Transform your health in ten simple steps - why strength is the magic bullet for ageless energy and longer life
What if you could take a medicine that reduces your chances of frailty, weakness, osteoporosis, preventable injury and early death by a factor of five? Something that dramatically increases your chance of a happy, healthy and independent older age?
Currently, no such medicine exists, but these rewards are within easy reach, and the answer is simple: strength building. In this groundbreaking book, renowned Osteopath David Vaux unveils decades of scientific research on strength and the musculoskeletal system. He explains why getting stronger is one of the simplest, cheapest and most life-changing things you can do - and unveils a simple ten-step strength plan that will empower you to embark on your journey towards a stronger and healthier life.
10-Step Strength Plan: Simple, easy-to-achieve steps to building stre