Volumetric, or three-dimensional, digital imaging now plays a vital role in many areas of research such as medicine and geology. Medical images acquired by tomographic scanners for instance are often given as a stack of cross-sectional image slices. Such images are called ?volumetric? because they depict objects in their entire three-dimensional extent rather than just as a projection onto a two-dimensional image plane. Since huge amounts of volumetric data are continually being produced in many places around the world, techniques for their automatic analysis become ever more important. Written by a computer vision specialist, this clear, detailed account of volumetric image analysis techniques provides a practical approach to the field including the following topics:
- preprocessing of volumetric images
- obtaining quantitative measurements in volumetric images
- detection and modelling of objects in volumetric images
To students without prior knowledge of computer vision this book will serve as a self-contained comprehensive introduction. Experienced practitioners and researchers will find it a helpful reference and a source of high level case material.