Search results for ""Author Arturo Perez-Reverte""
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El asedio / The Siege
Debolsillo Falco
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Revolución / Revolution
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Dreimal im Leben
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El italiano / The Italian
Harpervia The Club Dumas
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El oro del rey / The King's Gold
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El capitán Alatriste / Captain Alatriste
Orion Publishing Co The King's Gold
In this fourth instalment, Captain Alatriste becomes involved in a mission to save the King of Spain's gold... Swashbuckling adventure and high octane action.The year is 1626, and a battle-weary Captain Alatriste and his companions sail home from the on-going war in Flanders. He returns to a Spain that is rotten to the core, as gold from the Americas floods into the port of Seville, brought by the country's infamous treasure fleet.As various factions within the Court vie for supremacy, certain interests are creaming off undeclared profits from the galleons' cargo, thus depriving the royal treasury of its lifeblood. Indeed some of the booty is finding its way into the hands of the same rebel provinces Spain is fighting to suppress.The King and his most trusted advisor, the Count-Duke Olivares, have become aware of one such plot and have decided to teach the perpetrator a lesson. Once more, they must call upon Captain Alatriste's blade in a dangerous adventure that will bring the captain face to face with his nemesis, and with a ruthless man who has designs on the throne...
Orion Publishing Co The Sun Over Breda: The Adventures Of Captain Alatriste
The third in the bestselling Captain Alatriste series.Flanders, 1625. After his tussles with the Inquisition and the intrigue of the Spanish court, Captain Alatriste has returned to the mud and desperation of the long war in Flanders. This is Iñigo's first experience of war and the realities of hand to hand combat. It is on the battlefield that he will finally have the chance to become a man and prove his worth.The troops are weary and ill-nourished and the winter has been long. As Spain sinks ever further into depravity and corruption, the soldiers have not been paid and must survive by whatever ways they can. Mutiny is in the air, but the Spaniards are strong and their famous iron discipline has brought them many victories against the Calvinist forces of the heretics. Reputation, honour, and the glory of Spain will keep them in the fight, but for how long? Meanwhile, the Captain's trusted friend Quevedo's star is rising at court and he keeps Alatriste appraised of the machinations of his arch-enemy Luis de Alquézar and the notorious assassin with the black heart, Gualterio Malatesta.
Debolsillo Un dia de colera A Day of Anger
Debolsillo El asedio / The Siege
UN HOMBRE, TRES MUJERES Y UNA REVOLUCIÓN.UN VIAJE AL CORAZÓN HUMANO Y A LA AVENTURA.UNO DE LOS LIBROS DEL AÑO SEGÚN EL CORREOLa etapa creativa que está atravesando Arturo Pérez-Reverte resulta asombrosa. [Revolución es] la mejor novela de Pérez-Reverte? Al menos y sin duda, una de las mejores.Sergio Vila-Sanjuán, La VanguardiaÉsta es la historia de un hombre, tres mujeres, una revolución y un tesoro. La revolución fue la de México en tiempos de Emiliano Zapata y Francisco Villa. El tesoro fueron quince mil monedas de oro de a veinte pesos de las denominadas maximilianos, robadas en un banco de Ciudad Juárez el 8 de mayo de 1911. El hombre se llamaba Martín Garret Ortiz y era un joven ingeniero de minas español. Todo empezó para él ese mismo día, cuando desde su hotel oyó un primer disparo lejano. Salió a la calle para ver qué ocurría y a partir de ese momento su vida cambió para siempre...Revolución es m
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La carta esférica / The Nautical Chart
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Hombres buenos / Good Men
DEBOLSILLO Linea de fuego
Espanol Santillana Universidad de Salamanca Revolucion
Penguin Putnam Inc Queen of the South
Debolsillo El Club Dumas The Club Dumas
La gran novela de Arturo Pérez-Reverte que abrió el camino del éxito internacional a los thrillers inspirados en el mundo de los libros.¿Puede un libro ser investigado policialmente como si de un crimen se tratara, utilizando como pistas sus páginas, papel, grabados y marcas de impresión, en un apasionante recorrido de tres siglos?.Lucas Corso, mercenario de la bibliofilia, cazador de libros por cuenta ajena, debe encontrar respuesta a esa pregunta cuando recibe un doble encargo de sus clientes: autentificar un manuscrito de Los tres mosqueteros y descifrar el enigma de un extraño libro, quemado en 1667 con el hombre que lo imprimió.La indagación arrastra a Corso -y con él, irremediablemente, al lector- a una peligrosa búsqueda que lo llevará de los archivos del Santo Oficio a los libros condenados, de las polvorientas librerías de viejo a las más selectas bibliotec
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El sol de Breda / The Sun Over Breda
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Limpieza de sangre / Purity of Blood
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El húsar / The Hungarian Soldier
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Sabotaje (Spanish Edition)
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La sombra del águila/ The Shadow of the Eagle
Insel Verlag GmbH Der Tod den man stirbt Roman
Insel Verlag GmbH Der Preis den man zahlt
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El puente de los asesinos / Cross the Assassin's Bridge
Orion Publishing Co The Man In The Yellow Doublet: The Adventures Of Captain Alatriste
Captain Alatriste returns in a swashbuckling tale of intrigue, romance and regicide.Captain Alatriste's affair with the beautiful actress Maria de Castro is rankling not only his long-term mistress but also the King of Spain. With loyal companion Inigo distracted by the affections of Angelica, Alatriste becomes embroiled in a series of tussles outside his lover's house. Ambushed by arch-nemesis Malatesta, a skirmish ensues that leads to the death of Maria's other lover - the monarch himself. But behind this tale of sexual jealousy lurks a darker truth. As it becomes clear that both Alatriste and Inigo have been cunningly honey trapped - and that the dead man was an impostor. With a puppet king waiting dutifully in the wings, Alatriste must use all his cunning and swordsmanly guile to prevent the murder of the real king - and his implication in a crime for which he has been perfectly framed.
