Search results for ""Academia""
Qué quieres ser de mayor?Te interesa la medicina? Quieres saber cómo funciona un hospital? Te gustaría ser doctor o doctora?Si la respuesta es sí, matricúlate en la Academia de Medicina. Aprenderás para qué sirven los órganos y los huesos, cómo tomar el pulso o hacer un cabestrillo, cómo funciona la máquina de rayos X, y descubrirás muchas cosas sobre enfermedades y tratamientos.Gracias a sus actividades, cuestionarios, juegos y pegatinas, este manual es perfecto para entusiastas de la medicina.Así que coge tu estetoscopio y prepárate para completar un montón de tareas. Empieza tu formación!
Acadèmia de MEDICINA
Què vols ser quan siguis gran?Us interessa la medicina? Voleu saber com funciona un hospital? Us agradaria ser metge o metgessa?Si la resposta és que sí, per què no us apunteu a l?Acadèmia de Medicina? Aprendreu per a què serveixen els òrgans i els ossos, com prendre el pols o fer un cabestrell, com funciona la màquina de raigs X i descobrireu un munt de coses sobre malalties i tractaments.Amb jocs, reptes i tot d?activitats divertides, aquest manual és la introducció ideal a la medicina per a la canalla.Així doncs, agafeu l?estetoscopi i prepareu-vos per enllestir un munt de tasques. Comença la vostra formació!
Què vols ser quan siguis gran?Us agrada experimentar, fer proves, construir i descobrir? Us agradaria ser científics o científiques?Si la resposta és que sí, per què no us apunteu a l?Acadèmia de Ciència? Aprendreu a fer preguntes i resoldre dubtes, a dur a terme experiments, a recollir proves i registrar dades, a provocar una reacció química, a fer observacions minucioses, i moltes coses més!Gràcies a les seves activitats, trencaclosques, jocs i adhesius, aquest manual és perfecte per a entusiastes de la biologia, la química i la física. Així que agafeu les vostres ulleres protectores i les vostres bates de laboratori i prepareu-vos per investigar i realitzar un munt de tasques.Comença la vostra formació!
Real Academia de la Historia Madrid desde la Academia.
Academia de puterío
Todas hemos pensado en algún momento que sería guay que alguien nos enseñara a ser libres, fuertes e independientes. Si conoces a LadyMarrdita, seguro que tú también has pensado que, si abriera una Academia, te apuntarías sin dudarlo. Pues estás de suerte porque? la Academia de puterío abre sus puertas!Marrdita vive en Madrid con su amiga Lara y trabaja de influencer mientras pasa de tío en tío según le apetece. Lo que menos esperaría sería acabar montando una Academia con diez mujeres, de todas las edades y circunstancias, pendientes de ella para aprender a no dejarse mangonear por los hombres. Y, aún menos, que las clases fueran en el bar Libertad, donde les espera, cada semana y con una sonrisa, un camarero buenorro dispuesto a poner la vida (y las bragas) de Marrdita del revés.Conseguirán las chicas de la Academia superar sus problemas y ser más libres? Conseguirá David, el camarero, conquistar el corazón de Marrdita?Y lo más importante... de qui
Academia de COCINA
Qué quieres ser de mayor?Te gusta cocinar, probar y descubrir? Sueñas con dirigir tu propia cocina? Te gustaría ser chef?Si la respuesta es sí, apúntate a la Academia de Cocina. Aprenderás a preparar platos de aspecto y sabor delicioso, a reconocer los distintos sabores, a probar nuevas maneras de cocinar, a seguir recetas y a planificar una carta.Con sus juegos, cuestionarios, pegatinas y actividades, este manual es una introducción perfecta al mundo de la cocina. Así que ponte el delantal y prepárate para cocinar y completar un montón de tareas. Empieza tu formación!Una profesión por descubrir!
Columbia University Press Mothers in Academia
Featuring forthright testimonials by women who are or have been mothers as undergraduates, graduate students, academic staff, administrators, and professors, Mothers in Academia intimately portrays the experiences of women at various stages of motherhood while theoretically and empirically considering the conditions of working motherhood as academic life has become more laborious. As higher learning institutions have moved toward more corporate-based models of teaching, immense structural and cultural changes have transformed women's academic lives and, by extension, their families. Hoping to push reform as well as build recognition and a sense of community, this collection offers several potential solutions for integrating female scholars more wholly into academic life. Essays also reveal the often stark differences between women's encounters with the academy and the disparities among various ranks of women working in academia. Contributors-including many women of color-call attention to tokenism, scarce valuable networks, and the persistent burden to prove academic credentials. They also explore gendered parenting within the contexts of colonialism, racism, sexism, ethnocentrism, ageism, and heterosexism.
