Search results for ""Author Dante Alighieri""
Prakash Books The Divine Comedy
Gadir Editorial, S.L. Divina comedia
La Divina Comedia es una de las obras más importantes de la literatura universal. Toda persona amante de la lectura debería acercarse a ella, y eso es lo que pretende esta edición: darla a conocer a todos aquellos que no la hayan leído, empezando por los niños y los jóvenes y continuando por los adultos, con la esperanza de que esta versión les lleve a leer la original.Obra riquísima en contenido y en forma, esta adaptación pretende facilitar su comprensión al lector de hoy, tratando de preservar en lo posible la emoción y el encanto de la obra original, de respetar toda la esencia de la obra, y sobre todo de transmitir al lector, con el apoyo de sus ilustraciones, que la Comedia es una obra actual, que no ha perdido nada de su enorme valor y que resultará no solo amena, sino apasionante y enriquecedora para quien la conozca y sepa apropiarse de ella.
Ediciones Akal El libro de las canciones y otros poemas
La presente es la primera edición de El libro de las canciones y otros poemas del considerado como "Poeta Supremo" de la lengua italiana. Introducida y anotada por dantólogos de la Societat Catalana d?Estudis Dantescos y la Asociación Complutense de Dantología, esta obra aporta nuevos conocimientos sobre el rico y complejo universo de Dante.
De vulgari eloquentia sobre la elocuencia en lengua vulgar
Lejos de Florencia, sin la protección de los antiguos compañeros de partido y obligado a vivir de la generosidad de sus anfitriones, pertenecientes a la aristocracia de la Italia central y septentrional, Dante decide asumir el papel de ?filósofo?. Con esta nueva identidad de intelectual, se pone al servicio de aquellos poderosos grupos, un sector muy distinto de la burguesía florentina que configuraba su primer círculo de lectores. Dante se presenta como máximo representante de una ideología laica que pretende suplantar la tradicional hegemonía cultural de los clérigos, formando para ello una nueva clase de intelectuales.?De Vulgari Eloquentia? está monográficamente destinado a demostrar la necesidad, en Italia, de una lengua poética capaz de competir en eficacia expresiva y belleza con la literatura latina. De los libros previstos, llegó a redactar solo el primero. El segundo quedó interrumpido en el capítulo XIV. En esta obra de firme compromiso ?filosófico?, son dos las líneas e
Klett Sprachen GmbH La Divina Commedia
Reclam Philipp Jun. La Commedia Die Gttliche Komdie Drei Bnde im Schuber ItalienischDeutsch
Union Square & Co. Inferno
“Abandon all hope, ye who enter here” read the now-famous words above the gate through which Dante, the protagonist of Inferno, crosses the threshold. But that forbidding inscription applies only to those without faith; and though Dante's journey through the nine circles of Hell begins with terror and confusion, it ends with an understanding of the divine plan and the realization of divine love. Along the way, Dante meets an array of sinners from Christian and classical history and legend--a fascinating cast of characters that has intrigued and instructed readers since Inferno was first published in 1317.
Penguin Books Ltd The Divine Comedy: Paradise
The final volume in this brilliant translation destined to take its place among the great English versions of The Divine Comedy. In his translation of Paradise, Mark Musa exhibits the same sensitivity to language and knowledge of translation that enabled his versions of Inferno and Purgatory to capture the vibrant power and full dramatic force of Dante’s poetry. Dante relates his mystical interpretation of the heavens, and his moment of transcendent glory, as he journeys, first with Beatrice, then alone, toward the Trinity. Professor Musa’s extraordinary translation and his interpretive commentary, informative glossary, and bibliography clarify the theological themes and make Dante accessible to the English-speaking public.