Orion Publishing Co The Painter Of Battles
A compelling tale of art, love and war...A man lives alone in a watchtower by the sea. On the circular walls of the tower he is painting a grand mural - the timeless landscape of a battle. He is a former war photographer, and the painting is his attempt to capture the photo he was never able to take; to encapsulate, in an instant, the meaning of war. But one day a stranger knocks on his door and announces that he has come to kill him. The man is a shadow from his past, one of the myriad faces of war, and now the consequences of his actions are brought home to him. As the novel progresses, the story of both the soldier and the artist emerge, entwined with a doomed love affair, and the progress of a painting that is infused with the history of art.Intense and turbulent this is a book about art, war, love and the human capacity for both violence and empathy. It asks very profound questions about human nature and the role of the artist, but it is also has the intensity of a psychological thriller as the painter trades stories with the man who has come to kill him - like the Knight playing chess with Death in the Seventh Seal....
Orion Publishing Co Captain Alatriste: A swashbuckling tale of action and adventure
A thrilling,swashbuckling adventure series starring the Spanish D'ArtagnanCaptain Alatriste is a swordsman for hire in Spain at a timewhen Court intrigue is high and the decadent young king has dragged the countryinto a series of disastrous wars. As a hired blade, Alatriste becomes involvedin many political plots and must live by his wits. He comes face to face withhired assassins, court players, political moles, smugglers, pirates and ofcourse, the infamous Spanish Inquisition...Introducing Iñigo Balboa, Alatriste's young page; Quevedo, asubversive poet who likes to start fights in the local tavern, the elegantCount of Guadalmedina, and the beautiful but deadly Angelica de Alquezar,CAPTAIN ALATRISTE is a thrilling tale of adventure and intrigue that will appealto anyone who enjoyed The Three Musketeers.
Vintage Publishing The Seville Communion
Murderous goings-on in a tiny church draw the Vatican into the dark heart of Seville. A hacker gets into the Pope's personal computer to leave a warning about mysterious deaths in a small church in Seville that is threatened with demolition. Father Quart, a suave Vatican troubleshooter is sent to investigate. Experience has taught him to deal with enemies of the Church in all their guises, but nothing has prepared him for the stubborn faith of Father Ferro, or the appeal of the lovely Macarena Bruner, desperate to save the church and her ancestors from her ex-husband, the ruthless banker Pencho Gavira. As Quart is drawn into an intrigue as labyrinthine as the streets of Seville, soon more than his vocation is in danger.