Qué quieres ser de mayor?Te gusta experimentar, probar, construir y descubrir? Te gustaría ser científico o científica?Si la respuesta es sí, matricúlate en la Academia de Ciencia. Aprenderás a formular preguntas y resolver enigmas, a realizar experimentos, a recoger pruebas y tomar notas, a provocar una reacción química, y mucho más.Gracias a sus actividades, rompecabezas, juegos y pegatinas, este manual es perfecto para entusiastas de la biología, la química y la física. Así que coge tus gafas protectoras y tu bata de laboratorio, y prepárate para investigar y completar un montón de tareas.Empieza tu formación!
Què vols ser quan siguis gran?Us encanten els animals i seria un somni treballar-hi? Us agradaria ser veterinari o veterinària?Si la resposta és que sí, per què no us apunteu a l?Acadèmia de Veterinària? Aprendreu a tenir cura dels animals perquè gaudeixin de bona salut, a descobrir quina malaltia tenen o a protegir les cries quan acaben de néixer. Haureu d?observar molt bé els animals, tenir paciència i mostrar-vos amables per tractar-los.Amb jocs, reptes i tot d?activitats divertides, aquest manual és la introducció ideal a la veterinària per a la canalla que estima els animals. Així que agafeu el fonendoscopi i prepareu-vos per realitzar un munt de tasques.Comença la vostra formació!
Academia Minerva
I Premio Fandom de Novela JuvenilEn el principio, Minerva trajo la magia core, que se alimenta de emociones y recuerdos. Pero le decepcionó el uso que hicimos de ella, así que le puso precio y nos dio la magia mense, refinada y con peligrosas consecuencias, y creó las academias para aprender a controlarla. En ellas solo estudian las brujas más dignas, descendientes de las escogidas por Minerva. Al menos, eso dicen ellas.Diana no se lo cree, y piensa usar su beca en la Academia Minerva para mejorar la situación de las familias humildes como la suya y destronar a las nobles como Álex de la Encina, su rica y prepotente compañera de cuarto.Álex de la Encina guarda un secreto: alguien de la Academia está embrujando el tiempo. Esos hechizos están prohibidos por una buena razón; crean efectos secundarios mágicos, llamados nosencias, capaces de detener el tiempo, de repetirlo o de borrar recuerdos a su paso. Álex se ha propuesto resolverlo antes de que alguien (o la reputación
Academia kimetsu
Llega el tercer tomo de esta caótica comedia estudiantil! Que si toca limpiar la sala de profesores, que si hay una batalla de calabazas en Halloween... En la academia Kimetsu, un centro educativo privado que abarca desde primaria hasta bachillerato, no hay nunca un momento de descanso. Y, entre todo este ajetreo de clases y extraescolares, va Kanao y pierde su adorno del pelo! Cómo lo hará para recuperar ese preciado objeto que le regalaron sus hermanas Kanae y Shinobu?
My Hero Academia 16
Parece que Midoriya, Kirishima, Uraraka y Asui van a participar en un plan de asalto junto a héroes profesionales. Kirishima, sé que tus compañeros pueden confiar en ti porque estás dispuesto a arriesgarlo todo por ellos. Tú vales!! Plus ultra (más allá)!
Planeta DeAgostini Cómics My Hero Academia 9
Prh Grupo Editorial La academia The Academy
Carlsen Verlag GmbH My Hero Academia 13
Carlsen Verlag GmbH My Hero Academia 18
Carlsen Verlag GmbH My Hero Academia 14
Carlsen Verlag GmbH My Hero Academia 11
Carlsen Verlag GmbH My Hero Academia Kritzelkurs
Planeta DeAgostini Cómics My Hero Academia 2
Estamos en un mundo donde abundan los superhéroes (y los supervillanos). Los mejores humanos son entrenados en la Academia de Héroes para optimizar sus poderes. Entre la minoria normal, sin poder alguno, aparece Izuku Midoriya, dispuesto a ser una excepción y formarse en la Academia para convertirse en un héroe.
Titan Books Ltd The Dark Academia Library
Step into the world of Dark Academia with this stunningly presented box set featuring three vivid and mesmerising titles from the best in the genre. Perfect for collectors, novices, and graduates of the dark academy alike.
