Prolific thriller writer Tetsuo "Ted" Takashima's engaging yarn presents a fresh perspective on the global refugee crisis. Captain Jadon Green has been labelled the Border Butcher after a terrible tragedy occurred between the US military and illegal immigrants who were forcing their entrance into the United States of America at the Mexico border wall. Resigned to a life of misery and loneliness after having lost not only his military career to a dishonourable discharge but also his family after his wife left him and took their daughter with her, Captain Green is offered the chance to redeem himself in the eyes of the country and his family. His new mission is to lead a Revolutionary Army and found a Nueva Cordova, a country where no citizen will ever have to flee. Along with Professor Luis - Cordova's only hope for rebirth - and his daughter Penelope, Captain Green's mission is on the brink of success when a bullet threatens to destroy it all. Will Nueva Cordova become a reality? AUTHOR: After working as a scientist for the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Ted Takashima moved to California, where he studied at the University of California. He has published more than twenty novels in the action/thriller/suspense/mystery genres in Japan. His novels include the action thriller Intruder, which won the 1999 Suntory Mystery Award, and Pandemic (2010), which foretold the global spread of COVID-19 in 2020.