Lois Zachary and Lory Fischler created these five toolkits on crucial aspects of mentoring as quick references that mentors and mentees can use to refresh their understanding, prepare for mentoring sessions, grasp key concepts of the process, and improve their overall experiences and strengthen their mentoring relationships. These compact, bound card sets will fit into your purse, briefcase, or pocket for quick review on the go.
Toolkit #3 is organized around the four phases of successful mentoring: Getting ready, establishing agreements, enabling, and coming to closure, which build on one another to form a developmental sequence. This pocket toolkit provides answers to many frequently asked questions about how to make the most of a mentoring relationship and offers tips to keep it on track.
The five toolkits include:
#1: Strategies and Checklists for Mentors
#2: Feedback and Facilitation for Mentors
#3: Strategies for Mentees
#4: Accountability Strategies and Checklists
#5: Mentoring Across Generations