This title is one of the earliest known guides to the beyond, offering a spiritual map intended to help the deceased navigate the afterlife. Inscribed on the bottoms of noble coffins, the text's intricate zigzagging routes symbolize the paths one must take to overcome various trials and reach a favorable afterlife. Throughout the Book of Two Ways, gods, demons, and gatekeepers populate the routes, with specific spells required to move past each obstacle. Unlike earlier Pyramid Texts exclusive to royalty, this guide represents a shift toward greater accessibility, symbolizing a democratization of the afterlife in Egyptian culture. By including spells and mythological guidance, the Book of Two Ways reflects the complex syncretism of Egyptian beliefs, combining regional deities and narratives into a cohesive, albeit challenging, spiritual map. As part of a larger corpus of mortuary literature, the Book of Two Ways complements texts like the Coffin Texts and, later, the Book of the Dead