With little time, less money, and limited kitchen equipment, the culinary life of a student is too often a boring story of popcorn and EasyMac. It's true, there are other things to plan and think about... But with this book, you'll realize it's not so hard to cook up good food in a tiny space. With minimal equipment (including a toaster oven or a microwave and a wise selection of utensils) and a shopping bag full of well-chosen ingredients, you'll discover it's possible to prepare quite a wide variety of meals with a truly homey feel! Here you'll find recipes to fit any occasion: comfort food, breakfast goodies, sweet indulgences, meaty morsels, fish fixes, not-quite-junk, and even a few ideas to feed a small crowd of friends. Every recipe has a photograph to show you the final result, plus step-by-step explanations. Lots of advice and crystal-clear symbols enable you to find the right recipe for the time and equipment you have at hand. We will tell you everything: how to break an egg, how to build a sandwich, how to cook oatmeal and to bake a cake. Just wait and see.