Random House USA Inc The Divine Comedy: The Unabridged Classic
Pan Macmillan La Vita Nuova: Love Poems
In La Vita Nuova, Italy's greatest poet recounts the famous story of his passionate love for Beatrice. The drama of their relationship unravels through stunning poetry and prose in this, one of the most celebrated love stories in history.Part of the Macmillan Collector’s Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket-sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. From the first time the poet sets eyes on Beatrice, he proclaims that ‘love quite governed my soul’ and his devotion to her knows no end. By recalling each meeting with Beatrice this short book is at once a heartfelt account of youthful love and a religious allegory. La Vita Nuova serves as an important precursor to Dante’s masterpiece, The Divine Comedy.This edition is the English translation by Dante Gabriel Rossetti from the original Italian. It was first published in The Early Italian Poets in 1861 and then reissued in 1874 by Dante and his circle. It was met with great acclaim acknowledging Rossetti’s skill as a meticulous and poetic translator.
Penguin Books Ltd The Divine Comedy: Purgatory
Beginning with Dante's liberation from Hell, Purgatory relates his ascent, accompanied by Virgil, of the Mount of Purgatory - a mountain of nine levels, formed from rock forced upwards when God threw Satan into depths of the earth. As he travels through the first seven levels, Dante observes the sinners who are waiting for their release into Paradise, and through these encounters he is himself transformed into a stronger and better man. For it is only when he has learned from each of these levels that he can ascend to the gateway to Heaven: the Garden of Eden. The second part of one of the greatest epic poems, Purgatory is an enthralling Christian allegory of sin, redemption and ultimate enlightenment.
Garzanti Libri Vita Nuova
Ediciones Cátedra Vida nueva
Dante escribió la Vida nueva a los veintiocho años de edad, en la misma época en la que emprendía la carrera política que le llevaría a la derrota de su partido y al exilio después de ocupar cargos políticos en el Comune de Florencia. La obra es el resultado y la síntesis de una actividad literaria que abarca aproximadamente una década y que hasta entonces se había desplegado en el ámbito de la lírica. El autobiografismo de la Vida nueva no debe ser interpretado como fidelidad documental de episodios realmente acaecidos, sino como exigencia poéticamente reconstructora a la que responde el mito de Beatriz, la mujer de procedencia y destino divinos que fija en un símbolo sexual único, real y metafísico a la vez, el amor del poeta. A partir de la Vida nueva quedará legitimado todo tipo de fusión entre la experiencia erótica y la experiencia religiosa. El amplio comentario que acompaña a esta edición tiene la finalidad de verificar la plausibilidad filológica y crítica de la interpretación
Acantilado Comedia
Hay obras maestras, como el Quijote, que los autores empiezan sin plan preciso ni determinado: van haciendo de la necesidad virtud, rizando el rizo de la invención. Pero la Comedia pertenece a otra categoría: es el resultado de la deliberación y la perseverancia de Dante. Exiliado de Florencia y condenado a la hoguera, fue incluso contumaz, pues insistió en el imperdonable error de crear algo profundamente nuevo y personal. Dramática y tenebrosa en el Infierno, pictórica y melancólicaen el Purgatorio y luminosa y musical en el Paraíso, la Comedia es a la Edad Moderna lo que la Odisea a la Antigu?edad. Esta nueva traducción de José María Micó, melódica e inspirada, invita al lector de habla hispana a adentrarse en el singular universodantesco y acompañar al poeta en su viaje por los tres reinos ultramundanos.
Sial Ediciones La divina comedia
Manesse Verlag Die göttliche Komödie
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Die Gttliche Komdie
Reclam Philipp Jun. La Commedia Die Göttliche Komödie
Ardavena Le Purgatoire
Saraswati Press Tutte Le Opere Volume 1
Princeton University Press The Divine Comedy
For the first time in one volume, the most elegant and accessible translation of Dante’s enduring masterpieceCharles Singleton’s English-language translation of The Divine Comedy is widely considered to be one of the finest renderings of Dante’s masterpiece. Singleton’s prose is both faithful and scholarly, and sensitive to the subtle nuances of meaning and richness of reference in Dante’s epic poem. Here for the first time is the single-volume edition of Singleton’s celebrated translation.This beautifully illustrated book brings together all three volumes of Dante’s poem, describing his travels down to the circles of Hell, up over the mountain of Purgatory, and his ultimate ascension through the celestial spheres of Paradise. Dante’s divine tour provides a timeless allegory for the journey of one’s soul toward union with God.Featuring an incisive introduction by Simone Marchesi, a glossary,
Penguin Books Ltd The Comedy of Dante Alighieri: Hell
Guided by the poet Virgil, Dante plunges to the very depths of Hell and embarks on his arduous journey towards God. Together they descend through the nine circles of the underworld and encounter the tormented souls of the damned - from heretics and pagans to gluttons, criminals and seducers - who tell of their sad fates and predict events still to come in Dante’s life. In this first part of his Divine Comedy, Dante fused satire and humour with intellect and soaring passion to create an immortal Christian allegory of mankind’s search for self-knowledge and spiritual enlightenment.
