Manfred von Richthofen, the iconic Red Baron, has remained at the forefront of First World War studies ever since he became recognised as one of the most illustrious fighter pilot aces of the conflict. As we approach the centenary anniversary of his death and the ending of the Great War, it seems like a good time to introduce a new arrangement of photographs covering the entire span of his war. Since the release of his earlier books exploring similar themes, a constant trickle of new information has filtered down to the author. Although none of it specifically challenges the conclusions drawn in earlier publications, in consolidating them here hes been able to preserve some significant notes of interest. Following a number of visits to Belgium and Northern France in recent years, Franks has managed to acquire fascinating images illustrating the places in which the Red Baron lived and fought between 1916 and 1918. This collection represents the entire span of von Richthofens recorded history in pictures, some new and lesser-known, some iconic and widely circulated; all housed here together under one roof for the very first time.