Throughout her intense career, Oriana Fallaci, one of Italy's most notorious recorders of history, has ignited passionate debate amongst politicians, intellectuals, and ordinary citizens both European and American. The genesis for "The Force of Reason" was a postscript entitled "Due anni dopo" ("Two Years Later"), which was intended as a brief appendix to the thirtieth edition of "The Rage and the Pride" (2002). However, once Ms. Fallaci completed the postscript, she decided to expand it into book, a continuation of her ideas set in motion in Rage. In "The Force of Reason", Fallaci takes as her starting point the many attacks and death threats she received after the publication of "The Rage and the Pride". She begins by identifying herself with one Master Cecca, the author of a heretical book who was burnt at the stake seven centuries ago during the Inquisition and proceeds with a rigorous analysis of what she calls the "Fire of Troy," meaning the creation of a Europe that, to her judgment, is no longer Europe but rather Eurabia, a colony of Islam (with Italy as its stronghold). Ms. Fallaci explores her ideas in historical, philosophical, moral, and political terms, courageously addressing taboo topics with logic.