The vast crowd that line the beflagged route to the Kremlin was, as in New York, friendly and cheering. ‘Welcome, Otherworld Visitors to the Land of Socialism!’ spelt out the banners, in big Cyrillic letters. ‘For Universal Peace and Free Scientific Exchanges!’ The chairman of the Supreme Soviet, Noriskin, followed closely along the pattern set by Dr Faradien when he introduced Rogard. And Rogard’s message of peace and goodwill, expressed in flawless Russian, once again met with loud and enthusiastic applause. The White People came from the planet Oxindu. They were highly intelligent and they came in peace. Or did they? This astonishing novel has been buried in the archives for over fifty years. Written by Michael Harmel in 1959, The White People deftly and presciently maps the state of the Earth in the middle of the Cold War, mirroring the struggles around the world for a common language, humanity and a way of lessening the environmental destruction of the planet.