Make better financial choices, reduce money anxiety, and grow your wealth
In Unbiased Investor: Reduce Financial Stress and Keep More of Your Money, Portfolio Manager at CIBC World Markets, Coreen Sol, delivers an inspiring and illuminating roadmap to investing success. In the book, you’ll explore the behavioral and psychological roadblocks to achieving optimal results from your portfolio and the strategies you can use to overcome them. You’ll learn to focus on basic economic principles—rather than harmful psychological biases—to reduce financial stress and reliably grow wealth.
The book also shows you how to:
- Recognize the decision-making shortcuts (heuristics) we use to navigate and understand the world around us
- Avoid counter-productive and ineffective risk-management strategies that decrease returns without mitigating risk
- Consider your own financial goals, personal preferences, and skills in the creation of a strategy to make good financial choices, consistently
A powerful and easy-to-follow handbook for everyday investors, Unbiased Investor shows readers from all kinds of background the foundational, straightforward behaviors and habits we need to embrace to realize financial security.