In this heartwarming tale a story of friendship, perseverance, and the magic of Christmas unfolds. Suitable for Christmas angels aged 5 years and up.The Christmas lights can finally come out of the box because it''s Christmas! And when it''s Christmas, they get to shine as bright and as pretty as they like. Hand in hand, they find their way between the pine needles. They hop from branch to branch and sway with joy. Everyone cheers . . . but one light remains silent. It doesn''t shine. What could be the cause of its sudden darkness?
This heartwarming tale, suitable for Christmas angels aged 5 years and up, unfolds a story of friendship, perseverance, and the magic of Christmas. When the silent light fails to shine, it discovers the power of teamwork and self-esteem as it receives support from its fellow decorations. Together, they rally behind the struggling light, determined to reignite its sparkle and restore the joy of the season.
With its unique angle focusing