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El tango de la guardia vieja / What We Become: A Novel
EL MEJOR LIBRO DEL AÑO 2019 PARA LA CRÍTICA Y LOS LECTORESNo tenía patria ni rey, sólo un puñado de hombres fieles.No tenían hambre de gloria, sólo hambre.Así nace un mito.Así se cuenta una leyenda.En él se funden de un modo fascinante la aventura, la historia y la leyenda. Hay muchos Cid en la tradición española, y éste es el mío.Arturo Pérez-ReverteEl arte del mando era tratar con la naturaleza humana, y él había dedicado su vida a aprenderlo. Colgó la espada del arzón, palmeó el cuello cálido del animal y echó un vistazo alrededor: sonidos metálicos, resollar de monturas, conversaciones en voz baja. Aquellos hombres olían a estiércol de caballo, cuero, aceite de armas, sudor y humo de leña.Rudos en las formas, extraordinariamente complejos en instintos e intuiciones, eran guerreros y nunca habían pretendido ser otra cosa. Resignados ante el azar, fatalistas sobre la vida y la muerte, obedecían de modo natur
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Los barcos se pierden en tierra / Ships are Lost Ashore
Debolsillo La tabla de Flandes
Espanol Santillana Universidad de Salamanca La Guerra Civil contada a los jovenes (edicion escolar)
Espanol Santillana Universidad de Salamanca La tabla de Flandes
Alfaguara Territorio comanche
"Para un reportero en una guerra, territorio comanche es el lugar donde el instinto dice que pares el coche y des media vuelta& donde siempre parece a punto de anochecer y caminas pegado a las paredes, hacia los tiros que suenan a lo lejos, mientras escuchas el ruido de tus pasos sobre los cristales rotos.El suelo de las guerras está siempre descubierto de cristales rotos. Territorio comanche es allí donde los oyes crujir bajo tus botas, y aunque no ves a nadie sabes que te están mirando.? Web oficial de Arturo Pérez-Reverte
Alfaguara Un asunto de honor
Era la más linda Cenicienta que vi nunca. Tenía dieciséis años, un libro de piratas bajo la almohada y, como en los cuentos, una hermanastra mala que había vendido su virginidad al portugués Almeida, quien a su vez pretendía revendérsela a don Máximo Larreta, propietario de construcciones Larreta y de la funeraria Hasta Luego.Un día veré el mar decía la niña, también como en los cuentos, mientras pasaba la fregona por el suelo del puticlub. Y soñaba con un cocinero cojo y una isla, y un loro que gritaba no sé qué murga sobre piezas de a ocho.Y te llevará un príncipe azul en su yate se le choteaba la Nati, que tenía muy mala leche. No te jode.Relato corto, cuento breve, Un asunto de honor es una moderna historia de hadas y piratas, de buenos y malos, escrita con una acción trepidante y un humor agridulce y desesperado.
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Sidi: Un relato de frontera /Sidi: A Story of Border Towns
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El pintor de batallas / The Painter of Battles
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La carta esférica / The Nautical Chart
Debolsillo Falco Spanish Edition
Arturo Pérez-Reverte regresa con un libro protagonizado por su personaje más fascinante desde el capitán Alatriste.Violencia, tramas de poder, suspense, lealtad y pasión conforman esta extraordinaria novela de lectura adictiva.«El mundo de Falcó era otro, y allí los bandos estaban perfectamente definidos: de una parte él, y de la otra todos los demás.»La Europa turbulenta de los años treinta y cuarenta del siglo XX es el escenario de las andanzas de Lorenzo Falcó, ex contrabandista de armas, espía sin escrúpulos, agente de los servicios de inteligencia. Durante el otoño de 1936, mientras la frontera entre amigos y enemigos se reduce a una línea imprecisa y peligrosa, Falcó recibe el encargo de infiltrarse en una difícil misión que podría cambiar el curso de la historia de España. Un hombre y dos muj
Orion Publishing Co Pirates of the Levant: The Adventures of Captain Alatriste
Captain Alatriste's latest adventure - a story of skirmishes, privateers, boarded ships, swords and sackings.'This was a time where Spain was revered, feared and hated in the easterly seas; where the devil had no colour, no name and no flag, and where the only thing needed to summon hell on earth (or sea for that matter) was a Spaniard and his sword'Alatriste is back - this time on the high seas! Accompanied by his faithful companion Inigo, the captain joins a Spanish galleon and sets sail from Naples towards the east on a journey that will take them to Melilla, Oran, and finally Malta where they must struggle against the Turk. On board they will have many adventures, including an encounter with The Moor Gurriato. Now seventeen, Inigo is still in love with Angelica but will wisdom come with age and experience?
Orion Publishing Co Purity of Blood: The Adventures of Captain Alatriste
The second 'Captain Alatriste' novel, from a series which has sold 4 million copies worldwideA woman has been found in a sedan chair in front of a church, strangled. In her hand is a pouch containing fifty escudos and a handwritten - but unsigned - note bearing the words 'For masses for her soul'. The chief constable Martin Saldana confides in his old friend and comrade in arms, Diego Alatriste. Still in danger from the powerful enemies he made in his first adventure, Captain Alatriste is considering returning to Flanders where the war has just resumed. But first, his old friend Quevedo asks him for a favour. The daughter of one of his friends must be rescued from a convent, which certain 'priests' seem to be treating as little more than a harem. Then the woman who brought the girl to the convent goes missing and the connection is made to the murder at the church. It seems that Alatriste's sword is required once more.
Vintage Publishing The Dumas Club
A well-know bibliophile is found hanged days after selling a rare manuscript of Alexander Dumas's classic, The Three Musketeers. Across Madrid, Spain's wealthiest book dealer has finally laid his hands on a 17th-century manual for summoning the devil. Lucas Corso, solitary and obsessive, is the detective hired to authenticate both texts. But the further he follows the trail of devil worship, the more it leads him back to Dumas. He's the unwitting protagonist in someone's evil plot, but is he sleuth or hero, Sherlock Holmes or d'Artagnan?
Debolsillo Territorio Comanche / Comanche Territory
Debolsillo Sidi