Planeta DeAgostini Cómics My hero academia 13
Comienza la última prueba del examen para obtener la licencia provisional: un simulacro de rescate! Hay que ser rápidos al controlar la situación y saber cómo actuar! Creo que lo más importante es la coordinación con los compañe... Booom! Qué!? Un villano cerca del puesto de primeros auxilios!? Debo apresurarme en llegar hasta allí como refuerzo. Plus ultra (más allá)!
Carlsen Verlag GmbH My Hero Academia 38
Carlsen Verlag GmbH My Hero Academia 37
Carlsen Verlag GmbH My Hero Academia 33
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Little Witch Academia 3
Carlsen Verlag GmbH My Hero Academia 17
Qué quieres ser de mayor?Te gustan los animales y sueñas con trabajar con ellos? Te gustaría ser veterinaria o veterinario?Si la respuesta es sí, matricúlate en la Academia de Veterinaria. Aprenderás a cuidar a los animales para que estén sanos, descubrirás qué les pasa cuando están enfermos, aprenderás a cuidar a las crías para que se desarrollen bien. Tendrás que observar mucho a los animales y tener paciencia y cariño para tratarlos.Con sus juegos, cuestionarios y actividades divertidas, este manual es una introducción perfecta al mundo de la veterinaria para amantes de los animales. Así que coge tu estetoscopio y tu bata blanca, y prepárate para completar un montón de tareas.Empieza tu formación!
Troubador Publishing Women in Academia
Women in academia earn less and are less likely to be published, cited, funded or promoted compared with male colleagues. Using her own experience, and reflecting a Positive Psychology Approach, Watson puts forward ideas to promote awareness of women in academia to engage with behaviours and activities that contribute to successful academic careers, underpinned by evidence, theory and the experience of 25 international scholars (female and male) from a wide range of disciplines.Women in Academia provides a rare insight into the inner workings of academia, focussing primarily on what women could do as individuals to enhance their potential. This book makes a positive contribution to the navigation and development of careers for women in academia. It summarizes the valuable combined experience of the author and the 25 scholars. Tangible lessons in career development are presented using a variety of methods including case studies which are insi
Què vols ser quan siguis gran?Us agrada cuinar, descobrir i fer tastets? El vostresomni és dirigir una cuina pròpia? Us agradaria ser xefs? Si la resposta és que sí, per què no us apunteu a l?Acadèmia de Cuina?Aprendreu a preparar plats d?aspecte i sabor deliciós, a conèixer gustos diferents, a provar noves maneres de cuinar, a seguir receptes, a pensar un menú, i moltes coses més! Amb jocs, reptes i tot d?activitats divertides, aquest manual és la introducció ideal al món de la cuina per a la canalla.Així que agafeu el davantal i prepareu-vos per cuinar i realitzar un munt de tasques. Comença la vostra formació!
Princeton University Press Leaving Academia: A Practical Guide
An indispensable guide for grad students and academics who want to find fulfilling careers outside higher educationAn estimated ninety-three percent of graduate students in the humanities and social sciences won’t get a tenure-track job, yet many still assume that a tenured professorship is the only successful outcome for a PhD. With the academic job market in such crisis, Leaving Academia helps grad students and academics in any scholarly field find satisfying careers beyond higher education. Short and pragmatic, the book offers invaluable advice to visiting and adjunct instructors ready to seek new opportunities, to scholars caught in “tenure-trap” jobs, to grad students interested in nonacademic work, and to committed academics who want to support their students and contingent colleagues more effectively.After earning a PhD in classics from the University of Virginia and teaching at Tulane, Christopher Caterine left academia for a job at a corporate consulting firm. During his career transition, he went on more than 150 informational interviews and later interviewed twelve other professionals who had left higher education for diverse fields. Drawing on everything he learned, Caterine helps readers chart their own course to a rewarding new career. He addresses dozens of key issues, including overcoming psychological difficulties, translating academic experience for nonacademics, and meeting the challenges of a first job in a new field.Providing clear, concrete ways to move forward at each stage of your career change, even when the going gets tough, Leaving Academia is both realistic and filled with hope.
My Hero Academia n 18
Midoriya libera el 100% de la fuerza gracias al poder del rebobinado de Eri. Un héroe es... aquel que lucha por algo... o por alguien... Eso es! Seguro! Algún día yo también...!
My Hero Academia n 21
Los nômu vuelven a hacer de las suyas en plena ciudad! El padre de Todoroki lógicamente está preocupado por su hijo, y hace todo lo que puede. Seguro que sale bien! Hablamos de Endeavor, el número uno! Confiamos en él! Plus ultra (más allá)!
