajes. El mundo exterior se nos presenta filtrado a través de la subjetividad de éstos. La ficción de Henry James se ve impulsada desde un principio por el deseo de registrar la realidad en la medida en que afecta a una subjetividad concreta. Isabel Archer parece estar a la búsqueda de una trayectoria vital propia, de una libertad y de una autonomía siempre amenazadas por las circunstancias. Desea encontrar un destino que la libere de cualquier objetivo que no sea la realización de su propia naturaleza. Se resiste a aceptar aquello que la sociedad, e incluso la ficción, insisten en que debe ser su papel. Pero Isabel Archer será también víctima de sus sueños e ideales románticos y de sus errores de interpretación.
Ediciones Cátedra Vuelta de tuerca
Henry James (1843-1916) nació en Nueva York, en el seno de una familia de intelectuales, rodeado de un ambiente interesado por las ideas y el arte. Pasó la mayor parte de su vida en Europa, donde conoció a novelistas de vanguardia como Flaubert, Daudet, Zola o Maupassant, pero su gran maestro y amigo fue Iván Turgueniev. Se propuso llegar a convertirse en un cronista de la vida de su país. Su estilo complejo, caracterizado por hacer caso omiso de las reglas gramaticales, con oraciones llenas de digresiones y diálogos que expresan la ambigüedad de la conversación, tiene un tono de intimidad que se oye más que se lee, como si el lector escuchara el habla de los personajes.Vuelta de tuerca es la obra de Henry James que más discusión o más insistentes aseveraciones ha provocado por parte de la crítica. El lector siente inquietud ante su lectura aunque no pueda precisar por qué. Se trata de una historia fantástica de intrigante ambivalencia cuyo principal cometido es concitar terror. La
Ediciones Cinca, S.A. Guy Domville
Encuadernación: Rústica.Colección: Colección Empero.Contiene: Textos críticos de Bernard Shaw, H. G. Wells y Arnold Bennet.Guy Domville (1895), pieza teatral en tres actos traducida por vez primera al español, fue el intento más firme de Henry James (1843-1916) por significarse en la escena británica, luego de haber adquirido gran consideración como autor consumado de relatos y novelas en los que la penetración, la sutileza y la imaginación creadora alcanzaron las máximas cotas que ha logrado la narrativa en lengua inglesa. Impelido por motivos económicos su prosa exquisita y su caudal de ficciones intrincadas le proporcionaban admiración y respeto, pero no derechos de autor, su incursión en el panorama teatral inglés de fines del siglo XIX, dominado por la brillantez cegadora de Oscar Wilde, constituyó un rotundo fracaso, que lo hirió en lo personal y del que nunca terminaría de recobrarse. Guy Domville, el protagonista, elude la vida consagrada a la que por tradición y enc
Abada Editores Cartas desde Venecia
En este libro se presenta el itinerario vital, estético y emocional recorrido por Henry James desde su llegada como turista al hotel Barbesi con 26 años hasta la partida casi cuarenta años más tarde. Con toda su belleza expresiva, la elegancia de las ideas y el inconfundible estilo de oraciones que se alargan engarzándose con un débil hilo de guiones, el lector sucumbe al hechizo veneciano que centellea en la correspondencia.
The New York Review of Books, Inc The Ivory Tower
Dover Publications Inc. The Golden Bowl
Outlook Verlag Lady Barbarina
Carl Hanser Verlag Die Gesandten
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Daisy Miller
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Das Durchdrehen der Schraube Eine Geistergeschichte
Penguin TB Verlag Die Europäer
Pushkin Press Letters to Isabella Stewart Gardner
Surrounded by the artists, writers and musicians who made up her court in Boston as they did in Venice, Isabella Stewart Gardner, a passionate art collector, was as revered and sought after as royalty. Henry James was inspired by the rich and powerful Gardner, as well as by the Palazzo Barbaro in Venice, when he wrote his novel The Wings of the Dove. Gardner was to recreate a larger-than-life version of Palazzo Barbaro in Boston, which is now the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. These dazzling letters bring to life James's passion for Venice and the Palazzo Barbaro, and serve as an introduction to the fascinating world of Isabella Stewart Gardner herself.
Alma Books Ltd The Portrait of a Lady: Annotated Edition (Alma Classics Evergreens)
Having travelled from her native New York to London to meet her relatives, Isabel Archer, a young, independently minded young woman, rejects the marriage proposals of two suitors in her determination to stay in control of her destiny. When she suddenly comes into a large legacy, Isabel believes that this windfall will finally ensure the freedom that she yearns for and embarks on an exhilarating journey through France and Italy, only to find her endeavours thwarted by the sinister plotting of some of her acquaintances. Considered by many to be Henry James’s finest novel, The Portrait of a Lady is a subtle examination of Victorian society and power relations, providing a groundbreaking psychological study of its protagonist. This volume is based on the authoritative New York Edition, and includes the author’s seminal preface.
Everyman Washington Square
When Catherine Sloper falls for Maurice Townsend, her father, a wealthy New York doctor, believes that Townsend is a fortune hunter after his daughter’s inheritance. He forbids the marriage but Catherine persists in her affection, encouraged by her foolish aunt Lavinia who has a weakness for Maurice herself. Dr Sloper takes Catherine abroad to distract her from the infatuation, but she proves to be as stubborn as her father. The book is a vivid study of the four central characters drawn in what are, for this author, unusually strong primary colours.Six novels by Henry James and two volumes of his shorter fiction are already published in Everyman’s Library.
