Search results for ""Author Heinrich von Kleist""
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Prinz Friedrich von Homburg
Reclam Philipp Jun. Die Herrmannsschlacht Ein Drama Studienausgabe
Ediciones Alpha Decay, S.A. Santa Cecilia o El poder de la música
Santa Cecilia o el poder de la música vio la luz en el Berliner Abendblätter apenas un año antes de la muerte de Kleist en 1811, como regalo para la hija de un amigo. Esta leyenda, que resonará con fuerza en relatos posteriores de Bécquer como El Miserere o Maese Pedro el organista, supone un hito de la narrativa breve del romanticismo alemán. El sustrato popular de lo legendario, la predilección por el tema medieval germánico y, sobre todo, la celebración de la música como lenguaje del misterio y mediación del entusiasmo, convierten este texto en un relato imprescindible. Tras la publicación de los cuentos de Conrad y Poe, Alpha Decay añade a su colección una nueva joya de la literatura clásica, traducida por primera vez al castellano, y lo hace con un autor cuya obra encandiló a los mismísimos Hermanos Grimm, padres del folklore literario alemán. Un relato sublime, cumbre de la narrativa alemana, sobre el poder arrebatador de la música.
Reclam Philipp Jun. Der zerbrochne Krug. Textausgabe mit Kommentar und Materialien Enthält die Erstfassung der Schlussszene Variant
Hamburger Lesehefte Amphitryon Ein Lustspiel nach Moliere
Hamburger Lesehefte Michael Kohlhaas Aus einer alten Chronik
Bange C. GmbH Der zerbrochne Krug Textausgabe mit Variant
FISCHER Taschenbuch Das Erdbeben in Chili und andere Erzhlungen
Bildungshaus Schulbuchverlage Westermann Schroedel Diesterweg Schoningh Winklers GmbH Einfach Deutsch: Die Marquise von O. und weitere Texte
Nórdica Libros Michael Kohlhaas
Michael Kohlhaas es un tratante de caballos de una conducta intachable. Un día sus caballos le son arrebatados por la autoridad debido a unos aranceles a pagar. La injusticia de esta acción unido a la lentitud de la burocracia, sumergiran a nuestro protagonista en una situación de desesperación que le resultará imposible de superar.
Wallstein Verlag GmbH Der Zweikampf
Outlook Verlag Der zerbrochene Krug
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Das Erdbeben in Chili Die Marquise von O Die Verlobung in St Domingo
Schoeningh Verlag Michael Kohlhaas Aus einer alten Chronik
New Directions Publishing Corporation Michael Kohlhaas
Michael Kohlhaas has been wronged. First his finest horses were unfairly confiscated and mistreated. And things keep going worse—his servants have been beaten, his wife killed, and the lawsuits he pursues are stymied—but Kohlhaas, determined to find justice at all costs, tirelessly persists. Standing up against the bureaucratic machine of the empire, Kohlhaas becomes an indomitable figure that you can’t help rooting for from start to finish. Knotty, darkly comical, magnificent in its weirdness, and one of the greatest and most influential tales in German literature, this short novel, first published in German in 1810, is now available in award-winning Michael Hofmann’s sparkling new English translation.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Kleist: Selected Writings
Aiming in his translation for an English haunted and affected by the strangeness of the original, David Constantine offers a wealth of Heinrich von Kleist's key writings in this collection, the most ambitious of its kind.
Matthes & Seitz Verlag Marionetten und bermarionetten Die Inszenierung des Erotischen
Hamburger Lesehefte Das Erdbeben in Chili und andere Erzhlungen
Hamburger Lesehefte Prinz Friedrich von Homburg Ein Schauspiel
Hase und Igel Verlag GmbH Michael Kohlhaas. Begleitmaterial
Outlook Verlag Ausgewählte Schriften
Deutscher Klassikerverlag Smtliche Erzhlungen Text und Kommentar
Reclam Philipp Jun. Die Marquise von O... von Heinrich von Kleist Lektüreschlüssel mit Inhaltsangabe Interpretation Prüfungsaufgaben mit Lösungen Lernglossar. Reclam Lektüreschlüssel XL
Reclam Philipp Jun. Der zerbrochne Krug
Schoeningh Verlag Michael Kohlhaas EinFach Deutsch Unterrichtsmodelle Gymnasiale Oberstufe
Melville House Publishing The Duel
Ediciones Akal El cntaro roto El terremoto en Chile La marquesa de O
El mezquino juez Adán recibe en su juzgado un caso singular: averiguar quién ha destrozado un cántaro en el dormitorio de la joven Eva, y el principal sospechoso es su prometido Ruprecht. Sin embargo, el auténtico causante no es otro que el mismo juez Adán, quien se valdrá de las más grotescas argucias para salvaguardar su supuesta inocencia en esta extraordinaria comedia.Por su parte, "El terremoto en Chile" narra las desventuras de una pareja de amantes, condenados a muerte por consumar su amor en el jardín de un convento en el que habían internado a la joven para apartarla de su amado.Por último, el lector encontrará la historia de la marquesa de O..., que ha quedado en estado sin comprender cómo ha podido suceder acontecimiento tan llamativo.Presentamos así una representativa selección de uno de los autores más relevantes del romanticismo alemán, cuya propia vida contiene las características que habrán de marcar este movimiento en toda Europa -búsqueda incansable de lo
Hamburger Lesehefte Die Marquise von O Nach einer wahren Begebenheit deren Schauplatz vom Norden nach dem Sden verlegt worden Hamburger Leseheft plus Knigs Materialien
Reclam Philipp Jun. Penthesilea Ein Trauerspiel Studienausgabe
Reclam Philipp Jun. Die Marquise von O Textausgabe mit Kommentar und Materialien Reclam XL Text und Kontext
Westermann Schulbuch Der zerbrochne Krug Die Marquise von O... u.a. Textausgabe. Schroedel Lektüren
Klett Lerntraining Lektrehilfen Michael Kohlhaas
Creative Media Partners, LLC Der Zerbrochne Krug
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Kleist: Selected Writings
Aiming in his translation for an English haunted and affected by the strangeness of the original, David Constantine offers a wealth of Heinrich von Kleist's key writings in this collection, the most ambitious of its kind.