My Hero Academia n 37
Un manga de superhéroes espectacular.Adelante, héroes! No importa las veces que caigáis, es aquí y ahora cuando hay que derrotar a Shigaraki! No te rindas, Dynamight! Lo estás esperando... Y ya está aquí! Es Deku! No permitiremos que mueras! No tires la toalla, Edgeshot. Tú puedes hilar fino hasta ese futuro ideal con el que soñaste! Plus ultra!
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc My Hero Academia, Vol. 21
Midoriya inherits the superpower of the world’s greatest hero, but greatness won’t come easy. What would the world be like if 80 percent of the population manifested superpowers called “Quirks”? Heroes and villains would be battling it out everywhere! Being a hero would mean learning to use your power, but where would you go to study? The Hero Academy of course! But what would you do if you were one of the 20 percent who were born Quirkless? Class 1-A’s joint battle training with Class B continues! Class 1-A get the first win in the best-of-five series of all-out Quirk battles, but after some feedback from the teachers, the students square off again for a second round, and real rivalries form.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc My Hero Academia, Vol. 18
Midoriya inherits the superpower of the world’s greatest hero, but greatness won’t come easy. What would the world be like if 80 percent of the population manifested superpowers called “Quirks”? Heroes and villains would be battling it out everywhere! Being a hero would mean learning to use your power, but where would you go to study? The Hero Academy of course! But what would you do if you were one of the 20 percent who were born Quirkless? Midoriya is in the fight of his life—an all-out battle with Overhaul, who has unleashed all of his terrifying power. Midoriya is matching it with his own power, pushing One For All to 100 percent. Only by relying on Eri’s restoration Quirk can he hope to take down Overhaul. If Midoriya manages to walk away from this fight, his life will never be the same again…
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc My Hero Academia, Vol. 14
Midoriya inherits the superpower of the world’s greatest hero, but greatness won’t come easy. What would the world be like if 80 percent of the population manifested superpowers called “Quirks”? Heroes and villains would be battling it out everywhere! Being a hero would mean learning to use your power, but where would you go to study? The Hero Academy of course! But what would you do if you were one of the 20 percent who were born Quirkless? Summer vacation is over, and it’s back to school for the students of U.A. High! But before classes can get started, Midoriya and Bakugo need to settle a beef between them that’s been festering for a long time. Even if they can get past this bump in the road on the way to becoming superheroes, the hurdles just keep getting higher and higher—the hero work studies in the upcoming year will bring them even closer to their goal…or their destruction! Fun, action-packed story that takes inspiration from American superhero comics.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc My Hero Academia, Vol. 34
Midoriya inherits the superpower of the world’s greatest hero, but greatness won’t come easy.What would the world be like if 80 percent of the population manifested superpowers called “Quirks”? Heroes and villains would be battling it out everywhere! Being a hero would mean learning to use your power, but where would you go to study? The Hero Academy of course! But what would you do if you were one of the 20 percent who were born Quirkless?All For One’s will has taken root in Tomura’s mind, and this new entity is now a global threat. Even so, the United Nations is hesitant to dispatch heroes to Japan, but Star and Stripe—the U.S.A.’s number one hero—arrives to tackle this menace head-on. In the skies over the Pacific, the combatants size each other up, trying to gain an advantage, but there’s no telling who’ll be left standing after the dust settles on this epic duel…
Emerald Publishing Limited Emotional self-management in academia
Emotional Self-Management in Academia draws on new empirical research from academics' own personal accounts of emotional experiences from their everyday practice to illustrate how their emotional work is adapting in response to a constantly changing workplace. Marilena Antoniadou and Mark Crowder re-examine Hochschild's notion of emotional labour and combine it with emotion regulation strategies and emotional boundaries as utilised into the everyday practices of modern academics. Using illuminating accounts from academics working in the UK, US, Australia, Denmark, Greece and Cyprus, Emotional Self-Management in Academia emphasises that it is emotion – complex, messy and opaque – that drives academics' self-management, as shaped by contextual factors, such as organisational climate.Aimed at academic researchers and professionals, the chapters establish the context of contemporary emotion work and examine it specifically in higher education settings. This is a timely and engaging exploration of the emotional labour of academics today, set against a backdrop of managerial challenges and economic pressures of working in this sector.
