A perennially popular book by a beloved authornow in an updated package with a new prefacesheds light on what the next life may have in store.
A book about living that will help readers see more beauty, feel more power, and know more love.
don Miguel Ruiz, international best-selling author of The Four Agreements
If the dead could speak, don't you wonder what they would say to those of us they've left behind? What would they tell us to soothe our sorrow for their loss, calm our fears of what happens when we die, and fire us up to live the best possible lives we can right now?
These are the questions New York Times best-selling author Mike Dooley seeks to answer in The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell Youand ten years after its initial release, it's still one of Mike's most popular and beloved books. In pages filled with wisdom, humor, and, yes, joy, Mike explores our most pressing and profound questions about the afte