''Inspiring, refreshing and practical'' Bessel van der Kolk, author of The Body Keeps the ScoreThe new essential self-healing bible a revolutionary body-first guide to regulating your nervous system, curing long-term pain and healing from trauma for good.Anxious, burnt out, tired, overthinking, angry, shutting down, disassociating, procrastinating, people-pleasing, physical pain, chronic unexplained symptoms. If you're stuck, we can help.Many of us have heard of nervous system dysregulation but what does it actually mean, and what can we do about it? The Secret Language of the Body is your essential guide for moving out of survival mode, and healing your mind and body.When a person is burdened by stress, anxiety and trauma, their nervous system adapts to help keep them alive in the short term, but can trap them in survival mode long-term, with detrimental effects. This is the state of nervous system dysregulation. Our autonomic nervous system is responsible for the constant yet subco