Would you be surprised to know, one child in every average class of thirty is Colour Blind?
Colour Blindness can be a barrier to learning across the whole curriculum, yet most schools cannot identify all their Colour Blind children, and practitioners often cannot recall teaching a child with it.
This essential guide explores Colour Blindness, an often-unrecognised special educational need and disability (SEND). It gives you the tools and confidence to ensure children with Colour Blindness can reach their full potential. It helps you to understand what the condition is so you can easily make your teaching accessible and inclusive to all Colour Blind children, undiagnosed or not. The book:
â Offers detailed and practical guidance for identifying Colour Blindness and catering for it from early years through to higher education and beyond.
â Focuses on simple and easy-to-implement strategies to ensure Colour Blind children are not disadvantaged, dispelling myths