Including poetry whose masterful artistry addresses themes such as love, Indian epic and religion with as much aesthetic appeal as thematic, the poetry included in this set contains the poetry of well-known poets such as Vedánta Déshika while giving a voice to the work of other important writers such as Bhanu·datta who have been given less modern attention.
Included in this set:
Bhatti’s Poem: The Death of Rávana
By Bhatti. Translated by Oliver Fallon.
550 pages / 978-0-8147-2778-2
The Birth of Kumára
By Kali·dasa. Translated by David Smith.
360 pages / 978-0-8147-4008-8
“Bouquet of Rasa” & “River of Rasa”
By Bhanu·datta. Translated by Sheldon I. Pollock.
475 pages / 978-0-8147-6755-9
Love Lyrics
By Ámaru and Bhartri·hari. Translated by Greg Bailey. By Bílhana. Edited and translated by Richard F. Gombrich.
327 pages / 978-0-8147-9938-3
Messenger Poems
By Kali·dasa, Dhoyi, and Rupa Go·svamin. Edited and translated by Sir James Mallinson.
293 pages / 978-0-8147-5714-7
Princess Kadámbari
Volume 1
By Bana. Translated by David Smith.
490 pages / 978-0-8147-4080-4
The Rise of Wisdom Moon
Krishna·mishra. Translated by Matthew Kapstein. With a foreword by J. N. Mohanty.
350 pages / 978-0-8147-4838-1
“Self-Surrender,” “Peace,” “Compassion,” and “The Mission of the Goose”: Poems and Prayers from South India
Appayya Díkshita, Nilakantha Díkshita, and Vedánta Déshika. Translated by Yigal Bronner and David Shulman. With a foreword by Gieve Patel.
316 pages / 978-0-8147-4110-8
Seven Hundred Elegant Verses
By Go·várdhana. Translated by Friedhelm Hardy.
360 pages / 978-0-8147-3687-6