Like so many, motivated by a quest for a Higher Reality', Johannes makes his way to India, the Motherload of spirituality. The introduction entitled Getting there', gives a brief, graphic description of his journey northwards, skilfully sketching out some key aspects of Indian life: colour, ancient tradition, poverty, diversity and humanity. Inspired by a long-term interest in Tibetan Buddhism, he makes his way to Kashmir, having booked a flight to Ladak. Deep snow scuppers the trip, and he encounters an unsuspected and hidden vein of Muslim spirituality, Sufism. Most of the book is then taken up with Johannes' diary which details, daily life, friendships, stunning descriptions of his environment, but above all, the teachings of the Sufi Master Amin. Leader of the Chistya Sufis, he was an independent, tolerant, and free-thinking individual, with far reaching interests and profound spiritual insights. It was his face that was truly striking. His head seemed massive, twice norm