Superslaw includes high-nutrient vegetable-based recipes that will empower habits for a healthier diet, boost your energy, improve your immunity, and help you recover after exercise. The slaws can be whizzed up in any food processor (or with a knife and chopping board) making preparation simple and fun for those with busy lifestyles. In addition to 60 base recipes of nutritionally dense, microc-hopped vegetables, 120 tips suggest how to transform the slaws using tasty toppers such as nuts, grains, and meats, as well as how to morph them into substantial, flavoursome meals including soups, wraps, and bakes.
These delicious SuperSlaws provide maximum nutrition, variety, value, and taste, and don’t require any extra time or effort in the kitchen. Organised by nutritional benefits like hydrolyse, immunity, energy booster, revitalise, recovery, thermic & spicy. These recipes are: superFAST, superVERSATILE, superCONVENIENT, superRESOURCEFUL, superTASTY, and superHEALTHY.