Buckle up! A vast armada of starship pawns blast theirway onto your tabletop in the latest Starfinder Pawns collection! The StarfinderPawns: Starship Operations Manual Pawn Collection presents more than 100stunning full-color images of starships, from agile interceptors to enormousdreadnoughts. Printed on sturdy cardstock, each double-sided pawn slots into a1-inch plastic base from the Starfinder Pawns Base Assortment, making them easyto mix with traditional metal or plastic miniatures. With so many starshipoptions, the Starfinder Pawns: Starship Operations Manual Pawn Collectionensures you''re set to run simple duels, vast armada clashes, and everything inbetween!
The Starfinder Starship OperationsManual Pawn Collection includes pawns suitable for starships ranging from racingships to ultranoughts, as well as starship fleets! All starship pawns use mediumbases, from the tiniest fighter to the largest warship. Inside this set, yo