STUDY GUIDE FOR Alive and Well at the End of the Day Teaching aid underscoring the principles of effective safety leadership
The Second Edition of Alive and Well at the End of the Day provides industrial leaders in operations with practical solutions to the tough safety leadership challenges they must manage. The book describes in detail the nature of those challenges (what makes them that tough) and offers proven best practices to successfully deal with them.
The Study Guide is designed as a teaching aid for the Alive and Well book. Created by the highly experienced training specialists of Balmert Consulting, the Study Guide uses training best practices to help affix the concepts of Alive and Well in the minds of professional students. The use of strategically-crafted questions—both at the beginning and end of each review session—allows the student to work with the material conceptually, becoming more familiar and facile with it.
Alive and Well is designed to teach front-line supervisors of workers in a wide range of industries how to help and guide their employees to understand the risks involved in the various aspects of their work, and how to cope with those risks and to plan and execute their jobs in ways that can help eliminate injuries. The topic of the Study Guide is the content of the book; its purpose is to help both supervisors and those reporting to them to more sharply focus on the principles in the book; to more fully understand and remember them; and to be able to apply them in everyday work situations.