- a thoroughly revised, updated and extended third edition containing the most cited economists from 1984-1996
- the only biographical dictionary of major economists to appear in any language
- provides critical information on over 1,000 living economists and some 500 deceased economists
- includes a country index and an index of major fields of work
- each of the more than 1,600 entries gives pertinent biographical data
This major reference work has been thoroughly revised, updated and extended for the third edition. It is the only biographical dictionary of major economists to appear in any language. As an extensive and authoritative guide to economists both past and present who have made a substantial contribution to the subject, it provides biographical, bibliographical and critical information on over one thousand living economists and some five hundred deceased economists.
Each of the entries gives pertinent biographical data, a select bibliography, an assessment of the economist's distinctive contribution and a listing of those critical studies important for an understanding of his or her work. One particularly useful aspect of the book is that the living entrants themselves provided data on what they believe to be their major contribution to economics, thus offering a unique self criticism of their work.
The living economists have been selected by the objective method of identifying the most frequently cited economists in the social sciences citation index. The entrants are not confined to economists working in the English language but include all major economists on a worldwide basis. The book includes a country index as well as an index of major fields of work.