In the past few decades, gays and lesbians, along with theirfamilies, have become more visible members of Canadian society,enjoying increasing levels of legal recognition. In the area of legalparenthood, however, significant questions remain unanswered. InTransforming Law's Family, Fiona Kelly explores thecomplex issues encountered by planned lesbian families as they work todefine their parental rights, roles, and family structures within thetenets of family law.
While Canadian courts recognize lesbian parenthood in somecircumstances, a number of issues that are largely unique to plannedlesbian families – such as the legal status of known spermdonors and non-biological mothers – persist. Drawing oninterviews with lesbian mothers, this groundbreaking book illuminatesthe changing definitions of family and suggests a model for law reformthat would enable the legal recognition of alternative forms ofparentage.
The first empirical study in Canada to address the legal dimensions ofplanned lesbian families, this book makes an important contribution tofamily law, queer studies, and law reform literature.