The permaculture classic that launched a new movement in edible, wildlife-friendly gardening! The Permaculture Garden shows you how to transform a yard or even the smallest space into a highly productive garden that works in harmony with nature. Learn how to: * Plan your garden layout for easy access and minimum labour * Save energy on unnecessary chores like digging and weeding with techniques like mulching and growing ground covers * Save money by using upcycled containers to create a beautiful space * Use successional cropping to produce year-round harvests and build healthy soil * Choose the best plants for different sites and enjoy the benefits of plant communities * Reduce your impact by saving energy and harvesting water * Discourage pests and diseases without using chemicals. Gardening expert and world-class permaculture teacher, Graham Bell, offers a wealth of practical advice including planning a garden from a bare plot, designing raised beds, creating ponds and streams, building terraces on slopes, constructing greenhouses and providing special areas for children or animals. Whether you are looking for just a few improvements or the beginnings of self-sufficiency, you can become a positive changemaker in your own back yard with this lively, practical guide.