Renowned interior designer Cathy Kincaid is known for her flawless sense of color and attention to detail for the warm, inviting, and gracious interiors that she creates. Kincaid s curator-like eye for collecting the perfect art and furnishings, her intricate layering of patterns, and the dressmaker details she applies to every room are hallmarks of her work. This design authority is also known for incorporating a subtle mix of styles effortlessly classic with contemporary, ornate with simple, refined with rustic. Presented are fifteen properties, ranging from luxurious high rises to rambling family houses in the country. The locations of the featured residences include Dallas, Texas; Old Lyme, Connecticut; and the South of France. Sprinkled throughout the book is advice on such topics as creating pleasing color palettes, layering patterns, attractive lighting and lampshades, and suggestions for how to edit one s home environment. Kincaid believes that good decoration is never stagnant. She cultivates relationships with everyone on a project from the architect to the lighting specialist, muralist, craftsman, landscape designer, and more.