Princeton University Press Leaving Academia: A Practical Guide
An indispensable guide for grad students and academics who want to find fulfilling careers outside higher educationAn estimated ninety-three percent of graduate students in the humanities and social sciences won’t get a tenure-track job, yet many still assume that a tenured professorship is the only successful outcome for a PhD. With the academic job market in such crisis, Leaving Academia helps grad students and academics in any scholarly field find satisfying careers beyond higher education. Short and pragmatic, the book offers invaluable advice to visiting and adjunct instructors ready to seek new opportunities, to scholars caught in “tenure-trap” jobs, to grad students interested in nonacademic work, and to committed academics who want to support their students and contingent colleagues more effectively.After earning a PhD in classics from the University of Virginia and teaching at Tulane, Christopher Caterine left academia for a job at a corporate consulting firm. During his career transition, he went on more than 150 informational interviews and later interviewed twelve other professionals who had left higher education for diverse fields. Drawing on everything he learned, Caterine helps readers chart their own course to a rewarding new career. He addresses dozens of key issues, including overcoming psychological difficulties, translating academic experience for nonacademics, and meeting the challenges of a first job in a new field.Providing clear, concrete ways to move forward at each stage of your career change, even when the going gets tough, Leaving Academia is both realistic and filled with hope.
Pluto Press Dark Academia: How Universities Die
'Fleming's books are sparklingly sardonic and hilariously angry' - Guardian There is a strong link between the neoliberalisation of higher education over the last 20 years and the psychological hell now endured by its staff and students. While academia was once thought of as the best job in the world - one that fosters autonomy, craft, intrinsic job satisfaction and vocational zeal - you would be hard-pressed to find a lecturer who believes that now. Peter Fleming delves into this new metrics-obsessed, overly hierarchical world to bring out the hidden underbelly of the neoliberal university. He examines commercialisation, mental illness and self-harm, the rise of managerialism, students as consumers and evaluators, and the competitive individualism which casts a dark sheen of alienation over departments. Arguing that time has almost run out to reverse this decline, this book shows how academics and students need to act now if they are to begin to fix this broken system.
My Hero Academia n 25
Desde el aterrador incidente cuando se manifestó el don de Tomura, solo el villano más grande de todos, All For One, ha podido hablarle al joven. Las consecuencias de esa fatídica reunión se desarrollan en el presente mientras Tomura y Re-Destro, el líder del Ejército de Liberación, luchan por la supremacía, y si se necesita nivelar una ciudad entera para decidir quién está en la cima, que así sea!
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc My Hero Academia Vol. 39
Midoriya inherits the superpower of the world’s greatest hero, but greatness won’t come easy.What would the world be like if 80 percent of the population manifested superpowers called “Quirks”? Heroes and villains would be battling it out everywhere! Being a hero would mean learning to use your power, but where would you go to study? The Hero Academy of course! But what would you do if you were one of the 20 percent who were born Quirkless?Endeavor and Dabi clash as the villain reaches critical mass, but Endeavor’s path to victory may also lead to his own destruction. Elsewhere, Ochaco tries to talk Himiko Toga down. She’ll have to find something inside Toga to appeal to before it’s too late. Both of these battles circle the main event—All Might versus All For One—in a showdown that’s been a long time coming. But All Might is a shadow of his former self—can he still go the distance?
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc My Hero Academia Vol. 37
Midoriya inherits the superpower of the world’s greatest hero, but greatness won’t come easy.What would the world be like if 80 percent of the population manifested superpowers called “Quirks”? Heroes and villains would be battling it out everywhere! Being a hero would mean learning to use your power, but where would you go to study? The Hero Academy of course! But what would you do if you were one of the 20 percent who were born Quirkless?The terrifying fusion of Tomura and All For One now seems unstoppable. Since the villains have the upper hand, even the president of the United States is considering the unthinkable—capitulating to Tomura. But Mirko, Edgeshot, and Jeanist are still on the scene, holding on for dear life. The heroes’ big plan was always to pit Midoriya against Tomura, and when the young hero finally arrives and sees what’s happened, all bets are off—Midoriya’s ready to face his deadly rival!
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc My Hero Academia, Vol. 19
Midoriya inherits the superpower of the world’s greatest hero, but greatness won’t come easy. What would the world be like if 80 percent of the population manifested superpowers called “Quirks”? Heroes and villains would be battling it out everywhere! Being a hero would mean learning to use your power, but where would you go to study? The Hero Academy of course! But what would you do if you were one of the 20 percent who were born Quirkless? In the wake of tragedy, Class 1-A prepares for the upcoming culture festival. While the students are busy planning for success, other forces are at work with their own agendas, and Midoriya, amid the preparations, continues to train with All Might. But when he runs into the failed hero Gentle Criminal, what lesson will he learn?