Old men - and especially old men living alone - remain an understudied group in the gerontological literature. The old man does, however, constitute a large part of the considerable demographic development, and old men living alone make up a rapidly increasing proportion of the elderly. This book is an anthology of different perspectives on the old man: What is it like to become an old man? Told by an old man. Furthermore, ideas about the old man through our cultural history and the first research on the very old man. Alcohol as a prism on how it is to become an old man. The old man and sexuality. The old man in a digitized world. Old men and masculinities. The single old man, lonely or just living alone? And several other relevant topics concerning the old man. The book takes a much-needed focus on the old man.
The authors are researchers from different disciplines such as psychology, philosophy, theology, anthropology, health and gender studies.