For nearly three hundred years, the Vikings set out on voyages from Scandinavia reaching every corner of the northern world. As raiders, traders, explorers and colonizers, they had a profound impact on those cultures with which they came into contact. The archaeological evidence of their settlements, burials and hoards, as well as the literature of their later sagas reveal a complex and fascinating culture.
The Vikings represent a dramatic time in the history of northern Europe and their legacy forms an important part of the cultural heritage of Britain and Ireland. This book explores Viking raids, conquest and settlement across these islands from the end of the eighth century to the raids of Magnus Barelegs, king of Norway, around 1100, examining their impact, their towns and society, language, trading activities and beliefs.
Written by three authors specializing in a range of disciplines, and drawing on the superb collection of the British Museum, together with finds, sites and monuments, The Vikings in Britain and Ireland is a well-illustrated introduction to the culture, daily life and times of the Vikings, and their legacy which is still visible today.