User-friendly and highly visual in approach,
Spitz’s Genodermatoses: A Clinical Guide to Genetic Skin Disorders, 3rd Edition, is ideal for dermatologists, pediatricians, and family physicians for both board preparation and clinical practice. Drs. Jennifer L. Hand, Joel L. Spitz, and Jackson Glenn Turbeville provide complete, well-illustrated coverage of these complex and challenging inherited disorders, presenting each syndrome in an easy-to-read, two-page spread in a format designed for either in-depth study or at-a-glance reference. More than 300 full-color clinical photographs and full-body diagrams enhance coverage of each syndrome.
- Features bulleted text that summarizes patterns of inheritance, prenatal diagnosis, incidence, age of presentation, pathogenesis, key features, differential diagnosis, laboratory findings, management, and prognosis
- Includes significantly updated content—genetic mutations, pathogenesis, prognosis,