A boy named Kaboku sees a girl named Wanda dance, and suddenly burns with a need to join in. With its thrilling scenes of Japanese hip-hop dance and quirky, charming characters, thisis a new, inspirational manga for fans of coming-of-age stories like Blue Period and Your Lie in April. Get up and join the Wandance!Whether good or bad, the spotlight shows all. It's time for Kabo and Ichirin to take the stage at the Dance Area regionals--but are they ready? Will Ichirin stand as one, or will the other teams--and their own doubts--pick them apart?Kabo is at the Dance Arena regional prelims, but he's not in them, and it hurts when he realizes he wishes he were. If he wants to be on the stage, he'll have to prove he belongs there, to both himself and his fellow dancers. Wanda comes up with a uniquely Wanda way of encouraging him--and whether she knows it or not, she might just help On-chan, too. Speaking of On-chan, being the president of a dance club comes with a lot of pressure, and On-cha