In recent years we have seen a popularity boom surrounding all kinds of crafts. Once the reserve of older generations, hand-knitting skills have taken on a new life as a modern art form and relaxing pastime. From lavish fashion trends to homemade gifts, add a hand-crafted touch to your garments, gifts and decorations. Start by choosing your yarn and needles before getting to grips with casting on, knitting, purling, ribbing and casting off again. Once you’ve mastered the essentials, you’ll put your newfound skills into practice with a range of creative project patterns that are perfect for newbie knitters. • Get all the essential tools and materials before mastering simple stitches • Easy to follow patterns • Add a professional finish to your projects with pockets, hems, buttons and more • Refine your knitting skills while creating great gifts, garments and decorations. So pick up your needles today, and you’ll be an expert in no time at all!