This guidebook, designed to be used alongside the storybook A Nasty Dose of the Yawns, has been created to educate readers on the practical, social and psychological impacts of dyslexia on children and young people.
Providing an easy-to-read introduction to dyslexia and literacy difficulties, this resource is rooted in theory and takes a holistic approach to supporting children with dyslexia. Chapters cover not only strategies to support literacy before and during their school lives, but also offer an understanding of the emotional challenges that come with struggling to master a skill that other people pick up so easily.
Key features include:
- an accessible guide to dyslexia and literacy difficulties
- chapter-by-chapter discussion points for use with A Nasty Dose of the Yawns, supporting young people’s reading of the story, helping them to understand dyslexia and encouraging them to recognise their strengths
- case studies and strategies to help parents and practitioners recognise the challenges faced by children with dyslexia, and to provide additional support.
This is an essential resource for parents, teachers and other professionals supporting children aged 8–12 with literacy difficulties or dyslexia.