The racial and gender reckonings exemplified by the #BLM and #MeToo Movements shine light on biases that affect every part of life, including the workplace. An unspoken truth underlying the terrible events that fuel these movements-the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, acts of xenophobia against Asian people during the COVID-19 pandemic, the sexual violence perpetrated by Harvey Weinstein- is that people are being harassed, stereotyped, demeaned, and victimized in the context of work. Police officers and movie producers are perpetrators of terrible actions while they are working. What is happening in the American workplace to allow these events to unfold? And, of critical importance, what can leaders do to make lasting change?In this critical moment in our nation''s history, organizational leaders have the opportunity and obligation to build strategy and practice in support of diversity, equity, and inclusion. This book will help all leaders rise to the challenge by describing