Behind the doors of teachers' lounges, teachers share with each other. They share their frustrations and enjoyment. They also share stories about the students they serve. Sometimes these stories are meant to entertain, and at other times, these stories are designed to illustrate a message about the nature of students and the importance of teacher behaviours. Through the edited book volume, The Teachers' Lounge: Tales Told and Lessons Learned, the editors manage to capture the spirit of teacher communalism in print form. Fun, heart-warming, and even bewildering within-school tales are shared. Through the narratives presented, associated lessons are also shared. These lessons elevate new, as well as experienced, teacher capacity and encourage responsible teaching behaviours. Each chapter ends with questions and statements for reflection and discussion, creating a comprehensively engaging and didactic experience from which all teachers could benefit. Though it was especially developed for new and emerging teachers, this volume serves as a didactic glimpse into teaching and a powerful resource for all teachers.