Casa Editrice Leo S. Olschki Quaestio de Aqua Et Terra
Planeta Publishing Divina Comedia
Nikol Verlagsges.mbH Die Göttliche Komödie mit über 100 Illustrationen
Anaconda Verlag Die gttliche Komdie Illustrierte IrisLEINENAusgabe
Reclam Philipp Jun. La Commedia Die Göttliche Komödie
Reclam Philipp Jun. La Commedia Die Göttliche Komödie
HarperCollins Focus Inferno The Gothic Chronicles Collection
There is no greater sorrow than to be mindful of the happy time in misery. Dante Alighieri''s Inferno, the first Canticle in the epic poetic masterpiece The Divine Comedy, is now available in an exquisite hardcover edition featuring a striking cover and distinctive interior design elements, making it ideal for fiction lovers, fans of horror and allegorical literature, and book collectors. Each collectible volume will be the perfect addition to any well-appointed library.Harper Muse Classics: The Gothic Chronicles Collection presents Dante''s Inferno: Presents the fascinating and haunting allegory of a narrator (Dante himself, guided by the ancient Roman poet Virgil) who journeys through the nine concentric circles of Hell, each level increasing in despair and wickedness Explores such universal themes as the necessity for piety, the ramifications of sin, the inherent dangers of fame, the tension be
OM Books International The Divine Comedy: The Originals
Alma Books Ltd The Divine Comedy: Anniversary Edition: Newly Translated and Annotated with illustrations by Gustave Dore
Dante’s dramatic journey down the circles of Hell, up the mountain of Purgatory and through the spheres of Heaven in search of redemption – and his encounter with devils, monsters and the souls of sinners and saints – is one of the cornerstones of Western literature, the summit of medieval thinking and arguably the highest poetic achievement of all time. This 700th Anniversary Edition of The Divine Comedy is presented in a verse translation by acclaimed poet and prize-winning translator J.G. Nichols, together with extensive notes, illustrations by Gustave Doré and a critical apparatus focusing on the author’s life and works.
Casa Editrice Leo S. Olschki Le Terze Rime Di Dante: Lo'nferno E'l Pvrgatorio E'l Paradiso Di Dante Alaghieri
FISCHER Taschenbuch Die Gttliche Komdie
Everyman The Divine Comedy
This edition prints all three parts of Dante's great poem about the journey of the soul - INFERNO, PURGATORIO and PARADISO - in the recent English translation by Allen Mandelbaum, with an introduction and explanatory notes on each canto by the noted Dante scholar, Peter Armour. This is the only reasonably priced hardback edition of one of the world's greatest masterworks and should prove to be the most accessible for students and general readers alike. It includes Botticelli's glorious and relatively unknown illustrations of THE DIVINE COMEDY, drawn in the 1480s.
Dover Publications Inc. Paradiso
Devoted Publishing The Divine Comedy: Longfellow Edition
HarperCollins Publishers Inferno (Collins Classics)
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. ‘There is no greater sorrow then to recall our times of joy in wretchedness.’ Considered one of the greatest medieval poems written in the common vernacular of the time, Dante’s Inferno begins on Good Friday in the year 1300. As he wanders through a dark forest, Dante loses his way and stumbles across the ghost of the poet Virgil. Virgil promises to lead him back to the top of the mountain, but to do so, they must pass through Hell, encountering all manner of shocking horrors, sins and evil torments along the way, evoking questions about God’s justice, human behaviour and Christianity.
