1: Cars, Goats, and Sample Spaces. 2: How to Count: Birthdays andLotteries. 3: Conditional Probability: From Kings to Prisoners. 4: TheFormula of Thomas Bayes and Other Matters. 5: The Idea ofIndependence, with Applications. 6: A Little Bit About Games. 7:Random Variables, Expectations, and More About Games. 8: BaseballCards, The Law of Large Numbers, and Bad News for Gamblers. 9: FromTraffic to Chocolate Chip Cookies with the Poisson Distribution. 10:The Desperate Case of the Gambler's Ruin. 11: Breaking Sticks, TossingNeedles, and More: Probability on Continuous Sample Spaces. 12: NormalDistribution, and Order from Diversity via the Central Limit Theorem.13: Random Numbers: What They Are and How to Use Them. 14: Computersand Probability. 15: Statistics: Applying Probability to MakeDecisions. 16: Roaming the Number Line with a Markov Chain:Dependence. 17: The Brownian Motion, and Other Processes in ContinuousTime.