The era that inspired Stranger Things...
The 1980s were marked by the rise of conservative politics, the outbreak of the AIDS epidemic and, at the decade''s close, the crumbling of the Berlin Wall an event that heralded the start of a new age in global politics. Culturally, there was an explosion of creativity while material wealth and consumerism were on the rise. Icons such as Madonna and Michael Jackson dominated the music charts, groundbreaking films like E.T. captured hearts and the rise of cable television led to an abundance of entertainment options.
Packed full of fabulous facts and fascinating quotes, this little book explores the key events, icons and ideas that defined the coolest of decades.
Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall!
Ronald Reagan, 1987
I am not less life-loving than you are. But I cannot sell my birthright, nor am I prepared to sell the birthright of the people to be free.