Vintage Publishing Michael Kohlhaas: Newly translated by Michael Hofmann
'I finished it in one sitting. Probably for the tenth time... it carries me along waves of wonder' Franz KafkaMICHAEL KOHLHAAS HAS BEEN WRONGED. HE WILL HAVE JUSTICE.Based on the real life of an ordinary horse-dealer cheated by a government official, Michael Kohlhaas is the darkly comical and magnificently weird story of one man's alienation from a corrupt legal system. When his attempts to claim his rights are thwarted by bureaucracy and nepotism, Kohlhaas vows to take justice into his own - increasingly bloody - hands. Will he be remembered as a dangerous enemy of the peace, or a vigilante hero?Praised by Franz Kafka, Thomas Mann, Susan Sontag, Roberto Bolaño, Werner Herzog, and J. M. Coetzee, this is one of the most influential tales in German literature. In this vital new translation by the renowned poet Michael Hofmann, Kleist's bizarre, brutal and maddening story is urgent today.
Grols Verlag Die Verlobung in St. Domingo
Archipelago Books The Selected Prose Of Heinrich Von Kleist
Pushkin Press The Marquise of O–
In a Northern Italian town during the Napoleonic Wars, Julietta, a young widow and mother of impeccable reputation, finds herself unexpectedly pregnant. This follows an attack on the town's citadel, in which several Russian soldiers tried to assault her before she was rescued by Count F-, at which point she fell unconscious. Thrown out of her father's house, Julietta publishes an announcement in the local newspaper stating that she is pregnant and would like the father of her child to make himself known so that she can marry him. What follows is an ambiguously comic drama of sexuality and family respectability. One of Kleist's best-loved works, The Marquise of O- is an ingenious and timeless story of the mystery of human desire, and Nicholas Jacobs's new translation captures the full richness of its irony.
Alma Books Ltd The Marquise of O
A respectable young widow and mother of two children, the Marquise of O- finds herself inexplicably pregnant after being rescued by a Russian officer from the attentions of his soldiers during the storming of her town's citadel. Convinced of her own innocence and wishing to vindicate her own integrity, the Marquise places an advert in the newspapers, appealing for the father to come forward and promising to marry him. But will this be enough to quench her family's doubts and the derision of the society around her? Will this help her solve the mystery and urge the perpetrator to acknowledge paternity of the child? One of the great classics of German literature, Heinrich von Kleist's sexually charged novella is as edgy today as it was when it was first published in 1808, and is accompanied here by two other celebrated stories, 'The Earthquake in Chile' and 'The Foundling', showcasing the range of their author's narrative abilities and his taste for the ambiguous and the paradoxical.
New Directions Publishing Corporation Prince Friedrich of Homburg: A New Translation for the American Stage
Available until now only in verse translation, it has been newly rendered for the American stage by Diana Stone Peters and Frederick G. Peters. A work of profound psychological insight, Prince Friedrich of Homburg probes with passionate intensity questions fundamental to “civilized” behavior. Prince Friedrich, the hero of the historic battle of Fehrbellin (1675) against the invading Swedes, receives not laurels for his victory but the sentence of death for disobeying orders in the field. Faced with certain execution, his mood swings from abject terror to high-minded exultation as first he challenges, and then accepts, the rule of law and subservience to the state. The action moves relentlessly in the near-frenzied pace characteristic of Kleist. Intended as a paean to a Prussia triumphant in the Napoleonic wars. the play was, ironically, censured and never produced in Kleist's lifetime. In our own day, Prince Friedrich of Homburg has been both denounced as a protofascist work and lauded as a supreme metaphysical disquisition. Whatever the merits of such intellectualization, it remains one of the most moving and performable plays available for the modern stage.