Penguin Books Ltd The Divine Comedy & Paradise
In Paradise, having plunged to the uttermost depths of Hell and climbed the Mount of Purgatory, Dante ascends to Heaven, continuing his soul's search for God, guided by his beloved Beatrice. As he progresses through the spheres of Paradise he grows in understanding, until he finally experiences divine love in the radiant presence of the deity. Examining eternal questions of faith, desire and enlightenment, Dante exercised all his learning and wit, wrath and tenderness in his creation of one of the greatest of all Christian allegories.
Focus Publishing/R Pullins & Co Dante: Purgatorio
Alma Books Ltd Vita Nuova: Dual Language
The Vita Nuova, with its unusual blend of prose and poetry, is universally recognized as Dante’s early masterpiece and provides an indispensable prequel to The Divine Comedy. Set in thirteenth-century Florence, part autobiography and part religious allegory, it traces Dante’s quest to find a poetic idiom worthy of Beatrice, whom he had loved since boyhood. Her premature death plunges him into an emotional turmoil that finds release only through his faith in her continuing spiritual influence and through his determination “to write of her what has never been written of any woman”. The Vita Nuova remains a central document in European culture’s examination of love and the self. It is a hundred and fifty years since Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s groundbreaking version of the Vita Nuova. Now Anthony Mortimer, already acclaimed as translator of Cavalcanti, Petrarch and Michelangelo, produces a verse translation that avoids Rossetti’s disturbing archaisms but preserves a lyric immediacy worthy of the original. This is a Vita Nuova for the twenty-first century.
Wordsworth Editions Ltd The Divine Comedy
Translated by H. F. Cary With an introduction by Claire Honess. Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) is one of the most important and innovative figures of the European Middle Ages. Writing his Comedy (the epithet Divine was added by later admirers) in exile from his native Florence, he aimed to address a world gone astray both morally and politically. At the same time, he sought to push back the restrictive rules which traditionally governed writing in the Italian vernacular, to produce a radically new and all-encompassing work. The Comedy tells of the journey of a character who is at one and the same time both Dante himself and Everyman through the three realms of the Christian afterlife: Hell, Purgatory and Heaven. He presents a vision of the afterlife which is strikingly original in its conception, with a complex architecture and a coherent structure. On this journey Dante's protagonist - and his reader - meet characters who are variously noble, grotesque, beguiling, fearful, ridiculous, admirable, horrific and tender, and through them he is shown the consequences of sin, repentance and virtue, as he learns to avoid Hell and, through cleansing in Purgatory, to taste the joys of Heaven.
Reclam Philipp Jun. La Commedia. Inferno Purgatorio Paradiso
Insel Verlag GmbH Die Gttliche Komdie
Outlook Verlag La Divina Commedia di Dante; Complete: in caratteri grandi
Legare Street Press La Divina Comedia
Penguin Books Ltd The Divine Comedy: Purgatory
Beginning with Dante's liberation from Hell, Purgatory relates his ascent, accompanied by Virgil, of the Mount of Purgatory - a mountain of nine levels, formed from rock forced upwards when God threw Satan into depths of the earth. As he travels through the first seven levels, Dante observes the sinners who are waiting for their release into Paradise, and through these encounters he is himself transformed into a stronger and better man. For it is only when he has learned from each of these levels that he can ascend to the gateway to Heaven: the Garden of Eden. The second part of one of the greatest epic poems, Purgatory is an enthralling Christian allegory of sin, redemption and ultimate enlightenment.
Canongate Books PARADISE: Dante's Divine Trilogy Part Three. Englished in Prosaic Verse by Alasdair Gray
'Reveals Gray's powers of insight and invention' Guardian'One of the most vital retellings of the poem to date' SpectatorDante, now guided by Beatrice, faces the final third of his epic journey through the wheels of divine justice. Yet as he passes through the spheres of Heaven, he struggles with his faith, striving to understand the scales of good and evil that determine the fate of a human soul.The final book from Alasdair Gray, Paradise is a fitting conclusion to his own irreplaceable body of work, as well as to his masterful retelling of Dante's trilogy.