Pearson Education Limited Level 3: Turn of the Screw
Pearson English Readers bring language learning to life through the joy of reading. Well-written stories entertain us, make us think, and keep our interest page after page. Pearson English Readers offer teenage and adult learners a huge range of titles, all featuring carefully graded language to make them accessible to learners of all abilities. Through the imagination of some of the world’s greatest authors, the English language comes to life in pages of our Readers. Students have the pleasure and satisfaction of reading these stories in English, and at the same time develop a broader vocabulary, greater comprehension and reading fluency, improved grammar, and greater confidence and ability to express themselves. Find out more at
Penguin Books Ltd The Figure in the Carpet
'Did she know and if she knew would she speak?'The story of an unsolved literary mystery that explores what James referred to as "troubled artistic consciousness" Introducing Little Black Classics: 80 books for Penguin's 80th birthday. Little Black Classics celebrate the huge range and diversity of Penguin Classics, with books from around the world and across many centuries. They take us from a balloon ride over Victorian London to a garden of blossom in Japan, from Tierra del Fuego to 16th-century California and the Russian steppe. Here are stories lyrical and savage; poems epic and intimate; essays satirical and inspirational; and ideas that have shaped the lives of millions.Henry James (1843-1916). James's works available in Penguin Classics are The Portrait of a Lady,The Europeans, What Maisie Knew, The Awkward Age, The Figure in the Carpet and Other Stories, The Turn of The Screw, The Aspern Papers and Other Tales, The Wings of The Dove, Washington Square, The Tragic Muse, Daisy Miller, The Ambassadors, The Golden Bowl, Selected Tales, Roderick Hudson, The Princess Casamassima and The American.
Defausta Editorial La familia al completo una novela a doce manos
Editorial Funambulista S.L. Diario de un hombre de cincuenta de aos Intempestivos Spanish Edition
Esta obra de Henry James inédita en español, escrita en 1880 entre Daisy Miller y Retrato de una dama, es una deliciosa nouvelle que contiene todos los elementos de misterio, ambigüedad e ironía tan característicos del universo de James, que utilizaba los relatos y las novelas cortas como auténtico taller para sus novelas o aun como modelos para éstas.Bajo la forma de un diario personal, un quincuagenario de viaje por Florencia anota los episodios de un acontecimiento extraordinario para él: acaba de conocer a la hija de la que fue su amor de juventud casi treinta años antes, y a su pretendiente, un joven inglés, e intuye en esta relación la exacta repetición de su propia historia sentimental. Historia que él había resuelto con una dolorosa ruptura, y en la analogía que ahora establece se empeña en proteger a su alter ego del peligro que lo acecha.Logrará el narrador su propósito? Producen las mismas causas los mismos efectos?Tiene sentido proyectar nuestra propia vida en la de l
Periférica El comienzo de la madurez
Un bellísimo texto autobiográfico de Henry James sobre el fin de su juventudy el comienzo de su vida en Europa. Un retrato perfecto de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX.
Navona Editorial Adina
Erasmus Ediciones Confianza
Esta novela evidencia, como pocas de James, su capacidad magistral para desarrollar una historia fascinante y describir a unos personajes que atrapan al lector y lo cautivan
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Otra vuelta de tuerca / The Turn of the Screw
Otra vuelta de tuerca
Una obra maestra gótica, que marcó un hito en la literatura universal, reinterpretada a través del estilo perturbador e inconfundible de Ana Juan. Una lectura a la que volver una y otra vez para descubrir lo que se esconde entre las líneas del texto y los trazos de los dibujos, ya que en esta historia inmortal todo asombra y nada es lo que parece.
Gatopardo Ediciones Lo que Maisie sabía
Casimiro Libros Florencia
Broadview Press Ltd Daisy Miller (1878)
Henry James’s Daisy Miller was an immediate sensation when it was first published in 1878 and has remained popular ever since. In this novella, the charming but inscrutable young American of the title shocks European society with her casual indifference to its social mores. The novella was popular in part because of the debates it sparked about foreign travel, the behaviour of women, and cultural clashes between people of different nationalities and social classes.This Broadview edition presents an early version of James’s best-known novella within the cultural contexts of its day. In addition to primary materials about nineteenth-century womanhood, foreign travel, medicine, philosophy, theatre, and art—some of the topics that interested James as he was writing the story—this volume includes James’s ruminations on fiction, theatre, and writing, and presents excerpts of Daisy Miller as he rewrote it for the theatre and for a much later and heavily revised edition.
Penguin Putnam Inc The Turn Of The Screw: And Other Short Novels
Nikol Verlagsges.mbH Washington Square
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Was Maisie wusste
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC English Hours: A Portrait of a Country
'Spring was already in the air, in the town; there was no rain but there was still less sun - one wondered what had become of it, on this side of the world - and the grey mildness, shading away into black at any pretext, appeared in itself a promise.' Henry James left America for England in 1876 and remained in his adopted country for the next three decades. Arriving in Liverpool, he made his way first to London, the 'dreadful, delightful city', which he would come to both love and hate. James revelled in the exoticism and immensity of all that was unknown to him and his writing spills over with youthful excitement, humour and vivid descriptions of the people, landscapes, towns and cities he encountered. In London, he marvelled at the architecture of Christopher Wren and the glamour of the Strand and observed with equal pleasure the seedier parts of the city, where gin shops glowed on the corners of dark alleys. He later set out to explore the English countryside: Chester, Warwick, Devon, Wells, Salisbury, Suffolk and Rye, where he eventually settled, bought Lamb House and wrote prolifically - producing some of his finest works, including What Maisie Knew, The Wings of the Dove, The Golden Bowl and The Middle Years. First published in 1905, English Hours is one of Henry James' most loved works of travel and a now-classic portrait of England by one of the great masters of 19th century literature.
Lotus Press Illustrated Dictionary of Bio Chemistry